
Why I Love Leo Gura So Much

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I started watching Leo when I was about 13 yo, it didn't give me much, I didn't understand it, and yes, I fell into these traps of trying to „infect“ classmates and get attention, but it really helped me in the long run, I needed that painful lesson. Life is getting more and more interesting.

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3 minutes ago, bejapuskas said:

I started watching Leo when I was about 13 yo, it didn't give me much, I didn't understand it, and yes, I fell into these traps of trying to „infect“ classmates and get attention, but it really helped me in the long run, I needed that painful lesson. Life is getting more and more interesting.

You probably started to watch Leo when he tried hard to make a girl squirt. Now is completely different story. Imagine these deep heavy "I am God, everything is imaginary" videos put into 13 yo brains.. 

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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in some sense it´s difficult to judge about it, because we already live in this world and in that sense it already is oftentimes a brutal unloving place. i sometimes think how much love people try to pour in and still it is not enough because there is so much neglected space out there we can`t controll where it goes and how infective it might be, that`s why i like budhism so much, i always percived it as straw to hold onto, now i am even able to find it, what i wasn`t before, it`s the theme of the eightfold path:

Right understanding (Samma ditthi)

Right thought (Samma sankappa)

Right speech (Samma vaca) 

Right action (Samma kammanta)

Right livelihood (Samma ajiva) 

Right effort (Samma vayama)

Right mindfulness (Samma sati)

Right concentration (Samma samadhi)

i`m not really practicing them but i probably try to be more aware of them again in the future, not because of morals not because it`s good, or not doing it is bad but because i am judgmental about my surrounding and i can see a lot of conflicts arising in people because it`s not their words but their action or it`s not their action but their words and also sometimes their non action and their non words what makes people suffer, and i don`t see a better list anywhere to reflect about how i affect my surrounding, because i can`t not affect my surrounding, as a human being we do, if we want it or not. i guess i like buddhism because buddha never claimed to be a god in that sense even if the buddha has a god like status - i can see in a lot of buddhist teachings that in the ultimative sense he always stayed on earth never really left entirely at least he left the doors wide open to everyone who dares to see.

every one of these eight paths is a path with a goal into infinity, we might never reach it but it doesn`t matter as long as we (don`t) try.

Edited by remember

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Very interesting dialog, above.

I hear the word "careful," a lot.  Leo uses it, a lot, too.

To me, this is really the core issue:  CARE. 

Love is Care.  To live one's life carefully, is to be careful with one's relationships.  Care begins with one's care for oneself, in one's relationship to oneself.

Yes, many ppl come to this forum carelessly, despite the fact that ~ ~ &  I can't imagine that anyone familiar with Leo would disagree ~ ~  CARE  is precisely what Leo is ALL about.

I love Leo because he really cares about what he's trying to convey ~ in every way.

That's the ONLY reason I'm participating in this forum:  I CARE.

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What do you mean by "dark"?  What are you referring to?  I'm in the dark as to what you mean by "dark."  Please site something that Leo has recorded that you experience as dark.  So that I know what you mean.

Regarding your use of the word, "filtered," my answer is, YES!  ABSOLUTELY. Everything has to be filtered.  Everything.

I see Leo as a filter.  An extraordinarily sophisticated and brilliant filter.

Why else would I be on this forum?  I'm not a troll.  I'm not in any way insincere or inauthentic.

Are you?

Maybe the real question is, what darkness are we bringing here?

And let's not point fingers.  Let's just take the opportunity to use this as a confessional, or self reporting, or, at least, a journaling.

My confession would be:  I don't want ppl, of whatever age, to experience the darkness and confusion that kept me feeling so isolated for so many years of my life.

That's pretty much IT.

I don't want ppl, of whatever age, to experience the darkness and confusion that kept me feeling so isolated for so many years of my life.


I'm also wondering, Remember, whether you remember what it was like to be 13.  I wonder if you remember just how active your imagination was.  I feel pretty confident, given the immensely wide spectrum of violence and precisely: UNFILTERED and "vile" (to use his word, this particular 13 year old's) and graphic imagery most children are routinely exposed to ~~ that just about Anything Leo could Possibly say, would be so sophisticated, subtle and tame, as to escape most children's radar.

But you would have to remember, Remember.  (Just a little quip, here.  Don't actually mean to be disrespectful, not at all.  On the contrary:  I very Much Respect the dignity and reverence of the word, "remember."  In fact, it is precisely Because I Do, that I bring this up.  This whole subject, actually!)

So, yes, thanks for your reply and for your input.

I look fwd to your reply.

