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Spiritual Bucket List This Week - My Spiritual Life

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What I saw is that the whole concept of supplementary qualities is bringing a huge shift in my life. 



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Some more supplementary qualities 

1   saving time 

2  having strict order and discipline 

3 being sexually active 

4   being career oriented 

5 extreme self care

6  keeping a track of time

7 avoiding toxic people 

8  very shrewd

9  optimize tasks and time 

10 do not spend too much time in one particular activity 

11 put all your energy into a single goal 

12 be in the moment 

14  cleanliness 

15 able to recognize distractions pretty quick 

16   super active physically and mentally 

17 jolly humorous attitude 

18 mentally free 

19 not overly emotional 

20 happy temperament

21 serious attitude 

22 elegance 

23 witty and clever 

24 tact and diplomacy 

25 sexually attractive 

26 entertaining 







Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Some more supplementary qualities 

1   saving time 

2  having strict order and discipline 

3 being sexually active 

4   being career oriented 

5 extreme self care

6  keeping a track of time

7 avoiding toxic people 

8  very shrewd

9  optimize tasks and time 

10 do not spend too much time in one particular activity 

11 put all your energy into a single goal 

12 be in the moment 

14  cleanliness 

15 able to recognize distractions pretty quick 

16   super active physically and mentally 

17 jolly humorous attitude 

18 mentally free 

19 not overly emotional 

20 happy temperament

21 serious attitude 

22 elegance 

23 witty and clever 

24 tact and diplomacy 

25 sexually attractive 

26 entertaining 

27 focused 

29 goal oriented 

30 strong will power 

31 grounded in his her values and principles 

32  serious when it comes to actions. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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People with supplementary qualities are also very upbeat and positive. 



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Championship qualities are as essential as supplementary qualities. 

And masonic qualities are those that put these into motion 



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Sinead Connors blog lol



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So yesterday I was thinking about the qualities of a leader. 



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And I will call this leader a sovereign. 

The one who defines all the qualities that are essential to be the ultimate winner. Not only is he or she great in terms of leadership skills and combat skills but also in terms of character and values and moral principles. And also strategy and witty nature combined with combatism and competitiveness. 

But also emotional and loving and kind ..... Kind of rounded on all sides. Talented, smart, beautiful, good values. 


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Wow I get to eat coffee walnut muffins yay 


I read this comment somewhere and it was so funny.. It said, don't let any guy dickmatize you. 



Edited by Preety_India

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So back to the whole leader's qualities thing.... 

I will not call it a leader though. I will call him or her a sovereign. I'm yet to meet such a person. I come across a lot of people every day through my personal experiences, online and through media but I haven't seen anyone close to the ideal of a leader or sovereign. Usually they disappoint one way or another. 

If I admire some celebrity next thing I know they are embroiled in some scandal. It's tough to not have a role model. I do look up to ancient cultures to derive some inspiration and people's behaviors in certain situations can be remarkably inspiring but they are not that way all the time. 

People change. Their values and behaviors change. The same person you liked once you don't like anymore. 




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I like how sinead o Connor says shituation instead of situation. So cute. 



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I need to focus on the qualities of a sovereign. 


I think God is someone who makes everything possible. Like they say God can move mountains. 

I know this hindi song in which they say a real winner is someone who wins the world with love rather than war. It's true. 

A true winner is not someone who boasts how great he is but is humble and quiet about it. 


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Now I was focusing on the qualities of a leader. I am getting constantly distracted by the noise and chatter around me. So I m kind of scattered brained now. Hate this... Anyway. 


So looking up I saw one word that appealed to me and it's called archon a synonym to a leader. So henceforth I will call and use the word archon as a reference. 

Since I use a lot of classical terminology I hate to use the modern terms of context, but they look very manufactured to me and less natural. The ancient terms look akin to the description of a role perfectly set to achieve the intended purpose. So a leader would be more like a president or a ceo and in my mind they are not very inspiring to me, to me they are more like puppets of the system manufactured to play a certain role to suit the needs of the system and society. Such a person is not very innovative but a whore pimped out by the pimp. But that's just me. 


Hmm. Back to the concept of the archon. I got distracted again.. Jeez. 

Archon is a person who represents to me every quality that stands out. A quality that is very admirable. So enlisting them..

1 he needs to be sexually attractive and sexually powerful. Sexual prowess. Not just in appearance but a great performer in bed. 

2..  Great beauty 

3.. A body that's remarkable and strong 

4.. Totally fit and healthy 

5. Super energetic 

6.. Seductive. Master of Seduction 

7.. Focused. 

8.. Talented 

9..hard working 

10.. Unique 

11.. Independent and a sense of ego

12.. Humble

14 self respect and dignity 

15 romantic 


15 entertaining 


16 intelligent

17 truthful

18. Honest 

19 mature

20 clever 

21  empathetic

22 loving

23 skeptical and critical thinker 

24 objective or goal oriented 

25 kind

26 charisma

27 gentle 

28   real and authentic 

29 caring

30  wise 



Edited by Preety_India

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I will be describing qualities of an archon in detail every day as to what makes an archon a powerful winner. 

There will be many facets to be considered 




Career work 






Edited by Preety_India

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These qualities will be divided into many parts 

  • Superlative 
  • Sublime 
  • Transcendent


Superlative - the quality of being victorious and talented and goal oriented. An ambitious driven passionate competitive artist or worker or boss is an example 

Sublime - a generous helpful kind graceful obedient and hard working positive and perverant person is an example 

Transcendent - a person who is enormously empathetic and sacrificial and deeply loving and non judgemental and spiritual and or psychic. 

