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The 4 Elements

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I am at the university library right now, and I'm actually here to get some work done, but I really need to write about this before I forget it happened.

Yesterday at night, before falling asleep I was asking myself: "am I in my left foot?" and I would bring my full awareness to it and see. I wasn't there. "Am I in my right foot?" no, "am I in my left calf?" no, "am I in my right calf?" no, and so on with every part of my body. It was clear that I wasn't in of those body parts until I arrived at my chest. I didn't manage to answer as convincingly that I wasn't there, so after a little struggle, I decided to skip it, continue with other body parts, and then come back to it. More interesting than that, was the moment when I arrived to my head, at the level behind my eyes, and up, and I asked: "am I in my head?" and I looked, and I wasn't there. The answer was no, and I genuinely felt afraid, and my heart started pumping faster. At some point soon after that I must have fallen asleep, because I can't remember anything else.

Today I did a little bit of yoga in the morning, had breakfast, did some homework, and then left home on my bike. I decided to continue where I had left yesterday at night. I thought "fine, if I am not in my head, where am I?" no answer. I asked again: "where am I?" no answer. So I thought, ok, I've been through all the body parts, where is the next most obvious place where I could be? And the answer arose almost immediately: in the air. So I asked "am I in the air?" I noticed that yes, I was in the air. It was so obvious... all this time I have been the air! If I stop breathing, soon I'm gone from this body! That's why I keep breathing! to bring me into this body! I am the air! And then I noticed how I am everywhere, and how all the people who were passing by where also breathing, and I was getting inside them. The very same me, just going into different human bodies, but all me in the end!

So I was quite excited to see that, and I also couldn't believe how I hadn't been able to notice earlier, such an obvious thing. Then I thought... well, if I am the air, then I am also the water. If this body stops drinking water, I will also be gone, it will take a little longer, but I will be gone. So I noticed right there (it was not only intellectualizing, I noticed), so clearly how I am the water. I am the air as much as I am the water. And right then it started raining big time. And I knew it was me saying, yes! I am the water, and I am also everywhere! And I got really wet, and I was not wearing a proper rain jacket, but I was bursting in tears of joy, just seeing me all over the place, in the sky, on the floor, in the river, everywhere! I arrived at the university soaking wet, and just very intuitively I knew I had to take these wet clothes off, and look for a warm place or I was going to get sick. I didn't pay too much attention anymore to the epiphany I just had had, and got caught up much more with the practicalities of getting myself dry.

Then, of course it hit me. I am also the heat. That's why the "elements" are air, water, fire, and earth. That's why we call them "elements". I am the air, I am the water, I am the fire, and sure, I am the earth. What else could I be? Do not get tricked by thinking you understand this from just reading it. You have to go out there and prove to yourselves that you too, are air, water, fire, and earth.

"Es gibt die Wahrheit, mein Lieber! Aber die ,Lehre', die du begehrst [...], die gibt es nicht. Du sollst dich auch gar nicht nach einer vollkommenen Lehre sehnen, Freund, sondern nach Vervollkommnung deiner selbst."

- Herman Hesse, Das Glasperlenspiel

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45 minutes ago, Esoteric said:

@Mondsee Very cool. Thanks for sharing.


this is such a nice concept drawing, regarding symbolism - although i still don`t get it from an alchemic point of view, i always think the symbols are not in the right order. it`s not a critique in that sense because i really like drawings like that but the symbol of the star, shouldn`t it be a connector? it is not really a harmonic picture for me - do you have any experiences with it? would you say it works that way? like: one, three, two, four and up? does it work in the other direction, too?

Edited by remember

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8 minutes ago, remember said:

this is such a nice concept drawing, regarding symbolism - although i still don`t get it from an alchemic point of view, i always think the symbols are not in the right order. it`s not a critique in that sense because i really like drawings like that but the symbol of the star, shouldn`t it be a connector? it is not really a harmonic picture for me - do you have any experiences with it? would you say it works that way? like: one, three, two, four and up?

@remember Not really sure what you mean by one, two etc? I think the pentagram is a powerful symbol. When I do energy work, from the perspective of the body, the base of the spine down to the ground is earth, then fire at the navel, water at the heart, air at the throat and finally spirit at the head and crown being the fifth element from which all elements are sprung and pervades everything.

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50 minutes ago, Esoteric said:

@remember Not really sure what you mean by one, two etc? I think the pentagram is a powerful symbol. When I do energy work, from the perspective of the body, the base of the spine down to the ground is earth, then fire at the navel, water at the heart, air at the throat and finally spirit at the head and crown being the fifth element from which all elements are sprung and pervades everything.

oh ok i just have another coding. fire muladhara, air in this picture manipura, water swadhistana, earth anahatta - thats the chakra colour coding of the symbols. first, third, second, fourth.

but personally in the ayurvedic circle i would also say aether was at heart in my personal imagination and earth would be at muladhara - so that`s why i got confused.

Edited by remember

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@Esoteric where did you get the water at heart from? someone else said that to me not long ago, maybe connected to osho teaching, don`t know, but how long i look at the symbolism i never found an indication of water at the heart. of course in a more physiological sense the water sytem is connected through the heart, and the sea is vast, so it could be a symbol for the tides. but i think on the symbolic level it is assigned to the sacral chakra.

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@remember The arch angel Gabriel I associate with love and purity, something I relate to anahata. This angel is associated with the element of water also. Maybe in the future I will use a completely different system, I am totally open to that possibility. But now it feels completely right for me and my growth has been very fast this last year. I am very grateful to have come across a lot of good and potent energy systems.

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9 minutes ago, Esoteric said:

@remember The arch angel Gabriel I associate with love and purity, something I relate to anahata. This angel is associated with the element of water also. Maybe in the future I will use a completely different system, I am totally open to that possibility. But now it feels completely right for me and my growth has been very fast this last year. I am very grateful to have come across a lot of good and potent energy systems.

mhhhh he is also connected to the sacral chakra :) or maybe she, who knows exactly what gender angels belong to. but even in the christian story the water flows to the sacral chakra, wherever it pours from. maybe gabriel is aether pouring water, think about it ;)

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@remember That's exactly why I didn't write he, because I think you are right about that. That the arch angels have male names is just because the judeo-christian faith was male dominated so the deities got male names. Obviously the arch angels are prior to christianity.

That's an interesting perspective. Maybe I will try putting water on the sacral chakra and see how it resonates :) That's the beauty of trying out stuff for yourself and see how it works for you.

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@Esoteric mhhh i just realized how it must be different the experience of the chakras...due to physiognomy, not only the sexual drive, but also how the organs are probably giving different hormones, and so on it`s kind of weird how different especially the sacral chakra probably is because of different genders.what i just read somehow klicks with some experiences i already made. it`s not the perfect source but in its essence i found it interesting. the essence was basically that the chakras have a tendency to pulsate a little between feminine (2,4,6) and masculine (1,3,5) and the seventh chakra is somehow a connecting field or so. i guess though these are tendencies of development in both genders and probably don`t say anything about individual development. only the sacral chakra is probably differently experienced.

Edited by remember

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Makes sense?I'm pretty sure Alchemy was concerned with matters of the Self in the same way chemistry and biology focus on the body. 

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Cool story, thanks for sharing.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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