Conscious life

A question for Leo

4 posts in this topic

On 65 core life principles of living the good life. 

1. no ideology or dogma : don’t be ideological. 

The very fact saying that don't not be ideological is also ideological itself. 

These goes on for every 65 principles. what are you implying? 

Anyone also knows can answer. 

Edited by Conscious life
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1 hour ago, Conscious life said:

The very fact saying that don't not be ideological is also ideological

It is not ideological unless you turn it into an ideology.

I warned you from day 1 not to turn my teachings into an ideology.

You must use my teachings consciously. How you use them depends on you. Many warnings have been issued.

It would be a good idea to clearly distinguish in your experience what it means to act ideologically and what what it means to act consciously.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Conscious life Not turning something into ideology/dogma is equivalent to being able to decide for yourself whether it's useful or not.

You can hold the belief that exercising is good for you as an ideology or you can simply exercise and see how it feels. The moment you apply the knowledge and check its veracity, you're exploring your freedom to put things to test before you simply believe it.

Why is water wet? Why is the sky blue? Are those ideologies or first hand experiences?

unborn Truth

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