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Degrees of absolute facets

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I find it hard to peg the mystical experiences I have had on the model-ish facets Leo presents in the new episode.

I have definitely had some Samadhi experiences, but the other facets I am not sure of. 

For example, I have seen the intelligence and creativity of reality at display multiple times. One time I wrote down the following, or rather I watched my hand write down the following:

”It is possible to literally look inside the creativity and intelligence of reality. Being guided by nothingness, observing form being created. Letting it flow from myself, or even better, observe yourself as part of it.”

This is one example, but I have other experiences of realising no-self, love.

However, I am not sure whether these were “absolute”, and whether there are different degrees of absolute.

Part of the problem is that afterwards I don’t remember well what happened. When I started having these experiences I even denied having had them. Now I can clearly see something is going on, but evaluating the depth is hard.

Also, I don’t think its usualy one distinct moment where it clicks, like, “this it it”. Feels more like a process of going deeper, if that makes sense.

Edited by Identity

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Because your practices are still weak. You're only seeing the tip of the iceberg so far, so of course it looks murky and doubtful.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Identity Ah, the struggle to grasp it and wrap it up in an "I got it" idea. It's such an old story.

You cannot change the fact that Truth is your fundamental nature. Live your experiences with no attachment and your existential struggles will disappear.

unborn Truth

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