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Concentration and being, are they closely linked?

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Do I need to develop a really high concentration in order to be in an 'awake' state? I know that some people got 'awake' without even trying, so they probably don't have high levels of concentration.

I know that the awaken state of being should rise you above your thoughts so you "see" them passing without attachment, but do you have to constantly concentrate in order to not lose yourself in the thought? 

Is "letting go" the same as concentration? Concentration of letting go, maybe that is key?

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Of course, because most people have their minds scattered in several directions at once, they must educate or train them to remain calm and focused in one direction. Then you will need to train your mind  daily through different methods such as: concentration, maouna (listening to inner peace), meditation, mindfulness, self-inquiry, pranayama (yoga breathing techniques).A high concentration is a relative thing. What for me means high for you may not mean anything, and vice versa. So you find your own height level.Follow your inner guru and make sure you will reach the right height.?


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