
Bets on Trump going o serve 2nd term

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I currently see Trump as a president for 2nd term.

Anyone, too?

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even the military is now dissappointed, i guess it will be hard for him. if the votes where today he would probably loose.

Edited by remember

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@This is the end  That may be long after his presidency.

Much like how the Fyre Festival and Rajneeshpuram documentaries were made years after they happened.

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Trump will be impeached but I don't believe he'll be removed from office. It's up to voters to see that he doesn't get elected for a second term. And I believe that's exactly what will happen. No second term. Voters for the win.

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Trump will very likely win if we don't get an impeachment

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Im betting on trump

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I always wonder how it's even possible that Trump is president in the first place. When I read his vita I was baffled. He's a toxic pathological liar who stands for nothing but profit and power. His methods are shady since he started working for his father. He's a narcissistic opportunist. Everything he does is about him. All he wants is to gain money, fame and power. In this way he's a perfect representative of our individualistic culture.

Do people who vote for him think that he's a successful person and his way of life desirable? I probably don't get the whole picture why people want him in office. Can someone help me out?

Edited by Odysseus

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46 minutes ago, Robi Steel said:

Im betting on trump

Hes an idiot and I hope he wont win but if I was forced to bet, I would definetly bet on Trump too.

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It depends on what the Dems put out for a candidate.  I think it's anyone's race at this time.  Biden is falling hard due to his corrupt past catching up with him, as well as other things.  Bernie has had a heart attack and I think this will slow him down significantly.  I like Bernie because he truly believes in his policies.  Warren gets caught in pretending things and it is catching up with her.  I think she is actually left of Bernie and I don't think it will fare well for her if she is the candidate.  Clinton has been interesting to listen to lately.  I think she is throwing stuff out there to see what kind of response she will get.  The Dems need an Obama like figure in my opinion.  Someone who doesn't have a long voting record and can speak.....with conviction like Bernie.  If had to place a bet today, it would be Trump.

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4 hours ago, Bodigger said:

It depends on what the Dems put out for a candidate.  I think it's anyone's race at this time.  Biden is falling hard due to his corrupt past catching up with him, as well as other things.  Bernie has had a heart attack and I think this will slow him down significantly.  I like Bernie because he truly believes in his policies.  Warren gets caught in pretending things and it is catching up with her.  I think she is actually left of Bernie and I don't think it will fare well for her if she is the candidate.  Clinton has been interesting to listen to lately.  I think she is throwing stuff out there to see what kind of response she will get.  The Dems need an Obama like figure in my opinion.  Someone who doesn't have a long voting record and can speak.....with conviction like Bernie.  If had to place a bet today, it would be Trump.

Warren is not left of Bernie. She's quite a bit more toward the center, by comparison.

Also, an Obama-like figure would just be Hilary part 2. The base is really skewing more toward those with progressive policies, and not someone who will try to target this non-existent center and capitulate to the Republicans and the establishment.



Edited by Emerald

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Trump's strength is pure illusion. He's like the Wizard of Oz. People keep thinking he's strong because he got lucky and won once.

If you're a betting man, bet on Trump's luck running out. Never bet against karma. It will catch up to him one of these years. He can't keep dodging it forever. What's amazing is how lucky he's been up to this point. But that won't hold up.

In true poetic style he will end up hoisted by his own petard.

It's foolish to bet on a devil prevailing over the truth in the long-run. A devil's victories are always short and fleeting.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Trump is not strong (he replaced lots of people so he got stronger), the problem of other is the inability to evercome his strength.

Unless the consciousness of people is increased there won't be change in the current system, so Trump and alike are going to win.

However, as in the chinese farmer story, we do not know whether it is good or bad (aka Ralston's not knowing).


