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Spiritual Bucket List This Week - My Spiritual Life

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God's love creates good out of bad




God loves you even if nobody else does 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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  • Save your time and resources
  • Cut the losses
  • Be open and transparent and direct. No ifs no buts. You save more time this way 


Emotionally matured people do exactly opposite of what their emotions dictate

They first detect their emotions. They don't fall prey to it. 


Learn from experience

Learn from other's friends 

Emotionally matured people don't jump. They first see the situation and decide

  • What good will come out of this
  • What bad will result or come out of this 
  • What Will I achieve from all this. Both the situation and the response/reaction. 


Emotionally immature people act borderline and immediately act on their emotional impulses. They follow the direction of their emotion. They don't detect or recognize their emotion and then use objectivity in approach. They don't manicure their responses. 


Words to describe such behavior

  • Snap 
  • Aggression 
  • Borderline rage 
  • Defensive
  • Insecure
  • Panicky
  • Lack of impulse control
  • Low impulse control 
  • Loose cannon
  • Batshit crazy
  • Triggered
  • Emotional
  • Time bomb
  • Fiery 
  • Tantrum
  • Fit
  • Out of control
  • Impulsive 
  • Meltdown
  • Jump the gun
  • Fiesty 
  • Short temper
  • Rampage mode 
  • Bipolar rage 
  • Set off 
  • Wild 
  • Frenzy
  • Butthurt
  • Berserk 
  • Unstable
  • Fury wrath
  • Charged
  • Passionate 
  • Manic 
  • Crazy 
  • Weak 
  • Incited
  • aroused
  • Incensed
  • Agitated
  • Aggravated
  • Roused
  • Provoked 
  • Set off
  • Pumped up
  • Worked up
  • Flustered
  • Infuriated
  • Riled up
  • Antagonized 
  • Stirred
  • Enraged 
Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Being an asshole should be a punishable offense 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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You can't think like that. You have to think a bit about yourself and you have to be a bit selfish 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I'm falling in love with Andrew. But right now he is just a good friend. 


Last week we  were intimate. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Dodged a bullet 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I'm looking forward to meeting up with Andrew..... 

I want some more sexual chemistry with him


But I want to take it really slow. 

Because my attachment with my current boyfriend (my immediate ex) is still lingering a bit and I'll have some hard time letting it go and feel normal again. 

But Andrew is really sweet. He is an American living here. 

I met him 3 months back at a local meditation center. And he was cool 

He is on the same page as me. He loves self development just like me. We both love spirituality. 

My asshole boyfriend.... Well that's what I am going to refer to him who I broke up with just a few days ago. He was a total asshole. He was American too. But very disrespectful and just a plain asshole who feels the need to feel important in the relationship at the expense of insulting me. 

But Andrew is nothing like that. Andrew is cool and mesmerizing. 

Quite tall. 6 feet and more. But I kinda match him well. 

I couldn't really think of hitting off with Andrew right away because I was still stuck with this asshole throughout this year. 

He wouldn't let me go. I was bonded but at the same time I resented his behavior. I stopped sending him stuff. 

Now with Andrew. We get along great. He is always smiling and gentle. 

He is not disrespectful like my asshole boyfriend Joe. 

Joe bye bye lol. Goodluck being an asshole to another woman. I had enough of you and I'm moving on super fast. That's the only way to get over you and create my new space. 

You really thought that I was going to put up with you forever. Nope. It gets too much. You really had me like a doormat. You controlled me too much. You were just very selfish and self centered, outlandish, arrogant, predatory (preying on my emotional weakness), narcissistic, cold, attention grabbing, and you brought tons and tons of negative energy into my life. 

Your words would cut through like a sword.. You were mean, vile alpha bad boy... I wanted alpha but not a bad boy. 

Negative,..... Self centered... Predatory... Narcissistic.... Heartless

But I wish you good... Good luck.. Good luck screwing another woman.. But I doubt you will even get another woman after this. Guess what I was the only one to put up with so much because I was madly in love with you.. You knew it well

 You can go on preying another emotionally vulnerable woman but she will drop you like.... Like that.. She will be too smart to put up with you. 

