
When sychronicity bowls you over

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Recently I became concious of the fact that I create my reality in a not so subtle way, it coincided with the death of my dog and my grandmother and a bunch of other events coming together. Sychronicity started becoming strong and impossible to ignore. I get impulses and they lead me to see signs or to have glimpses of how things unfold. Awareness of certain symbols and objects came to the forefront, apples, apple trees and spruce trees. I'm very aware that reality isn't real and it very much feels as if my surroundings are haunted.

The problem is that though I know it's a beautiful thing but I'm currently very unsettled by it. I know that I'm creating a story but I am confused as to whose power it is that is behind it all. This leads me to want to take credit or blame myself. There's a duality and confusion around how I can create my reality but also be surrendered to it. Is this the same as the free will/predetermined duality? Is this problem only arising because I refuse to let go of thinking? I'm afraid of myself. 

One of the symbols I have given a lot of attention to is apples and apple trees. Another is spruce trees which now have a really special meaning to me, after long story short. Yesterday I visited a spot that is very special to me and I climbed a spruce tree and found a strange variety of apple tree I never noticed before.

A little over a week ago I had an impulse to change course and run down a road I don't normally go down. I had seen a facebook post about quince fruit and I had really wished that I could have some to try. On this road I found ripe quince fruit and a house that I had never noticed in 10 years of living here. I wondered who lived there.

A few days later I had an important meeting to keep my son's services for his autism. The person who did the review in the past drove hours from more populated areas across the state to get here for the meeting. I asked the woman where she was from and she told me that she lived in that exact house I had noticed right up the road. 

When I got home after the run that day I had an impulse to go to my backyard where I had buried my dog under an apple tree. While I was there I noticed an enormous spruce tree and I went to touch it. Since then I've looked at it often wondering how I hadn't noticed such a tall tree in my backyard before.

  Last night I dreamed about a man I met a few years ago who died friday from cancer. Also in the dream was my first dog I ever got when I was 14. I wasn't aware until a few months ago that his cancer was terminal. I didn't sleep well and was very unsettled by his death. I met him and another man his age I met around the same time and was very curious about them both and thought about them a lot for whatever reason. They both were young, in thier thirties and died in the past few months, one from cancer and the other from a freak accident where he choked on his food while driving. I feel very unsettled that they both came into my life and awareness and left that way.

This morning I got up and there was a wind storm. My enormous spruce tree broke clean off right where I had gone to it and touched it and it fell on top of my apple tree, breaking it and directly falling my dog's grave. Both of those trees grew side by side for decades, probably close to 100 years without incident until today. 

If you remember, my avatar has been an apple for a long time and last night I decided to change it because I was done with the apple metaphor.

The last conversation I had with the man who died Friday was about his dog. 

Does anyone with more experience being awake to sychronicity have any wise words for me? Is my life situation demanding that I stop overthinking by messing with me? Or am I the actual fucking grim reaper. ?

Who is in control here!? 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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I can't answer your questions and this is not an answer which you are looking for, I suppose. 

Whenever I encounter synchronicity in my life I try to be grateful for it. I say to myself something along the lines: "This is my higher self acknowledges that I am on the right path. This reality is magic. I can relax.".

Wish you all the best Mandy. :x

Edited by dimitri

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@mandyjw Speaking of apples. This morning when I arrived at work, someone had put a worned out Yoga magazine from 2014 on my desk with an apple on top of it :D

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Start creating something. Heart is unstoppable in giving you exactly What you need All the time. 

Creating=highest frequency so to speak. 

You can't avoid Being Creator so decide What you want to create and get blown away with synchronicities. 

Hope it helps Wish you Well. ❤️

Kids are cool I guess. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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@dimitri Thank you. ? I usually think of sychronicity as things like seeing butterflies and rainbows and often it is like that. I guess it can be threatening to accept that all of life, light and dark, birth and death, is all part of it. 

@Esoteric xD


@zeroISinfinityzeroISinfinity thank you I thought I had decided but apparently I love drama and suprising myself. 

@Nahm who? That's a unique way of phrasing the question. Can't I blame God for that one? 

The answer is yes but I hadn't thoroughly considered the implications of what that meant when it comes to death.


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@mandyjw Death will come for us all in 69 days. Well, those of us who still believe, anyways. If you see him, blame him. So synchronistic of you to prompt such a response on just such a numerical day. 



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@Nahm Jesus! I've always tried so hard not to say Jesus as a swear, Christian upbringing and lots of shame about that you know... and the past week or so it's awful, for whatever reason I got in the habit of saying Jesus all the time. I have no idea WHERE this is coming from. Today I was particularly short tempered and spilled my kid's skelleton Halloween candy bucket all over the floor and yelled "Jesus!" ?

I know that no one cares but I used to such a sane, practical, skeptical, normal person. Or maybe I'm not remembering quite right. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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And just as I finished typing that someone shot off a bottle rocket right nearby and I said it again. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@mandyjw Synchronicity is how the magic of life happens. 

Follow your impulses, your gut, the signs, you're being guided. Let go of your thought stories of who or what is leading this, be curious and enjoy how it all unfolds. When you do, you realise you've tapped into gold. :)

Edited by Surfingthewave

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Everything is Synchronicity. As a fish becoming aware of water.

57% paranoid

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> I guess it can be threatening to accept that all of life, light and dark, birth and death, is all part of it. 


Yes, it can be threatening... But who is threatened? Be aware of the ego. But don't blame it, love it, such a counter-intuitive move. Then, you may see who you are, the space of everything. From that place, death or birth is imaginary. You never die or get born. You always here, just to observe your love. 

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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18 minutes ago, LastThursday said:

Everything is Synchronicity. As a fish becoming aware of water.

Yup very much. Conciousness is Infinite intelligence and you Will pretty much be fascinated with unfoldment. 

But What I noticed is if you are interested lets say. I want to realize Goodness of Creation you Will get so many examples unfolding. But lets say you want some devilish stuff this Will Just not unfold. Awe and fascination for real. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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