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4 hours ago, archi said:

Unless the consciousness of people is increased there won't be change in the current system

If it's Bernie or Warren against trump, then maybe not, or just a minor increase will be enough to make trump lose

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Just the exposure of Trumpism is already raising consciousness as Trumpism looks so ugly to most people that we as a culture will agree that it's not the right path forward. Of course there will always be some fanatics who refuse to change their mind, but mostly people see that Trumpism is not a workable way forward. Even his own supporters are starting to admit it. You can't deny the obvious forever.

All that's necessary is to shine sunlight on devilry and it will start to dissolve. Trump's whole presidency is that process unfolding.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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15 hours ago, Emerald said:

Warren is not left of Bernie. She's quite a bit more toward the center, by comparison.

One example is; Warren is saying that imprisoned transgender surgeries should be paid for by taxpayers.  I don't think Bernie is saying this, and I would consider this left of him.  This statement is nowhere near the center.

17 hours ago, Emerald said:

Also, an Obama-like figure would just be Hilary part 2. The base is really skewing more toward those with progressive policies, and not someone who will try to target this non-existent center and capitulate to the Republicans and the establishment.

Huh, Hillary is not an Obama-like figure.  I don't recall people flocking to watch her speeches.  I do agree that the base is moving toward more progressive policies but that only accounts for 43%.  The Dems will be able to pick off about 5% of the centrist's by convincing them that Trump is not good for them, but it will take authentic personality skills like Obama to get over the hump.

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1 hour ago, Haloman said:

Yes it's sad that odds for Trump vs Bernie are 1:13.

It's about getting votes from people who don't vote, and Bernie could do that well

About trump's devilry being exposed, it's not being exposed as much as you think, a ton of his supporters and the right wing circle-jerks just say his devilry is exaggerated or not a big deal while sticking to their ideas of anti-LGBTQIPP or nationalism, and so sticking with trump

But trump's chances are not as good as you might think because warren, bernie, yang etc. would get people to go out and vote more than trump

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2 hours ago, Bodigger said:

One example is; Warren is saying that imprisoned transgender surgeries should be paid for by taxpayers. 

That is a conservative way to frame it. Another way to frame it is medical care for all. We could ask people if everyone has inherent  worth and deserves medical care. If we start off that everyone deserves health care and then ask for justification why certain people should be excluded from medical and allowed to suffer, it is a very different frame and will have a different public response.

Conservatives are much better at framing than dems and like to use fringe cases of people they stigmatize and ostracize - in this case they get a two-fer: prison inmates and transgender. This allows for greater leverage. One could amplify the leverage further by asking if a transgender person in prison for child molestation deserves a sex change surgery. 

Another key conservative/corporate frame is with the term "taxpayer". This orients a person into thinking "Should I pay for their surgery?". This frame drastically reduces public support. This has been used as an argument against M4A because M4A would increase taxes. Yet it is a highly misleading frame, since household costs would decrease with M4A.  It would be like telling someone they should not accept a raise at work because it would put them in a higher tax bracket. 

As well, the frame does not acknowledge that the transgender community receives much more abuse than they dish out. 

Warren supports M4A, so it's only fair to use a frame within in M4A plan. Another way to frame the question would be "Medical professionals agree that gender-affirming surgery is a fundamental health need for transgender people. Warren's health plan would include all Americans and household costs would decrease. There are very few transgender people in prison and providing them health care would have a very low cost. Do you think gender-affirming surgery for inmates should be included within a public health plan?". This frame would have much higher public support. 

Another way to frame it would be "Do you think we should tax billionaire corporate CEOs that are ripping off hardworking people like yourself to pay for health care needs for all Americans, including gender-affirming surgeries for inmates (which would cost next to nothing) ?"

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2 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

That is a conservative way to frame it. Another way to frame it is medical care for all.

This isn't a conservative frame work.  Warren has made it part of her platform and yes, this is a turn from her statements in 2012.  Many people do not want their tax money going toward certain things for what ever reason.  Taxes are forced upon people and when they are forced to pay for things they do not like, then most likely there will be uprising's.  The more things people are forced to do, the more uprising's there will be.  IMO, I find the Dems doing more of the forcing and less empowering.

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