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Mason Riggle

On 'Being Me'

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Have you ever noticed that it takes exactly 0 effort to ‘be you’? 

Although you may feel like you have to try extremely hard to ‘be yourself’, you can notice, intellectually, that you don’t actually try at all.  ‘Being yourself’ is just something you are naturally doing, without any ‘effort’, like ‘growing your hair’. Perhaps a more accurate way to put it is.. ‘you are happening’ without any effort, just the same way ‘your hair is growing’ without any effort.

Notice that, even if you tried either to ’be yourself’ or ‘not be yourself’.. those would be the same thing because they would both be ‘what you are doing’… in other words.. being yourself.

If you try this for yourself, you may discover that you actually can not ‘not be you’.

As long as you exist, which you do.. you exist without any effort whatsoever.

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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It should come easy. After all you've tended to the skill of being you 24/7 for all your life.

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@cetus56 It's beyond 'easy'. It's infinitely easy. :) 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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