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How comfortable are you in silence?

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How comfortable are you in silence?


How long can you stick with it? Before your mind starts asking questions.

Do you fear something is going to happen after staying in that space for too long? 

Like some kind of event is going to take place after a while?

Maybe death? Are you afraid you're not ready for that yet?

Maybe there will be an awakening. Or even... enlightenment.

Now that would be something.

And what would that mean?

Maybe you'll change. Become someone else completely.

Something else, completely.

Or dissolve.





Or maybe silence is just, you know...



And maybe that's all it will ever be.

Just that same silence that was there when we first started this contemplation.

The exact same. 

And it will be like that five hours from now.

Ten thousand hours from now.

And so you'll find that after five seconds of silence, you've come to know eternity.

That was it. Already!


But then suddenly a voice was heard. 

Asking itself wether it was comfortable with this silence or not.

If maybe after a while some kind of event, like death, or enlightenment, would start to take place. 

And the silence was lost.

Or so it says to itself.

And it goes on and on like this. Not seeing the joke of it all.

Not realising you had it the very first second!

And everything you'll ever imagine it could be or become is simply projecting concepts onto that same empty silence.

You're expecting things to happen from a being that is simply silent.

And that's kind of unfair isn't it? Because it can only be itself. Silent.


And yes, still, form may change. Ego may dissolve. Love may arise. Awakening may come. But it won't be any different than whatever it is that is here now. 

Cause before all that there is just that ever-present silence.

And its YOU!

So if that silence is ever-present... so are you!

Cause what else is there? But silence...

What a relief!

You're completely safe! :)


So how comfortable are you with this silence?

How comfortable are you with yourself?


The next time in meditation where you find yourself in a rough situation. Lost in a web of thought. Just keep reminding yourself. Anything you fear could happen, is just a projection onto something that is incapable of happening, for it is here already. It can't happen. 

So in the same way, your enlightenment can't happen. It is already here. Patiently waiting for you to claim the truth of it. Or shall we say, unclaim that which is not.

So keep asking yourself, how comfortable am I in this silence? The answer to that will reveal what's next for you.

I hope this contemplation has showed you that there is nothing to fear. This silence is not something new that is going to occur. If you've been meditating you know it already. So, keep that in mind in meditation. Maybe it will ground you like it has done for me. I used to be scared shitless everytime I entered this silent stream for just a tad too long. But it is here where transformation happens. By not running away from it. Realising your safe. You'll get so comfortable in this silence that nothing will ever be able to destabilize you again. In time you'll be reborn. Awakened. Enlightened. Someone else completely. Now how did that happen? ;) 

Felt like sharing this. Hope it helps.


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Thank you ❤ ❤

I am nothing and everything I am the never step in the same river twice and simultaneously the entire ocean.

There is no story here just being.

We are the that in which we are searching.

Perfection forgetting its perfect and seeking outwardly for answers...turn within and Remember Who You Are!!

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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I'm my most comfortable alone. 

If thoughts happen then that's ok give them full attention and they will go away rapidly  .

I am not afraid of death because I don't fear that which I know.


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The mind always seems to want an answer, its tiring. It is the mind that speaks and Even that writes this comment. It is my desire to become desireless <3

Edited by Aaron p

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“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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