
All kinds of realities exist, so there are some nasty worlds out there?

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If all kinds of realities exist there are probably also some dark extremely evil places with no goodness at all, kind of similar to an extreme apocaliptic world where everybody totally hates each other. 


The imagination already scares the hell out of me, is god really capable to go that deep into its nasty parts of consciousness. Or are we here on earth already ezperiencing the greatest difficulties of being. Namely wars, racism, crimes, murder, animal slaughter, prisons, mental illnesses and so on? 

Id imagine that some places are just not good to experience as the love that god is.

Cant imagine to have to live  in such a world one day. 

Edited by Schahin

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34 minutes ago, Schahin said:

Cant imagine to have to live  in such a world one day. 

Then don't imagine it. . . Taking a break at times can be good for the mind and body. 

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40 minutes ago, Schahin said:

If all kinds of realities exist there are probably also some dark extremely evil places with no goodness at all, kind of similar to an extreme apocaliptic world where everybody totally hates each other. 


The imagination already scares the hell out of me, is god really capable to go that deep into its nasty parts of consciousness. Or are we here on earth already ezperiencing the greatest difficulties of being. Namely wars, racism, crimes, murder, animal slaughter, prisons, mental illnesses and so on? 

Id imagine that some places are just not good to experience as the love that god is.

Cant imagine to have to live  in such a world one day. 


   Don't forget the other brighter side of imagination.

   If you read manga, I recommend checking out Berserk. It's really good in terms of art quality, philosophical ideas, and struggling on despite what mundane or supernatural hardships lie ahead.

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You can make this one we have right here hell or heaven. Haven't we as a species done this before? We have had genocides and war and we have signed peace treaties we never though possible. 

Edited by Lyubov

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Do you like horror movies? Movies about serial killers, or ones about demons and hell? All of reality is God watching (being) a movie. Sometimes that movie is being a serial killer, sometimes it's being the victim being tortured to death. If it's being imagined, it's being created. But, it's all no more meaningful than a movie. Just images being played out. Any meaning is you putting meaning on it.  

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i remember Leo mentioning in his video (about paranormal) that they were people who experienced literal hell and were terrified to come back...

that got me...why these worlds exist and accessible ?

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To say that there is a whole “reality” that has no goodness and only evil and suffering would be like saying there is a reality where there is only black and no white.  But of course you can not define black unless you have white to contrast it against, so this is an impossibility.  

However you might be able to say there are places within a reality where there seems to be nothing but suffering for a time, since we tend to equate suffering with “evil”.  Either way, suffering is always only temporary and finite.  You can mostly suffer your whole life, but eventually whatever form you’re in will give way to entropy and you will dissolve back into Infinite Love from which you originally emerged, and that will more than make up for any suffering you went through during your last incarnation.  

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11 hours ago, General 2 said:

i remember Leo mentioning in his video (about paranormal) that they were people who experienced literal hell and were terrified to come back...

that got me...why these worlds exist and accessible ?

God's Mind is an infinite dream machine. It can dream up anything it wants. God can explore hell and enjoy it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Schahin look.. No one knows this stuff you are asking. The idea of hell came from religions and it's actually a metaphor to represent the state of being ignorant of your true nature. 

NOTICE hell is just an idea in your mind.. If you explore it there is no such thing as hell.. It was always an idea about hell.  This infinity argument is bullshit. It's not mathematical infinity.  Because I can say "yeah God will experience infinite heaven forever that won't end and is bigger than absolute infinity".. Go ahead now solve this with the coexistence of infinite hell as well.. Can't you see it has nothing to do with mathematics and probabilities??  It becomes a contradiction and logic collapses and nothing can be said with certainty. Stop thinking about it logically.  Look at your hand. That's real. Think about "hell" "infinity"...that's NOT REAL. 

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You can certainly dream up and experience a classic version of Christian hell. Not just one hell, but an infinite different kinds of hell. Some with demons, others without, and so on.

But just because you CAN do that, doesn't mean you will or have to.

It's important to take responsibility for the shit you're dreaming up. If you start imagining demons every day, over and over again, yeah... they will start to become a part of your reality.

The cure to all this is to realize, "Oh yeah! I'm imagining all this and I have some say in what I would prefer to imagine."

If you don't like hell, then stop creating it!

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Mikael89 yea it exists... You created it 16 hours ago by time of my response. Now learn to WILD and project yourself into it. Have fun! 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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5 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@Mikael89 yea it exists... You created it 16 hours ago by time of my response. Now learn to WILD and project yourself into it. Have fun! 

Exploring hellish things like this without preparedness could cause trouble.

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@AtheisticNonduality he's talking about a world where 1 banana plus 1 banana = 637 bananas. I think he'll be fine ? 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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11 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

1 banana plus 1 banana = 637 bananas

That's hell for rationalists and scientific materialists :P

1 banana + 1 banana = 637 kangaroos

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That's hell for rationalists and scientific materialists :P

1 banana + 1 banana = 637 kangaroos




This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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