
Tricks on how to feel good on less sleep?

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I'm in the process of changing my sleep rhythm to get up at 5am. That's why I've been sleep deprived.

I know I need my 8 hours, and will fix this soon, but right now I'm wondering if anyone knows a food, supplement or other trick that makes sleep deprivation more bearable.

Being sleep deprived makes me feel dirty and polluted inside (probably accurate). Drinking lots of coffee makes that even worse.


Things I'm already doing that help a little:

- Running / working out.

- NoFap


I know amphetamines are a great magical temp fix, but I don't take those anymore.



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Why don't we start with the obvious: "Why are you sleep deprived"? 

Don't go burning candle from both ends while ignoring the underlining issue. 

Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
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21 hours ago, flowboy said:

I know I need my 8 hours, and will fix this soon,

Fix this first. And dont listen to those on workplace or at school who brag on surviving with 5-6 hours a night.

It can be hard to adjust your schedule so you feel alright going to sleep at 21:00, but its all worth it! Melatonin greatly helped me with this challenge, just dont take it too much to create depency

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41 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

Why don't we start with the obvious: "Why are you sleep deprived"? 

Don't go burning candle from both ends while ignoring the underlining issue. 

It's a temporary result of shifting my sleep schedule to 5am, and not being sleepy enough (yet) at 9pm

Edited by flowboy
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7 minutes ago, Hansu said:

Fix this first. And dont listen to those on workplace or at school who brag on surviving with 5-6 hours a night.

It can be hard to adjust your schedule so you feel alright going to sleep at 21:00, but its all worth it! Melatonin greatly helped me with this challenge, just dont take it too much to create depency

I have some melatonin supplements lying around still, will try that! Thanks

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In case someone reads this with the same question:

- So far I've found that Spirulina seems to help.

- Heavy exercise definitely helps.

- I'm pretty sure that abstaining from ejaculation also is giving me extra energy to pull through.

- I ended up taking a 30 minute nap, and that really helped! Enabled me to contribute my full presence to a meeting I had in the evening.


I know that lack of sleep is supposed to feel terrible because it's terrible for your health, and in that sense it is not even wise to be looking for ways to make it bearable.

But it's a legitimate question nonetheless.

It does happen that people are jetlagged, can't sleep and still need to function at some meeting. It can also happen that someone needs to pull an all-nighter to deal with an urgent business problem or whatever.

So far I haven't found anything natural that masks the effect as well as amphetamines do.

Edited by flowboy

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37 minutes ago, flowboy said:

It's a temporary result of shifting my sleep schedule to 5am, and not being sleepy enough (yet) at 9pm

Strong adaptogenic herbs then. I wouldn't touch melatonin personally. 

Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
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@Michael569  Great idea! I'll look up some and write it down to try. I remember some benefits from ginseng. Thank you :)

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@flowboy yeah Siberian (not Korean) Ginseng would be my go-to first. If you can, go for tincture rather than a supplement and aim for 1:2 or 1:1 ratio. There is a lot of useless diluted crap on the market so make sure to get organic and concentrated blend...might be bit more pricey though but you pay for quality. 


Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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This is quality information. You seem to have a lot of experience with herbs and health.

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