You will never get another woman and I hope you don't because no other woman deserves to go through what I had to go through with you. 

I didn't deserve being treated that way. You are awful.. 

Your constant passive aggressive behavior had taken a toll on me. 

Your constant reassurances that you love me just to pull me back was lame. 

The only reason our relationship lasted was because I was so forgiving and empathetic to you. 

You had ways to draw my empathy card. Drawing my attention to you 

You said I was the love of your life, the Woman of your life, that you will never hurt me, that we are forever, that you can't live without me, you want to live with me forever.. 

Didn't you say that when you were in jail???? 

You told me that. Writing letters to me. Keeping a copy of me. Reading a book about me.....? 

How sweet... 

And when you came out of jail, you were so nice and warm... For how long? Two weeks.... What a joke. 


You were back to being the same asshole you were before your jail stint. 

You loved playing games, blaming me, passive aggressive, pulling me pushing me,.. 

You would start a fight over nothing. Just because you wanted more power in this relationship. 

You wanted to feel big. 

You always wanted to guilt me for something imaginary. 

I feel like a total fool for falling for you and giving you so much emotionally to come out feeling damaged. 

I betrayed you while you were in jail? Nope. I wanted to dump long before that.. It was the tipping point. I had taken too much by then.. 

You were a pain in the ass.. You were delusional. You think you are super awesome. You are just an immature narcissist. 

Glad I'm done with you. No regrets. But I do regret losing my time, emotions, health and resources dealing with your craziness. 


You were a waste of time. A waste of my health... 

Guess what...... I'm better now... Way better.. I gained weight. But still better. 



Thanks for the weight gain for all the bullshit abuse you put me through constantly attacking me and feeding on me. 

I have grown now. The moment a guy does what you did, I'm gonna dump him like a rotten egg. I am better for myself, more self confident now than ever before. 

I'm way better now. I feel free and independent. I don't feel like I need a man to validate me anymore. And the most important thing.. I don't feel the need to put up. 

One red flag... One bad sign.. One asshole move... And I will dump straight up. No more tolerance for assholes. No more dealing with bad behavior and forgiving it. 

I am going to learn setting up boundaries no matter how madly I'm in love. 

I will be with a person who respects those boundaries. I will be with a person who is matured and understanding and not someone who just needs his fix with me and is with me only because he gets what he wants 


I want a man who loves me unconditionally not some narcissistic asshole who uses strategies to devalue me and feeds on that meanwhile gloating how awesome and great he is and how he can get any woman he wants. 

Haha Goodluck bad boy asshole. Goodluck. You will meet someone weak like me or twisted. 

But I'm strong now. I was just in love. You took it as weakness. It was being soft because I didn't want to hurt you. 

But I'm over it. 

Andrew is 100 times better than you'll ever be. 

He respects me. If I create art, he calls it beautiful unlike you who use to make fun of my art and insult me. 

Andrew doesn't hurt me. Not at least now. 

I want a beautiful space with my man and me. And I'll create that. 

You lost me forever. And you can sit and regret it for the rest of your life. But I highly doubt it. Since you are a narcissistic, you will never truly regret anything. You will invent some blame on me and make it look like it was all for good. 

Bye for now. Even though the pain still hurts. The pain of loving and letting go. The pain of nurturing a relationship and then breaking it with my own hands. The pain of loving and caring someone deeply and then realizing that I am getting destroyed in their games. The pain of betrayal of my trust and forgiving nature. 

I settled for a lot. I put up a lot with you. Just a lot. Just a lot. 

Lesson learned. There is no need to put up with so much disrespect in the name of honoring love and promise. 

There is no need to put up with a user just because he needs me. 


There are much better people out there than you Joe. But you had a way of proving that you are the best. Nope. You are not. You are a boaster. 

