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Do Ghosts & Past Lifes Contradict Non-Duality?

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Check this video out. He is a high quality source (for me).


He talks about ghosts getting stuck & past lifes etc. Doesn't all this contradict non-duality?


Past lifes implies Individual Souls/Selfs but Leo talks about One Self, The Self. I am very confused.

Edited by SQAAD

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I see this coming out a lot, there are individualities to be broken beyond the body and mind. 

That's the whole point of attaining  liberation,Moksha, so that you don't have to do this again and again.

Else if you were to just die and that's it, then it wouldn't have been a problem, lets just happily wait for death but that's not so. 

Sadhguru is a sorta a trusted source here so if you were to just go by what he says about himself and his life and lives, then you would know what's this is about.

Dhyanalinga was all about this, Sadhguru had to take birth 2 times for him to complete its consecration. 

See this video, sadhguru talks about this very often and so does Advaita. 

About Dhayanalinga. 


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3 hours ago, SQAAD said:

Past lifes implies Individual Souls/Selfs but Leo talks about One Self, The Self. I am very confused

Maybe doing the work will clear your confusion.

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You in your limited state will have a personality, likes and dislikes and resonate with certain things and people. If you are open spiritually you may resonate with certain energies, and certain energies may lead you to have experiences and those experiences can have profound effects on the course of your life. 

Nonduality, is the reason why this can occur, and it happens where nonduality and duality merges.

Remember that because of the nature of nonduality you cannot separate it from duality. That can be a tricky thing to "understand".

That's why you can appear to have had past lives or to be contacted by certain nonphysical personalities. However you could say that oneness is the background through which everything is occurring. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Consciousness is a field. I would call this field the torus field or as Leo called it the strange loop. It's the same thing. An atom has a torus field around it. A cell has a torus field around it. The human body has a torus field around it. The earth, the sun, the galaxy... all have a torus fields around it. 

Souls are like branches from a tree. Souls come from overSouls and so on... Fractals...






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5 hours ago, SQAAD said:

Check this video out. He is a high quality source (for me).


He talks about ghosts getting stuck & past lifes etc. Doesn't all this contradict non-duality?


Past lifes implies Individual Souls/Selfs but Leo talks about One Self, The Self. I am very confused.

@SQAAD As someone that has a reasonable amount of experience with spirits and non-physical realms, there is no contradiction between the existence of past lives/spirits and non-duality. It just means there are other realms other than the physical but they are ultimately all one.

Think of the location you are at. Now think of China. They are two locations but that does not disprove the concept of non-duality in any way.

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@SQAAD You might contemplate, what is a thought, literally, actually. As well, what is a belief. What is it which knows the discernible properties of these things.



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