
Holding On To Qualities

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I'm relatively new to this site but have been interested in self actualisation and reaching one's full potential for a long time. There's question that's been bugging me for a while and I can't reason myself to a satisfying answer. I'll try to be concise.

Most 'geniuses' or people who stand out of the crowd in terms of intellectual capabilities and 'mastering' of a field as Leo say's, tend to be (atleast that's my understanding) full of unresolved issues and inner turmoil that lead to their achievements. (Great film directors like Gaspar Noe or poets like Gainsbourg etc.) I'm relatively young and although have many down sides, but am capable of many things and many people say (people who know what they're saying) I have talent in my 'field' which is documentary filmmaking/ Journalism . This 'talent' is not really talent but due to huge amounts of work that stem from my addictive tendencies and social anxiety which indirectly are the cause of my 'talent'. 

My question is, if someone works through and self actualises through all (most) of his down sides and issues such as addictive tendencies or anxiety etc, won't that in turn mean that he'll be less capable or 'talented' in certain fields? 

I hope the question makes sense and sorry if I sound like I'm boasting, not the intention at all. 

Thank you for any answers or thoughts. 

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Hi Tristr

Speaking from personal experience I know that if you have sufficiently internalized your skill-set you will be just as competent and capable of doing what you do, regardless of how your psychological and spiritual development unfolds.  The difference between a fully self-actualizing person in contrast to a person run by deficiency processes, is whether or not the self-actualizing person has much interest left in their previously chosen field as they reach a position of inhabiting a perspective of abundance. 

My guess is that if your fascination in your current vocational station is based on addictions and anxieties, then I'm afraid it's highly unlikely that you are going to be driven by the same "felt quality" of aspiration. 

This is why (in my opinion) it's important that to really discover our authentic life purpose, and then use our skills and life experience we gained in the 1st tier of our development in order to pursue and develop our heart-centred purpose, which can only truly be fully realized in the post awakening phase of our journey.

Whatever the outcome, I assure you that no matter what is in store for you and your future career, if you do decide on living the self-actualized life I have absolutely no doubts that your journey will be an extremely fulfilling and satisfying one.

There really is nothing to lose!

Warm regards



Edited by Mal

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Hi Mal,

Thanks a lot for the reply, looking at it that way makes it crystal clear for me. 

I appreciate it!


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