
All you solipsists, including Leo, need to watch this

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Although the title suggests that this video deals with grief, it actually addresses solipsism. The way I see it, this teaching here is more valuable (and probably more true) than all of Leo's teachings combined.




“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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@Shaun All teaching points you to your Heart man. This is where you Will find 100% most accurate answers. 

I know same stuff as Leo does how is that possible if Truth is not one and the same. Your Heart holds it. It Just waits, it has All patience of this World for you. Discover the SELF. 

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Love it when a teacher or teaching clicks like that, and inspires one to begin the deconstruction of beliefs. 

Nothing is essential to being. 

On a funnier note... how can you say someone else is a solipsist, really?



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"Solipsism is the philosophical idea that only one's mind is sure to exist. As an epistemological position, solipsism holds that knowledge of anything outside one's own mind is unsure; the external world and other minds cannot be known and might not exist outside the mind"

Leo, in his videos, in line with non-duality, states over and over again that our own mind (ego) is not our true self.  Our higher self transcends our own mind as well as everyone else's. Solipsism is just an ideology, a conceptual position by ones own mind. The higher self can never be understood conceptually, it is pure nothingness. 

Its funny to me how people can't distinguish the clear difference between that and solipsism.

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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@Shaun It's very simple. If you are a student of nonduality you should know by now that nonduality means oneness.

How can you pursue oneness while maintaining the notion of twoness (self vs other)?

You are not conscious yet of the implications of ONENESS.

It means... you know... that everything is ONE!

Which means you are the only being in the universe.

This does not contradict Rupert Spira. You're just not understanding yet the full implications of Spira's teachings.

Don't confuse oneness or nondualty with solipsism. Solipsism is not radical enough to be true. And yet, you are all alone.

Technically, the duality between aloneness vs togetherness collapses. But when this happens your ego will perceive it as solipsism. If you're not careful you will reject/deny this important insight of God's existential aloneness because you are so attached to the idea of there being others.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Solipsism is the idea that only my mind is sure to exist. Nonduality is that only my mind exists. One is just an idea, the other is fact and they are both the same. Now, if I'm the only being in the universe, why do you tell other users on here that they are also the only being in the universe and are all alone? Surely, you should only be addressing me?

Why do you tell people that you don't exist and they are imagining you?

I ask a lot of my friends if they exist and they look at me like I'm mad and strongly assert that they do indeed exist.

Edited by Shaun

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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20 minutes ago, Shaun said:

why do you tell other users on here that they are also the only being in the universe and are all alone? Surely, you should only be addressing me?

It doesn't make sense to you because you are interpreting what I say from a dualistic paradigm which assumes a self/other distinction. You are projecting your delusion of duality onto what I say.

I am conscious that other users on here are simply projections of a universal mind. You are not conscious of this. So when I speak to others, I know am just speaking to myself, but you do not know that because your ego is in the way. Your ego will not even allow you to imagine what it would be like to realize that the self/other distinction is unreal.

No matter who I address I am addressing you and I am addressing myself because you, me, and all beings are ONE!

Everyone is the only being in the universe. It's like a massively multiplayer online game where one central server runs all the players. God's mind has fractured itself into a trillion pieces. Or it imagines it has. In truth, nothing is fractured because the distinction between fractured vs whole must itself collapse, leaving behind Absolute Unity. A Unity which has no opposite. The human mind cannot imagine such a Unity because it is too total to allow for a finite mind to exist in it. Within this Absolute Unity there is no difference between your human body, a chair, a kangaroo, a taco, or anything else. All of it blends into ONE. This is the Godhead. This is what you were before you were born as a human self.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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17 minutes ago, Shaun said:

if I'm the only being in the universe, why do you tell other users on here that they are also the only being in the universe and are all alone? Surely, you should only be addressing me?

If YOU is the only being, that IS the universe. Full Stop. That's it. Nothing = Everything. Notice how the ego won't accept that and adds in dualistic somethings about "others", "you" and "me".  The ego loves to say "Yea, yea - I understand all that nonduality stuff, but. . . ". And then starts adding in dualisms. 

This boils down to "I am". When you ask "If I am the only being in the universe", the personality Shaun is identifying to that "I am". It is seeing itself as separate from other "things". There is a transcendence of Shaun in which there is One Everything. Yet that realization would mean the dis-identification as Shaun and the ego will fight like heck to prevent that from happening. From the ego's perspective, that is death.   

For these solipsistic thoughts to have personal relevance, there needs to be identification to a construct of a person - in this case shaun. Without that personal identity, the solipsistic thoughts are merely appearances with no more relevance than appearances of birds chirps. 

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14 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It doesn't make sense to you because you are interpreting what I say from a dualistic paradigm which assumes a self/other distinction. You are projecting your delusion of duality onto what I say.

I am conscious that other users on here are simply projections of a universal mind. You are not conscious of this. So when I speak to others, I know am just speaking to myself, but you do not know that because your ego is in the way. Your ego will not even allow you to imagine what it would be like to realize that the self/other distinction is unreal.

No matter who I address I am addressing you and I am addressing myself because you, me, and all beings are ONE!

Everyone is the only being in the universe. It's like a massively multiplayer online game where one central server runs all the players. God's mind has fractured itself into a trillion pieces. Or it imagines it has. In truth, nothing is fractured because the distinction between fractured vs whole must itself collapse, leaving behind Absolute Unity. A Unity which has no opposite. The human mind cannot imagine such a Unity because it is too total to allow for a finite mind to exist in it. Within this Absolute Unity there is no difference between your human body, a chair, a kangaroo, a taco, or anything else. All of it blends into ONE. This is the Godhead. This is what you were before you were born as a human self.

