Juan Cruz Giusto

How To Stop Being A Victim Part 2 Summary

10 posts in this topic

How to discover if you are a victim? If you say:

-          I can’t

-          It’s impossible

-          It just won’t work in this situation

-          I tried everything I could

-          I don’t know how

-          Etc.

-          Every other circumstance

What makes a victim a victim? A victim thinks that the external world is a bigger obstacle to him than he is to himself. You are the only obstacle! Every obstacle is an illusion; it is your mind the real obstacle.

You should be worrying about:

-          Your mental filters

-          Your attitudes

-          Your limiting beliefs

-          Your judgments

-          Unquestioned assumptions about reality

-          Introspection

-          Visualizations (the images that you run on your mind)

-          Your monkey mind

-          Your model of reality

-          Your emotional reaction

-          Beliefs

-          What you view as right of wrong and bad an evil

-          Habits that you cultivate

-          Your self-talk (which words do you use when you talk to yourself)

-          Awareness of the ego and its effects

That is the stuff you should be really concerned about. The external word is a projection of your internal word and you don’t realize how much external reality is worked by your psychology. How you think about the world is really important and extremely significant.

The reality is that there are no real problems in the external world. A problem is a feature of the mind; they are projections of the mind into the external word. There is no problem without the mind; the problem has to be actually created (your mind has to burn calories to create the problem).

Until you grasp this concept, the world will appear hostile, unfair and depressing for you.

Thought experiment: Consider that the inner world is all that matters and changing things of the outer world will not matter.

The projector metaphor…

You should not worry so much about the outer world, you should start caring about your mind and realize that it is not helping you live a great life.

Your mind frames every situation in life and usually you are not conscious of this mechanism. Your beliefs about reality are very distorted.

If you realize the importance of beliefs, you will start to care about:

-          Psychology

-          Philosophy

-          Contemplation

-          Meditation

-          Mindfulness

-          Intuition

-          Non Duality

-          Wisdom

-          Truth

These things will be the burning issues in your mind.


1-      Select one are of your life in which you feel you are a victim

2-      Write all your justification of why you can’t change, for why it’s impossible and for why it’s not your fault

3-      Identify how to problem seems to be like an external problem

4-      Identify how actually the problem is an internal problem

5-      Ask: How am I creating the obstacle?

6-      Ask: What am I avoiding by creating this obstacle?

7-      Ask: What must I believe to be a victim?

My YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/2PSLrNb


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I love your summaries! Thank you so much. Keep them coming!

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3 minutes ago, arletbode said:

I love your summaries! Thank you so much. Keep them coming!

wouldn't it be much simpler to become self realized and all these things will no longer come into play.  :)

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5 minutes ago, charlie2dogs said:

wouldn't it be much simpler to become self realized and all these things will no longer come into play.  :)

I also take notes on my own. But I like seeing others' notes because I always miss a thing or two.

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16 minutes ago, arletbode said:

I also take notes on my own. But I like seeing others' notes because I always miss a thing or two.

function in the moment of now, as a conscious being, present, fully aware in the moment of life and you won't miss anything of value that you will ever need to complete this existence.  This is where it all happens, question is how many are really there when it happens.  When you are absent from the moment, there is only consequences to follow most often and ones destiny is being controlled by other things.

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2 hours ago, Juan Cruz Giusto said:

@charlie2dogs So basically, the most rapid way to self realization is try to live consciously more often and focus on the life force within you?

you must be the life force and function as that,  in doing that  you will be living consciously and in the moment.  this is the most direct way to self realization without all the distractions and bs

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Just now, Juan Cruz Giusto said:

@charlie2dogs What do you mean by life force? The I am? The sense of life I have right now?

the life force is the life that sustains the physical body, it is consciousness,  you can experience that as a state of being, rather than as the human identity.

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