
Dedicated Meditation Subforum?

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For people who are on the meditation path and need help or guidance navigating. 

Also a place where we can get less nondual advice as it rarely pertains to meditation practice. This would be for coping with life as a serious truth seeker and ego destroyer. For example: Talking about infinity does absolutely no good to someone one year into mediation (or even year 2-3). The mods are all giving stage turquoise advice to stage green and lower. I say we get some stage green/ yellow mods who can really get down to our level and give us advice from a more relative perspective. 

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Very good idea. It is frustrating getting advice that doesn't resonate with where i'm at in my practice.

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For people who are on the meditation path and need help or guidance navigating. 

Also a place where we can get less nondual advice as it rarely pertains to meditation practice


The mods are all giving stage turquoise advice to stage green and lower. I say we get some stage green/ yellow mods who can really get down to our level and give us advice from a more relative perspective. 

I'm new around here and don't have a perspective on the mods at all, outside of Leo's Youtube videos. I'd hope that at least some would be able to come down to your level to offer some helpful advice. It is hard however because there is an urge to stay ahead of the person to help them up to their level. Sometimes that does do more damage than good and i agree that if that role isnt being filled and needed, some decent people trying at your level could do more good than another hand up. Sometimes a partner is needed more than a teacher. I don't think starting a sub forum for this and allowing it to be overseen day to day by like minded people is a bad idea. It could even be good for some others (at any stage) who don't use (or use limited types) meditation as a primary tool to find other methods and practices to try and improve.

Edited by Septicaema
forgot to finish a sentence lol

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