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What is the process of change/ raising consciousness?

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In my direct experience it seems to be that the more the light is shone on my ego the more painful it becomes that I can be like this to the point where it doesn't seem beneficial for my well being to continue thinking in this way as it is hurting to think like this. This week I went on holiday with some friends and reflecting on some of the separating thoughts I had like being jealous of a friend for being much more sociable than me started to make my body tense up to the point where it wouldn't be wise to hold on to these thoughts and they must be let go of.


Is this generally how raising your consciousness works by feeling the pain and being aware that it doesn't serve you and needs to be let go of with a re-framing of how you think about things or is it more about the constant light that can be shone on things or do they go hand in hand?

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