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Powerful natural breathing 'method'

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A couple weeks ago I wanted to look for HoloTROPIC breathwork. But entered the title wrongly and found holoGRAPHIC breathing instead. Here is the video:

If I remember properly: He had lyme's disease and found a way of breathing to heal his brain. When he healed his brain further he noticed his jaw began to move with his breathing. He said (I think) that this helped him to awaken/enlighten because with this breathing he was able to get the energy to the brain. He found that babies, when they get breastfeading breath this way.

I've done this breathing for 2/3 weeks now at times, with good results. To me, the breathing done correctly can take you in quite a deep or profound space which feels blissful and healing. It's easy to do, and can be incorporated into meditation, walking, etc. Doing the technique subtly, gently and correctly is what will make it more profound.


Edited by Waken

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