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Could a life threatening experience make someone jump up levels of Spiral Dynamics?

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Could a near death/life threatening experience make someone jump up levels of Spiral Dynamics? If faced with the possibility of their immediate death, could a person jump from say Orange, into Green/Yellow, within a very short span of time (minutes or hours or days)? Possibly faced with the end, one could shed all their bullshit they've carried around their whole life, and take a more honest hard look at themselves and the world, resulting in a S.D. jump?

Completely hypothetical and just for the sake of intertest in the subject of Spiral Dynamics.

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Life crisis or other very challenging scenarios [can] typically generates leaps in personal evolution as the way you have functioned before stops working so that you are forced to create a new way of being. How this may turn out is hard to predict, it can result in progression or regression. I would guess that you won't be able to do such a leap over such a short amount of time, but you can have an instantaneous discarding of your a lot of or specific sub-sets of your beliefs which allows you to relatively quickly start build new beliefs or replace old beliefs with new ones. In the small scale this could be an A-HA moment, in the large scale it could be a car crash and you loose your legs which turn out more of a "blessing" from a life purpose perspective than a "curse" connected to change of mindset.

So my, 100% speculative answer, is that no, you won't be able to leap up in the spiral. Instead you have accelerated your consciousness evolution that allows you to move upwards much faster than you would have, which might be experienced as a leap. Besides, there are no fixed steps in the spiral, it's a "sliding scale", you can certainly stretch your upper part of that sliding scale upwards from such events.

Edited by Eph75

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@Jed Vassallo In my experience, people under stress tend to go down a level temporarily, while when they are happy and feeling love then can move up maybe not a whole level but to the higher part of a level temporarily.

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Allan Watts talked about a Japanese kamikaze piolet in WWII that went down before he could complete his mission. He was so prepared to die, he ended up having a samadhi experience that changed the rest of his life. So not so much stress, but facing your immediate assured death. I think that can make one jump up to higher levels of consciousness. 

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@Jed Vassallo The jump would be just a temporary glimpse. It happened to me in the past.

It took me a few years to integrate everything and stablish myself. But at least I had the chance to experience what was possible.

unborn Truth

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Of course integration is key. Leo had said that people below Green can filter a Awakening experience through their SD stage, like Stage Blue person thinking they met Jesus when they experience being God. So wondering if a person faced with their imminent death could jump up levels of SD, then if they did experience death and had an Awakening experience and came back, that experience could then be viewed through that jump in S.D. So then the integration would be done at that higher level, and therefore more effective and accurate integration of Truth. Just a hypothesis. 

If a person is faced with their imminent and assured end of their life, and all their beliefs and concepts about themselves and their life crumble, could that result in a jump to higher Spiral Dynamic stages? 

I guess a person can achieve this and slide back down, but also people who have such profound experiences are never the same. 

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1 hour ago, Keyhole said:

Spiral Deadnamics: Stage Death ?

Much Respect ❤️

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