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Corruption rules my soul, Corruption chills my bones

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@Leo Gura's latest video on Corruption is a good one. I've been noticing that I am super willing to slack off on my shared commitments, but get pissed off when the contractors coming to work on my house don't give 110%. 

I'm totally willing to take things I find in public spaces to keep for myself, to take credit for others' work, to fudge the numbers of how much time I tell people I put in on shared projects, to exaggerate my noble actions and downplay my CORRUPTIONS.

Reminds me of this song from Iggy Pop, give the lyrics a listen:

Iggy Pop's music plays a lot on the themes of selfishness, like in Bells and Circles where he talks about how, if he had wings, he wouldn't do anything beautiful or transcendent, he'd just go after all the things he wants, like smoking on airplanes, cocaine and picking up female flight attendants.

In this song ^^^ he says "Everything leads to corruption." And it's really true, anything you pursue for yourself will eventually corrupt you if taken far enough without the utmost consciousness and a drive for Love and Selflessness.

I'm curious what other people have found to be their corruptions, micro-corruptions and larger corruptions.

What have you all found to be the ways you are corrupt?
What are the ways you deny your corruption?

(maybe this is asking too much, but as I work through the worksheet from the video, I want help brainstorming and so I ask, please edit or lock this thread if this is a low quality way to start this topic)

Edited by mikelyons
monkey speak

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Just to supplement, for those with no audio, these are some of the lyrics of Corruption


From the drip drip drip of the teardrops
To the chink chink chink of the cash
To the end end end of the friendships
To the wack wack wack of the bash


From the tick tick tick of your time's up
To the yes yes yes of 'I'll sell'
From the fact fact fact of the soulless
To the pact pact pact with hell


From the scream scream scream of the babies
To the retch retch retch of the youth
From the lie lie lie of the righteous
To the lost lost lost way I feel


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"picking up female flight attendants" this is a good one, I would to the same if was Superman

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and I think the right word is "Hedonism". Hedonism rules your soul.

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