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The thin Veil of Isness

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Reality is absurd, it is impossible. Everything that seems common, logical, obvious and mundane is magical. It is in Essence impossible and the Veil of Possibility is precisely what allows that Realness to uphold itself.

To the degree that magic is seen, to the degree the common becomes the precious, the logical becomes the paradoxical, the obvious becomes the mysterious and the mundane becomes sacred is the degree to which this Realness will dissolve. The Realness of Isness is founded upon the thin Veil which obscures it's impossibility and magic.

Unveiling the Veil of Reality is equivalent to unveiling reality itself. When the magic trick, so to speak, is truly seen for what it is, it cannot sustain itself. It is sustained by the very fact that it is not recognized as a magic trick. The greatest magic trick is to hide the Impossible in the Veil of Possibility. It is, for example, to take utter and pure Magic and call it e=mc², as if e=mc² in any way reduced the impossibility and presence of that magic. The mind, by giving it name, can justify it's presence.


This is what Illusion is. The Veil of Isness, the Veil which makes the precious common, which makes the paradoxical logical, which makes the mysterious obvious, which makes the sacred mundane. That Veil is what allows it to Be.


Abandoning the Veil is abandoning Reality. Remember what Reality was before you were born.

There was no logic, there was no physical, there was no name. Growing older, that which Is became less and less mysterious to you. It became less and less like a Fairy Tale. More and more everything was explained and understood. This is not by accident, this is one way in which Reality is manfesting itself. It is by essence manifesting itself through the Faith in it's Possibility. A Faith not merely on an intellectual or emotional level, but on the level of Being. A Faith prior to language and identity.


Consciousness is Realness, Consciousness is magic Through sentience there is Physicality, Worldness, Self and Other. It is pure magic disguising itself as Self-evidency.

Mind is the Veil of Isness, abandon the Veil of Possibility and No-Mind will follow. Adandon the Veil of Isness by seeing the preciousness in the common, paradox in logic, mystery in the obvious and sacredness in the mundane. To see Magic in all Fascets of Reality. To see the Impossibility in Redness.

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It is a strange loop between form and formlessness.  Nothing loops into everything then back to nothing then back into everything. Ultimately it is Infinity.  Language cannot go there. 

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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