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Dealing with corruption

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Leo has a new video about corruption:

Great stuff. Leo talks about corruption from a very big picture perspective. I got the feeling that what he was describing is what I call the global ego. Anyway, how to solve the problem of corruption in society? With Leo's explanation it seems that a total transformation of our whole worldwide civilization is needed in order to, not fight corruption which just perpetuates it, but to transcend corruption altogether.

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Leo talked about the need for building structures to prevent corruption, especially in the government. But isn't that precisely the kind of "firewall" that Leo himself said is a part of the problem?

My theory is that fighting corruption HAS been necessary historically, or else the whole society would collapse into some Mad Max scenario. But from a global perspective, fighting corruption is the wrong way in the long run because of the firewall building problem. 

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To make a far-fetched yet accurate analogy: the government creates a gated community with its firewall rules. Just because the gated community is a blanket set of rules over the whole nation, those rules still act as a gated community. The same with things like free speech. The government says "In your own home and in private settings you can say whatever you want, but publicly you will be punished if you use hate speech."

Here again we see that the government long-term cements the problem and hampers the ethical and social development of us as individuals.

Edited by Anderz

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Mark Passio said when talking about natural law that if a law can be broken it's not a real law. Very good point! Don't get me wrong, the legal systems and law enforcement will still be needed for decades to come. I'm looking at the very big picture here. And Leo said that to really remove corruption requires higher stages of consciousness. Also a very good point. Mark Passio's natural law doesn't work for the complexity of today's and future societies without an evolutionary leap of consciousness for humanity.

But okay, I admit that Leo is correct about how corruption still needs to be prevented by changing how governments operate. It's just that when I looked at the very big picture, then wow, maybe we are in for some evolutionary leap into a form of intelligent natural law, possibly even some kind of global collective consciousness.

Edited by Anderz

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Baboon societies in nature are very violent, even with psychological harassment and the members have high levels of the stress hormone cortisol. These societies are very corrupt one might say. Our social skills as humans are basically still at the level of a baboon society. It's totally ridiculous! And that we still need legal systems just proves the point. Generally, humanity has a complete lack of true integrity.

I don't even look at mainstream news nowadays, not as a protest but because it's just embarrassingly childish and insane activities that are reported in the news. So how to deal with corruption? Don't even cringe or do a facepalm in the face of corruption. Just ignore it. The corrupted baboons will sort themselves/ourselves out. Leo mentioned in the video how corruption removes itself over the long run.

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Corruption happens when you put a price on a priceless thing. 

For example : spirituality. 

Goodluck corrupting your own people with corrupted spirituality. 

Spirits can't be traded. Everything else but Truth/God. The good thing shall be kept pure. 

The consequences of not keeping it pure is , corrupted "Truth" magnified. To your society. No one else's society. Corrupting your own people. 

That's why Truth is important. It's not just a play. If you get it wrong, done. Truth is priceless. 

Once you put a price on it, it will be corrupted more and more. Till it become so low~

You can trade everything else but Truth. 

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That made me think that corruption is often connected to money. In the early history of humanity barter was invented, but that's a clunky and cumbersome way of doing transactions. Imagine today buying an iPhone with a heap of tomatoes. So the invention of money made trade much more efficient.

However today in our information age money is starting to become cumbersome too! Picture having to deal with credit cards and online payments when using Facebook and posting on this forum for example. That would make using Facebook and forums a pain in the neck. And even for content creation, if a user has to deal with monetization of his or her content, having to deal with money even for things like earning money on YouTube also robs the person of a lot of time, effort and energy. Edit: It may seem that starting to earn money on YouTube is such an easy thing to do and will require minimal effort. In reality the person has to spend a lot of time and effort promoting his or her content outside YouTube (hopefully not with spam :D). And also the mind of the average person will be hijacked by a strive for how to make money rather than freely focusing on what content to create. A LOT of work is needed to earn serious money in that way.

Futurist Ray Kurzweil has predicted that information technology will become dirt cheap within decades. And not only that, physical products will also become information technology, and he predicted that we will have a combination of open source products and commercial products available to us, meaning we would only need money if we wanted the commercial stuff. It will be possible to live without money!

Also, automation such as robotics and artificial intelligence will take over more and more jobs, both blue collar and white collar jobs. And even today presidential candidates Andrew Yang and Marianne Williamson are talking about the need for a universal basic income (UBI) which means all adult citizens are given say $1,000 per month, unconditionally, no strings attached.

So fortunately both corruption and money will soon, historically speaking, become extinct. Impossible you may think. Well, think of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Ray Kurzweil had accurately predicted that, but to almost everybody it came as a huge surprise how such a monumental colossal power structure like the Soviet Union could suddenly just collapse like that.

Edited by Anderz
Added clarification about monetization.

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Yes, any firewall we build will be abusable by future devils. Nevertheless, in practice, a better gov and court system helps to keep the biggest devils at bay.

As an example, slavery is no longer possible in most of the world due to suffciently evolved legal systems. This was not the case 500 years ago. Of course our legal system can still be exploited, but not nearly as badly as it used to be. So there is improvement.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Yes, I realized that I was at first thinking in too black & white terms and then I came to think of the integral approach which seems better and more realistic. I'm super excited about your upcoming heart topic! A bit off topic here, but maybe not because it could be related to corruption: I read in a medical article that we humans cannot feel pain in our hearts! Instead we feel what is called referred pain. That made me wonder what other connections to our heart are blocked, such as emotional connections. And look at all the cardiovascular disease. Could that be related to an emotionally disconnected heart?

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