Edited by skywords

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To Develop
Full Spectrum Liberation
Full Spectrum Imagination: Meditate In/On/Thru It..

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@skywords  one of the most impotant possessions we ever can achieve is a beautiful childhood. so talking about childhood i always try to filter the world at least partially through my inner child. what i percive as dark is  to let that child see how brutal life can be without a filter and without adequat coaping mechanisms. there is a reason why i think i have to grow up now, but tell that to my inner child it sometimes feels like i was trying to kill it. so that`s in my perspective not the right attempt to coap with the world. ususally the grown up is there to protect the inner child, i can see how that happens in a dysfunctional way if something went toxic in the childhood. - i won`t quote or post any part of leos content where i think his content is dark, last time someone did i tried to scare that person instead of being nice and he had panic attacks. probably not because of me alone though, maybe he didn`t even care about what i wrote it was probably more about the inner deamons he visualized. maybe i see it as more dark because there are some aspects to leos content that are male chauvinistic, i`m a woman so that`s something i percive as dark. the second "what is love" video was pretty dark. "the highest heroes journey" is pretty dark for women, all the solipsism stuff is pretty dark, but even if i know there is truth to it as a reflection of how the world is, it`s hard to keep anything glowing sometimes. of course we all bring darkness with us, so i`m not in anyways excluding myself from being dark sometimes. but i tend to like laughter and light and tend to like constructive art more. don`t ask me why i still hang around. (it`s my second life in the forum so better don`t ask me anything, i`m probably unlearning more than i learn)

Edited by remember

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I didn't know you were a woman.  I thought you were a man, until now.

I think that makes ALL the difference, for me, in any case, as far as this thread and this discussion goes.

What I'm imagining, please correct me if you imagine something different, is that you haven't the slightest idea what boys' imaginations are like.  You don't seem to have even the slightest glimmer of a clue.

So, my question is this:  do you?

Are you, for example, aware that most, if not all, boys go through endless rituals of toughness?  Endurance contests by which and through which, they test their own and each others' capacity to endure the most immensely and intensely grueling stretches of aggression and cruelty?

I'm asking.  This is not a rhetorical question.  I would like an authentic answer.

Lastly, I must tell you, my impression is that you completely misunderstood Leo's episode on Love.  It is by no means "dark," in my personal experience.  It is, in fact, the exact opposite.  The exact opposite.  It is Pure Light!  En-Light.

But this only confirms my suspicion that, what we are Really talking about is the Profoundly Gendered nature of both communication and experience.

As a woman, I think your experience of life is Immensely Different From Mine, As A Male.

Immensely Different.

This is going to be something I'm going to be meditating on, quite committedly!

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On 10/22/2019 at 2:30 PM, skywords said:

What I'm imagining, please correct me if you imagine something different, is that you haven't the slightest idea what boys' imaginations are like.  You don't seem to have even the slightest glimmer of a clue.

no i don`t have a glimmer, but i know what kind of images are projected onto them and not only onto them but on women, too. do you have any glimmer or clue what girls imaginations are like?

On 10/22/2019 at 2:30 PM, skywords said:

Are you, for example, aware that most, if not all, boys go through endless rituals of toughness?  Endurance contests by which and through which, they test their own and each others' capacity to endure the most immensely and intensely grueling stretches of aggression and cruelty?

yep i can imagine that. but what exactly are you asking of me with this question?

Edited by remember

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"yep i can imagine that. but what exactly are you asking of me with this question? "


It was meant as a rhetorical question.  I'm just letting you know that my 13 year old friend is a male, and I know, because I know him, that he does NOT share your sentiments.  That's all.

I don't believe in treating all children alike.  Nor in treating all children of the same gender, alike.

I believe all living beings are unique.  I believe that when we live in the Now, we make distinctions, and have a wider grasp on the reality of the engagement with another, than can ever be grasped by someone outside of that interaction.

I hope I'm making sense.

I don't believe in any "one size fits all" manner of behavior, generally speaking, although, by no means, always.


Everyone is different, and every relationship is different, right?


Edited by skywords

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1 hour ago, skywords said:

I don't believe in treating all children alike.  Nor in treating all children of the same gender, alike.

I believe all living beings are unique.  I believe that when we live in the Now, we make distinctions, and have a wider grasp on the reality of the engagement with another, than can ever be grasped by someone outside of that interaction.

I hope I'm making sense.

I don't believe in any "one size fits all" manner of behavior, generally speaking, although, by no means, always.


Everyone is different, and every relationship is different, right?

Wow this is so interesting... What do you think is the main difference between kids and adults? I mean, healthy versions of these labels, by adult I don't mean someone who's inner child has died...

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