You had a complete disregard for my feelings and you couldn't care if I had a bad day. Everything was all about you every time. 


But now I am looking forward to a bright future. 

Andrew is very patient. Very kind. Extremely kind. But I don't want to rush things. I want to be nice with him first,.... And wait till I feel like I can really be with him.

But till then I want to focus on my spiritual journey 



Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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After ranting and venting out I feel way better. 



Way better... 

Spat you out of my life you asshole. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Big blessing in disguise 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Andrew this is for you 

You are sweet.... Hehe :x

I feel very flattered when I am with you.. 

You make me feel amazing. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Andrew is also an alpha male. But he is chill. That's so awesome about him 

He is a project leader in his software designing team.

He is fun, relaxed. 


He is always calm and collected. 


Confident, calm, healthy, strong.. He is athletic. 

Charming, sensitive,.. Honest... Great communicator,... Happy go lucky.. Makes money.. Very energetic and fun.. 

I never saw him morose or upset. 

He loves meditation and so do I. 

So we do great in that. Because I really need someone who is also interested in spirituality like I am. 

So it's great that he appreciates my spirituality and doesn't  criticize like my immediate ex used to.. He used to fret about everything. 

This guy Andrew is sensitive to my needs. If I want to have a listening ear, he is incredibly patient. 

Last night I told him everything about my relationship with my boyfriend. And he agreed.. 

He said he will never be that way If he were in a relationship. 

He told me that I was brainwashed in a relationship that was horribly toxic. 

I'm so glad I could call him and he was there. 




Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I'm so glad I met Andrew but I don't want to go so fast into it.. I feel stressed. 

But at the same time there is a strong temptation to go out with him and completely get over my previous relationship and have a fresh new wonderful start like the smell of fresh new curtains. :P:x

I am happier than ever

 Just this vexation that my recent ex might try some other strategy to get back into my life. 

I have him blocked 

The last time I blocked him, he tried getting my number through a friend's of his and hunted me down and called me up in the middle of the night yelling at me..... 

This time if he did that, I will switch off the phone completely or change my number or tell him to fuck off.... 

It's tough. 

He is very persuasive. But I have made up my mind... No matter how much he cries. No matter how much he matter how much he blackmails and guilts me... I'm not going back to him. 

His usual style to spark off an argument and get intense and then get me emotional with some emotional stuff about his life and then proceed to get lovey dovey and then assure me that everything is cool.... 

This time I'm not going to fall into his manipulative pit. 

He is too skillful at psychological manipulation. He loves these mind games and playing around emotions.. 

But I'm getting better at judging his moves.. 

Initially it was difficult. He would get slow and steady and quickly manipulate his words into playing my mind to believe his lies, his boasting, his neediness. 

He has this domineering way of making things look perfectly right if he does he is always right no matter what




I confronted him once and called him a narcissist. And he flipped and said no way. He didn't want any labels.. He was like.... I'm better than most... What a jerk who thinks he is a Saint 

He just loves being praised 

It's all false confidence 


He can't do shit.... He can't get shit done. 


Everything that he got done, it was me who helped him get it done. 

I even helped him with money. 

I helped him fix everything. 

He was Making the stupidest mistakes. And I was telling him the right thing to do. 


What a jerk... 

I'm so glad... He is out of my life for good 


I should have known better. 

But Andrew is such an opposite. 

Although I'm a bit wary at trusting men now.. They are always impeccably good in the beginning and then later they give out such a toxic vibe two months into the relationship. 

When a man shows his true colors, he gets ugly. Most men just aren't authentic at all




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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When your friend tells you what's on your mind 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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This guy........ 


This guy is super hot 




Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Today is rant mode.... Pouring it all out.. All the hate and pain... Not keeping anything in my stomach 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Reminder - never ever be with a passive aggressive manchild again....




Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Two things that I want to focus on 

  • Is to focus on something objectively and rationally
  • To have intense love and passion in life ...and support and positivity 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog. - Mark Twain..







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Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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