{People praise behind the back but criticize in front.} 

Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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So now the qualities are categorized into many parts both by aspect and role 

A general outline of the qualities of an archon 


A short summary 

???Catergorywise or by Role

?Championship qualities 

?Masonic qualities 

?Supplementary qualities 

???Aspect-wise or by aesthetic nature 







Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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On 07/11/2019 at 6:48 AM, Preety_India said:

Championship qualities

five  subsets. 

1 One is core qualities which are moralistic. 

2 The second is survival qualities or essential skills ..

3 The third is supplementary qualities that complement perfectly with other qualities and bring a stunning outcome. I will call these battleship qualities. 

4 Third is aquisition qualities . Some of these are not exactly moral but they are a means to an end. So it's the ends justify the means .for example lying to get your goals. 

5 The last qualities are supreme qualities. These keep a smooth equilibrium going on and they are very extremely high on the list and these are very almost godly but not in a moral way but in a divine intelligence kind of way. These are of supreme intelligence and almost very striking like psychic qualities. 

Masonic qualities



2 continuation

3 guardianship 

4 regulation

Coaching,continuation, guardianship and regulation.

These qualities actually set all qualities into work or motion to achieve desired results. 


On 08/11/2019 at 6:39 PM, Preety_India said:

championship qualities

supplementary qualities

Masonic qualities

although supplementary qualities are a part of championship qualities


14 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

These qualities will be divided into many parts 

  • Superlative 
  • Sublime 
  • Transcendent


Superlative - the quality of being victorious and talented and goal oriented. An ambitious driven passionate competitive artist or worker or boss is an example 

Sublime - a generous helpful kind graceful obedient and hard working positive and perverant person is an example 

Transcendent - a person who is enormously empathetic and sacrificial and deeply loving and non judgemental and spiritual and or psychic. 

{People praise behind the back but criticize in front.} 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Im having some confusion here 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Im finding these 3 men incredibly attractive lol

What if my boyfriend reads my journal....... Shhhhshhh

Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The confusion here is between role and quality. 

This can be explained as follows. I will have to invent a new term to describe the other one. 


The first one is pure quality and the second one is.... Don't know


So this is the difference. 

The first one is a person with great qualities. 

The second person is someone who is not outstanding in his qualities. Has no great talent. Yet manages to get by and play his role well despite his lacking but without giving up his principles or ass licking or by cheating. For example lets say there is a talented singer. But he is wasting his talent on drugs and weird behavior and loss of productivity. But there is this other guy who is not very talented does not have a great voice but is regular hard working gets the job done has been at it for years, uses some skills and is learning some talents and skills but not pure talent material maybe average but still manageable and has given a few good works or songs or acts. But still is mediocre at best. But he is a good father, a good brother, a good husband, a good son and does his roles and responsibilities really good despite his visible lack of ability or talent. I am not sure what to call this type of a person but his enormous devotion is also a great quality. Although he does not have a standout excellent quality, he still does the job somehow but his dedication over a period of time is astounding. He is the good boy but not the most attractive talent wise. 

He is not very appealing or does not hog attention. Yet his continued dedication and hard work and devotion is admirable. 

This is a person who is less about raw talent and more about grounded values. 

The first one is lacking in values but great in talent. 

The third is a genius.this is a person who is not only great at wielding his qualities but also great at learning and absorbing and observing the situation at hand. The first person is a one dimensional figure. This one is 2 dimensional. Because he not only has talents and qualities of the first person but also great observational skills and good judgment or prudence. What does this mean. 

The first person with raw talent and quality is only applying his emotions and qualities to the particular situation and acting on instinct or whim without thinking much. This is a spontaneous behavior. His reactions are improvised and spontaneous but not from deep reflection or observation. 

The third person is someone who is not only gifted in terms of exceptional talents or qualities just like the first one but also has an uncanny ability to perceive a situation at first and learn to assess the threat or benefits or consequences and then modify his behavior to fit into and then put his raw talent to use where it's required. Such people have relational awareness. They have great awareness and perception of their environment and situation and also themselves and the range of their talents. They know when to put their skill at use and when to use tact and carefully craft their response as to avoid the dangerous consequences of a situation but also adapt well to it and maintain a stellar career and equilibrium in their lives thus not allowing circumstances and situations to impede their progress and conveniently using their skills where they are exactly needed that is pulling out their arsenal of talents or skills when they need to but remaining down low and being strategic to maneuver their course or path magnificently towards ultimate success. I will call this a genius. 





I will call the first one a winner. Wonderful. I will call the second a champion. Good job. I will call the third a genius. Great job. 


Genius is also hard working apart from natural talent and so even has the qualities of the champion. 


The genius shows following Masonic qualities apart from his raw talent 

? Judgement 

? Wisdom 

? Prudence 

? Patience 

? Awareness and relational awareness 

? Observation

? Precaution

?  precociousness

? Intelligence 

? Maturity 

? Perception and reflection 

?Shrewdness and astuteness 

? Tact 

? discernment


I will say that the above qualities can be further categorized as per role. 

1 archon 

2 master 

3 mentee

4 champion/underdog.. He comes from a mentee position. 

5 seer

The seer is opposite of the archon. Because the seer is less material and Carnal but more spiritual and insightful. He has more of the Transcendent values. He is very intelligent but also grounded humble and Empathetic. Understands the deeper meaning and the deeper truth in everything. 







Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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