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"Just Keep Quite"

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Just keep quiet
Just keep quiet
I am a slave of Love
I am a devotee of my Master
With me just talk about Him, nothing else
Don’t talk about your suffering mind
Don’t talk about your problems
If you don’t understand this
Just keep quiet
Don’t say anything
Keep quiet my Love
Keep quiet my Love

I got mad yesterday
Love saw me and said
I am coming, don’t cry loudly, don’t scream,
Just keep quiet, don’t say anything
I said I’m scared of this
Love said, now it is gone, there is nothing here
Just keep quiet, don’t say anything
I said, I whisper all of my secrets into your ears
It nodded its head and said:
Don’t speak with me with words
Don’t say anything
Just keep quiet
In the path of Love
Such a great Master has been found
How beautiful is this journey with Him
But, don’t say anything,
Just keep quiet.

I said, is he human or an angel?
Love said, he is not human or an angel,
He is something else
Don’t say anything
Just keep quiet
I said, please tell me, who is he
I am getting mad of this unknowing
Love said, stay in this space, don’t say anything, just keep quiet.
I said, I bow at your feet, please tell me, is he God?
Love said, Yes He Is.
But keep quiet, don’t say anything.

Now is the time to move from this colorful and beautiful house
The dream of your life,
Just move out, just go,
Don’t say anything, just keep quiet.
Keep quiet my Love,
keep quiet my Love

Just keep quiet,
Keep quiet my Love.

Love Is The Answer

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Yeah keep quiet while he steals your girl for a "private awakening "

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