
Do you feel the same?

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At this point(like i got somewhere haha)i cant imagine myself with a person that is not willing to understand how relationships work and how we work together so we can make a nice relationahip..i find that people are not willing to do that ,if i would give books to read to someone or telling them how things should work(find a way it would work we start arguments) it doesnt end well...i quickly see that it wont work in a long run and its better to end or stay in circle of i wrong here am i missing something decieving myself being too idealistic?I end up being overbearing and like im manipulating but i just want a nice relationships :)...some people(one person so far lol) that i know that i study relatuonships human behaviour etc. say :oh you read that in a book i can smell it its fake or something so it stays disfuctional rather that it improves situation

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Don't try to push your beliefs or values on others, ever. Period. Set an example. Be patient. People see and feel when somebody is mature and growing and has a well developed mind. Over time, they'll try to pick up on how you act and think apply it to themselves. Don't overwhelm somebody with self help that they don't want or aren't ready for, it'll push them away. Egos are fragile, nobody wants to hear that they have to work on something. Make it personal, talk about the things that helped you overcome your issues and what your perspective is, and make it compelling but not overbearing. Some will hear you, get inspired and want to grow for themselves, others won't. You didn't get into personal development overnight, right? It took time, and you're still growing. Why expect others to jump up to the same level as you? You're being egotistical by holding the belief that your way of operating is supreme and others should follow suit doing exactly what you did. Everybody works differently and has a different path. Be patient and love people for who they are, and stand by your own values and understandings. The right people will follow. 

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@Dlavjr yeah good points im aware of them but sometimes cant let it go i have to point out the flaws and i can see that in way some people behave there cant be healthy relationship so i try to make things work but they want to stay in disfuction because it requiers no work...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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The answers are not only in books. All you can do is you. Then you will get what you give, and attract what you need ?

develop your truth within, become the watcher of yourself and create harmony. You’re right, you can’t control others but you can control how you invite others to treat you and this is where anything is possible. Embrace the unknown, let go of the known/knowledge. Truth walks the walk, enjoy the journey 

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