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How does time work?

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Does time only make sense on earth? It seems that no matter on which planet you inhabit you would only sleep once a day for a fraction of it. Suppose a day  last 48 hours in a planet do you think life on that planet would sleep 16 hours a day, to me it makes sense that they would adapt as we did to night and day. How would that affect evolution on that planet since technically we are must vulnerable when we sleep. Is it similar to a fractal... 

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@Myegolikestacos It seems like you have several questions wrapped up into one that don't really mesh, but I'll try my best. 

"How does time work?"

It doesn't. It's an illusion. 

"Does time only make sense on Earth?" 

It only makes sense to homo sapiens. That means it goes wherever we go. Because we created it. Now about your sleep question: our need to sleep every 24 hours is biologically hard wired. We all have certain chronotypes that make us function the best at certain times of the day. Even if you move underground and never see the sun again, you'll still need to maintain a sleep schedule. If sometime in the distant future we inhabit a planet with a 48hour day, that would actually be relatively easy. We'd do one day in light, and one day in darkness, roughly 24 hours each. Different gravity and exposure to light would evolve us over time. Now if there was other life already on the planet, then those species would evolve to live in the 48hour day. Those species would have to process energy differently and who knows what else...

"Is it similar to a fractal?"

Reality is like a fractal. Time doesn't exist. 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

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Time, Space, Mass, Speed, Energy, Frequency, Gravity, all different forms of the same thing. 

Check out

Absolute space and time, General Relativity, String Theory

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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You don't need to go to some alien planet. Animals on Earth already sleep different amouts at different times of the day. Some animals only wake up at night.

Some animals even sleep through the winter.

This has nothing to do with what time is per se. Regardless of what time is you can sleep whenever you want.

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Yeah but most species do slept once every 24 hours. I am mostly curious whether or not sleep patterns would increase exponentially for life on other planets. Say species would sleeps once every 48 hrs, every 96 hrs, every 192 hr... When would it stop? I know I don't need to know this right now but I am amazed that it is GOD adapting 

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In my opinion:

Time is = movement in space

There is time because there is movement, when something move from A to B, time is created (a useful measure)

But.... time doesn't really exist, if everything stop in the universe (hypothetically) there is no time.

When you sleep, your body require some chemical process to happen, when that end you wake up, if we can accelerate that process/movement, you will sleep less. so sleeping doesn't take 8 hours, but it takes what happen in that 8 hours. 

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Time is a created dimension i.e. an indicator for event,  

Length, width and height are created indicators for size and volume, 

Space is an indicator for energy.  

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On 10/12/2019 at 1:42 PM, Myegolikestacos said:

Yeah but most species do slept once every 24 hours.

I don't even know if that's true.

How many times does an dragonfly sleep?

There are currently 925,000 species of insects on the planet, and only 20% of insect species have been identified.

So be careful with your assumptions.

The Earth is an alien place with many aliens living under every rock.

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The amount of sleep we get has been optimized by evolution to ensure the body is able to repair any damage done during the day on the cellular level, process emotional distress, rebuild some energy supplies and various enzymes. If you were to be awake for 24 hours straight, it makes sense that you would sleep the remaining 16 as there would be more damage to repair, metabolites to detoxify, skin cells to replenish and so on. But in that case, a new superior species would have to evolve as us humans on Earth would probably not survive long needing to be awake for 24 hours. We would probably need bigger brains, larger livers, larger adrenals, larger and more powerful digestive system adapted to eat 6-8 times a day and mitochondria able to cope with energy demands of 24 hour cycle. 

Imagien the corporate 16 hour workshifts :D although that is not unusual even today...

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Time does not exist

What does exist however is the movement of matter. You recognise the speed at which matter moves as time. Your whole existence is made of cycles, if you manage to slow the speed at which these cycles complete themselves then you have slowed down "time" for you.

This is very practical...

This is why if you took a human to a planet with stronger gravity, they age less (slower) because gravity causes cycles to slow down at the atomic level.


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On 10/17/2019 at 7:34 PM, Bridge to Infinity said:

Your whole existence is made of cycles
You recognise the speed at which matter moves as time.

OK,but if the sun would't exist and our planet would somehow not spin around a sun and there would be no day/night and no seasons,we humans would still age.
and this cycle that you talk about is relative to day/night and springs I assume,but ur bodies aging do not work in cycles.
Because it is:
being born->baby->adolescent->mature->old->dead
there's not cycle.
and let's suppose that humans could live in void,where the gravity force would be almost 0,this means that we could live for like millions of years right?
As for living on the moon,this should be like living like 2x of our usual lifespan here.

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