That makes a bit more sense.

I've had this theory for a while, Leo that you never talk to people. You are always talking past the person to that one consciousness or god mind. It's like you're directly addressing that server in an attempt to get it to wake as many dream characters up as possible.

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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24 minutes ago, Shaun said:

Leo that you never talk to people. You are always talking past the person to that one consciousness

Again, the difference between the two is imaginary.

People are imaginary BUT, since everything is imaginary and there is nothing but imagination, people are in this sense as real as anything can be.

From the Absolute perspective people are unreal. From from the relative perspective people can be spoken of as if they are real. When I interact with many of you, I treat you as if you are real because that's helpful for navigating the everyday world of human survival. It would not be appropriate for me to treat the guy at the grocery store as if he was a cartoon character.

But from the Absolute perspective I know that I am the only one here. Yet I don't live from this perspective most of my day as I run chores and do ordinary survival activities. The illusion of other is very strong, even after some awakenings. It's easy to fall back into the illusion of otherness, especially when people behave like dicks.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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46 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Don't confuse oneness or nondualty with solipsism. Solipsism is not radical enough to be true. And yet, you are all alone.

Ehh... so then how is nonduality you teach, different from solipsism? I don't get it, you are basically saying it's not solipsism yet only my mind exists?? 

57 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

But when this happens your ego will perceive it as solipsism.

Sure it does feel like solipsism. Like nothing exist, neither ever was existing outside of my mind

I remember in one of my trips right before I entered total unity, I was thinking about Martin Ball and his advice for symmetrical body posture etc. and suddenly in one moment all distinction between me and Martin collapsed, and it literally felt like I was Martin Ball and I've been talking to myself all this time. It just so happens that I was thinking about him at the time so he was present in my consciousness when it all melted into one. But for example, Leo Gura for some reason was completely absent from my conscious experience at the time. Does it mean there literally was no experience of being Leo Gura at the time because he was absent from MY mind? I don't assume that


"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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12 minutes ago, Enlightenment said:

Ehh... so then how is nonduality you teach, different from solipsism? I don't get it, you are basically saying it's not solipsism yet only my mind exists??

First of all, solipsism is a conceptual scheme, a philosophical system. This is very different from actuality. In this sense solipsism is a fantasy whereas nonduality is actuality. Map vs territory. This is a HUGE difference. Don't underestimate this.

Secondly, solipsism is not even a good map. It does not recognize the truth of no-self and the truth that you are God. Solipsism is still dualistic in that it denies the reality of others by upholding the reality of the ego-self. Nonduality makes a more radical move. It denies the reality of all individual selves, especially oneself. If other people are unreal, you as a person must also be unreal.

If you are unreal, then what are you? Solipsism doesn't answer this ultimate question.

The part that solipsism gets right is that ultimately you are all alone. But what are you? You are not a finite being, as solipsism assumes. But when you finally realize that you are an infinite being, you will also realize that you are both alone and together, because infinity includes all dualities. You are so ONE that you cannot even distinguish oneness from twoness! Unless you do ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Enlightenment The difference is that you as God are imagjning everything..  But not you as the ego.  The realization of Aloneness or Oneness comes with a collapse of the ego into  Being - then a shift to God's perspective or God mode.   God Mode is at a level of consciousness a thousand times higher than normal human consciousness.  You can feel the fullness of it.    You may have had a mystical experience but it may not have been the full realization of Oneness.  There are many facets and degrees.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Imo the biggest hole in solipsism is that it does not reveal what you are. You are you all the time, so it must be possible to know what you are, but solipsism does not address this. Even if you believe in solipsism, you can still inquire on what you are, and if you are lucky the truth can be revealed to you, and at that instant the notion of solipsism dies. Until it is picked up by the ego again ;)

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On 10/10/2019 at 6:22 PM, Shaun said:

Solipsism is the idea that only my mind is sure to exist. Nonduality is that only my mind exists. One is just an idea, the other is fact and they are both the same. Now, if I'm the only being in the universe, why do you tell other users on here that they are also the only being in the universe and are all alone? Surely, you should only be addressing me?

Why do you tell people that you don't exist and they are imagining you?

I ask a lot of my friends if they exist and they look at me like I'm mad and strongly assert that they do indeed exist.

Dude I can guarantee to you that I exist outside of you, therefore you are not all alone and I am an other. I guarantee you 100%. Tell them to solve this paradox of two beings. You can't be all alone if I exist. And so does your family. Outside your mind.

Edited by Burstyourbubble

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@Burstyourbubble You are getting aggressive and defensive with your lack of understanding.

Notice this.

You are being guided here towards radical truths which you do not yet fathom, which you are in denial about because they are very threatening to your way of life.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Godhead or Blackhole Who knows it knows. Problem is you are the same God head right now. Speking to You I am speaking to myself lol. How total this is. ?

You are All alone and you Will be forever alone. Entire show is your creation. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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@Burstyourbubble Allow for the possibility that your limiting beliefs will not get you to what you are looking to figure out here. We are talking about the very nature of anything at all! It wouldn't make sense for this to have a simple explanation. Consider going deeper into the actual work, rather than reasoning about it logically.

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