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Which one of these is healthier to eat on a daily basis?

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So I get free meals every shift at work in a vegan restaurant, and I usually eat the same thing everyday.

Which one would be healthier to eat everyday along with a bowl of veggies & rice? Tempeh Cubes (Soy) or Beyond Meat (Processed)?

I believe the tempeh is organic, but its made with soy. Leo's video says to avoid soy, but I know processed foods aren't good either. If you had to choose, which would be the healthier option? Or should I just switch it up between the two everyday

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Mocked meats are processed and loaded with rancid oils. I'd definitely go for tempeh :) Few conversations have been made here around soy and it is not as harmful as people think. As long as it is organic, soy products can be very therapeutic. 

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My gut says soy. Beyond meat is stocked with chemicals and preservatives 

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I love Indian food where I love to eat rice roti daal vegetables and one non-veg item daily... 

1. Rice is a great source of minerals such as calcium and iron; it is also rich in vitamins, such as niacin, vitamin D, thiamine, fibre and riboflavin.

2. Roti is an excellent source of soluble fibre, which helps lower blood cholesterol levels, prevents constipation and helps keep our digestive system healthy.

3. Daal is loaded with protein, fibre, magnesium, calcium, B vitamins and folate that boost overall health. 

For a basic vegetarian dish, these three items are must. Where daal is Pulses. You can have it daily.. It helps to complete your daily diet with fibre, protein, and vitamin... 

Now you can add more vegetables and one non-veg item... If you have kids add these items in the daily diet which will help in the growth

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Tempeh is the least processed. I would go with that. 

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