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How can I start yoga?

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Hey! I was wondering if anyone could help my research with yoga. I am willing to start to study it. I heard there is kriya yoga, kundalini yoga, different kinds of yoga. What are the differences?

I am willing to undertake a yoga that requires actual physical effort and flexibility, while putting me in the zone state, a spiritual way of getting in touch with the sense of the body. 

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From my understanding, Kriya yoga and Kundalini yoga both work towards pulling the prana/life force from the Root chakra up until the crown chakra. The difference between the two is Kriya is subtle while Kundalini is dynamic. While both are supposed to be safe and enjoyable, I personally have an opinion on Kriya Being relatively safe as it works with calm activation of the chakras before energy being pulled.

All the Chakras are like junctures in the path of prana and all have to be activated for a Kundalini awakening in the crown. If one powers through without activation the prana just gets stuck in the last activated chakra and supposedly, one manifests the outcome related that particular chakra and is the reason why it's good to calmly activate each chakra before pulling the prana (by the power of visualization).

Hatha yoga is good for the physical and spiritual.

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.


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Buy the "Inner Engeeniering " book of Sadhguru. The you can find a good introduction  of what yoga is and what it's not so that you can clear all your doubts about it. 

If you want the practical part I would suggest you the Inner Engeniering Program  total. There you can taste what real yoga can do, not the superficial yoga studios in California.

You can find this programs all over the world .


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