
Why did Ramana Maharshi say that our lives are predetermined?

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Edited by Schahin

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To help you realize there is a higher power that functions through beings in a way that is beyond your personal will.

But at the same time, there is your experience of personal will also.

He knew you couldn't really speak about this, in a fundamentally true way, and said so himself.

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Maybe because everything already exist every possibility of you in every scenario is already there. And i guess u jump through realities according to your emotions,feelings and thoughts.

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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Because, from the Turiyatita state, every other possible timeline is dissolved and only the Divine Will arises. Other timelines arise out of free will, other timelines are maya.

Edited by Bobby

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1 hour ago, Serotoninluv said:

@Schahin Why don’t you ask him? ? 

I think he died. 

Basically I asked this question here because I wonder how he said such a thing but the discussion about nonduality here are more that it is not determined and god creates it every moment and the future is not certain yet

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@Schahin I know. I gave a nondualish answer. . . Hmmm. . . something nondualish sounds nice for Halloween. . . 

Below is a summary of Maharshi’s talks on feee will and determinism. This may help to explain what he meant.

Maharshi seems to acknowledge human constructs and points to the transcendence of those constructs in the realization of “I”. 

To me, it seems a nondual perspective is Now. Appearances occur Now, including thoughts of past and future. A singular one happening. A dualistic perspective would focus on movements through time, causes and effects, subjects and objects. Yet ultimately, nondual vs dual is itself a duality that also collapses. 

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Why are everyone so islamic? Haha 

I had this with @khalifa sometime ago. 

On Free Will & Divine Determining


This is from "The Words" by Said Nursi. It is quite a famous book. The first part of his Quranic commentary series. 

There are fourteen or twelve books in total if i'm not mistaken. 

Risale-i Nūr Collection. 


Edited by Angelite

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