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I wanna be the very best!

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We all get the wishful thought that we could be good at everything. 

It's impossible to be good at everything. Impossible. Even if you were the most efficient genius and learned every facet of everything in order to be good at everything.... it's still impossible to be totally good at everything.

For example, I am good at self sabatoge. Like really good. So good I don't even know I'm doing it, and it's a program that's been running since at least puberty. I self sabatoge mostly at my business, and second, sometimes in personal conversations.  So in order to be good at self sabatoge, I cannot be good at self preservation. And the punchline is that the self sabatoge is done in some twisted way FOR the self preservation!

Therefore it's impossible to be good at everything. They both can not serve me, at least not at the same time. That which serves me best must step forward. My bets are on preservation. 

So 'being good at everything' is not a desirable goal.  It's too much work anyway!! Just strive to be good at what serves you best, and follow intuition to see it through. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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As leo said, consciousness and wisdom and caution increase your survival more than selfishness.

While you are driven by fear, you are not effective at survival.

Edited by CreamCat

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On 10/22/2019 at 6:15 AM, CreamCat said:

As leo said, consciousness and wisdom and caution increase your survival more than selfishness.

While you are driven by fear, you are not effective at survival.

Yes I can believe it!  Confidence seems to play a large role in my reactions as well, although that ties back to fear. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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Fear is the great distraction from truth. Confidence is a version of over coming fear with logic. I would propose it is temporary as change will not allow the same confidence to apply to all, or even many, different situations that life will present us. I replaced confidence with a knowing. Confidence implies "I" have to work it all out. Knowing is the feeling it is all worked out already, I just have to play my part. If you accept that this world is perfect just as it is, then you can move through it without fear, rather than with confidence. I am not taking a shot at confidence, and for many it is a large step in the right direction, but there is more to become than just confident, there is knowing. 

Additionally the more you let go of your persona, the "I", the more confidence goes with it. I found some times I felt very vulnerable going through this process, but on the other side I felt stronger. Confusion , which used to drive me crazy, now is an indicator of clarity, understanding, and forward evolution of the individual incarnation. From the no-thing came the every-thing, from confusion is born knowing-ness.

In accepting the confusion, removing resistance from it and just allowing it to flow in me, came a quickening of the process that leads to understanding, or clarity or just a simple knowing that everything is in its place and I don't really need to do anything to keep it there. 


Play well my friends.


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Without good & bad, there is no judgment. Without judgement there is no self doubt. Without self doubt there is no need for confidence. 



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“I wanna be the very best 

no one ever was....” 

this song goes out to your ego xD

lose yourself and gain the world 


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@DrewNows haha someone got my title! 

@Nahm last night I had a dream that this kid said something was bad, and I regained awareness of your post and I said there is no good or bad. I kept repeating it and he punched me in the stomach ?  

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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