
How can i explaing, using SD, that the economic ideology

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of the left-center sector today, has nothing to do with the communism and socialism of the cruel regims?

There is a very populist comparison that the right-wing capitalists like to do between left-center economic phylosophy TODAY and the violence caused by socialism and its a very false comparison.

I have introduced to my friends in facebook the blue, orange and green stages via 2 short videos with an example of my life which in I spoke about every stage, and i got good comments.

For the next video i want to connect the stages to the economic issue and show people that stage green (which in are most of left-center today) cannot do anything that the old school socialism did, but i am not sure how to show that.

yes stage green is sensitive and aware of the suffering of others and blue is binare and rigid and therfore only blue can do cruel and violence socialism. 

but than, people can claim "but communism was also established because suffering of people under capitalism". than i felt stuck and i dont know how to answer this kind of claim.


Edited by Nivsch

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How would you explain it without SD?

Throw that model out the window. If you believe their comparison is incorrect, then explain why it's incorrect. Don't bring in some model to do the work for you.

I mean your post basically boils down to "I am right and others are wrong. How do I change their mind?" That it probably the most arrogant and close-minded mindset to have when arguing with other people. If you're using SD to confirm your own beliefs, then you're using it wrong.

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Just show why the soviet union has nothing to do with today's socialist proposals

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to me it's so silly when people compare nordic socialism with Stalin or mao

Like what?


on the happiness index, all the nordic countries (capitalist - socialist countries) are in the top 10 happiest countries in the world. 6 out of the top 10 are socialistic

Edited by d0ornokey

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Point out the extreme differences in conditions that lead to 20th century soviet communism arising and 21st century modern socialism arising. The first arose in an illiterate feudal autocracy that was suffering under four years of the most destructive conflict in human history up to that point. The second is arising in the single most prosperous and democratic period in human civilisation ever with advances in technology and politics that would make your average Russian peasant quake in their boots. Point out how we have both the technology and guts to implement the massive social programs to reenergize western society. 

Point out to them how late stage capitalism is failing on its ability to deliver its promises, and how so few solutions have arisen from the free market to the many, many problems we're facing today (entrenched classes, climate destruction, etc.)

Point out how just as a society needs cops to prevent people behaving badly, an economy needs government to prevent private corporations acting badly. 


Etc etc. These are just a few ideas I have. 

Edited by Apparition of Jack

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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