
Siddha Vedham(Moksa Sutram)

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Sivananda Paramahamsa was a police officer in Kerala Vadagara, India. One day his father died, it really shook him and from that day on he was really deep on a spiritual quest to unveil the reason for his father's death. So, he renounced family life and ventured into brahmacharya for many years and years of searching after he found a master who promised he will initiate him in Brahma vidya to that sivananda vowed being a disciple for 12 years and years after life of great austerity he got his Brahmajnana initiation. Later, he decided to teach people this supreme knowledge to the entire population without charging anything as a charity and panning out the turmoil of being a disciple for 12 years. When he first taught this vidya on every village in his hometown Vadagara, in kerala, the local king was against his activity. So he put sivananda in a prison without food, water ladden with insects,harmful entities to starve him to death. But, with dire courage sivananda performed siddha vidya or brahama vidya, he was surviving without food, water and the insects, entities were prostrating to his meditation and made harmonious sounds which rang a bell in kings ear. The king opened the prison door, saw sivananda meditating, king felt extremely guilty for his action and fell under sivananda asking him what he desires. Sivananda asks the king he needs a land to educate brahma vidya to the entire population on earth. King says "as you desire whatever stretch you like to inhabit". Sivananda started three ashrams in Vadagara,Kerala. During his last year's of samadhi in palani, Tamil Nadu, India. He gave Gospels in sign languages interpreted in tamil and written in birch bark leafs. In recent years, scholars deciphered some scrolls in palani where he got his samadhi. The scrolls were translated into english though few chapters are missing, if you need the full version there is a hardcopy which you can get it by contacting siddha ashram in Vadargara, kerala, India.


Here is the link,

Hope you all benefit from this quality resource


Best Regards,

Harish--Siddha Vidhyarthi

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I was reading it and on 1st chapter under 2. it is said something along the lines of divine energy wont be there ones you die. And above that lines it is said God is omnipresent. so if God is omnipresent then isnt dead body also God.  How stupid is my question ?

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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Good Question,

If you read siddha Vedham further you will get to know that god has two aspect one is sakthi and other is aham brahman. Sakthi is the operational god, without sakthi there is no creation and destruction. Even when we die, there is sakthi around us in the form of microbes and insects which consumes us leaving behind skeletons. Whereas, aham brahman is there all the time and he is non dual aspect of god and he takes no form. When sakthi is conserved within us we break the illusion of taking forms and cease mortal death, this is when we merge with aham brahman, this vidya is called brahmajnanam.

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