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How Can I Decide If I Should Stay Or Break Up With A Man?

24 posts in this topic

@Atom Thanks. And please keep your posts - they're informative and I like to read them :)

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Ahhhhh.. thank you Natasha! It becomes much more clear now. 

I wonder if the falling sensation I have in deep meditation is falling asleep or instead just the fear of nothingness.

I'm done with this topic and know what to not-do. 

Thanks all. 

Schermafbeelding 2016-05-26 om 14.35.50.png

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Youre welcome @Natasha I will i want to help those struggling with depression 

Edited by Atom

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I'm no relationship expert, but to me it sounds like you think that you are better than him and you don't accept him or his way of life. If this is the case, why do you think that? You are complaining about how he chooses to live his life. Why? What's wrong with his way?

I believe that it is perfectly possible for two people in love to be together if they respect and accept each other. So why don't you first try accepting him fully and then decide?

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