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LEO! I have a "crackhead" question about REALITY

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I was trying to sleep and this question was playing around so much that I had to make this thread to make it go away.

And has been a doubt since really long time ago, and I've had some epiphanies about this while smoking Haxixe, during your video about "What is Reality" and recently during a reading on a Osho Book. The epiphanie is that, I could eventually be able to switch realitys if I eventually achieved total liberation, I could switch my entire reality like the channels of a tv screen and lock myself in any possible scenario, "the truth will set you free", this is crazy, but I feel it so much in my guts, it's hard to explain. And I'm so addicted to survive to this dream, that I don't allow to just dream other stuff, because I'm being selfish, and therefore I suffer. So,I don't know if anyone here can tell if this epiphanie is total non sense or if there are some trues on it.


The questions are, if I am dreaming all my reality and everything is creation of my own mind, and when I "die" and the entire universe disapears, how is it possible that the other dream carachters that I was dreaming still have their own experiences,? e.g If I'm dreaming at night with other people, those people also disapear since the original creator is no longer there (I assume). Or maybe this is the great mistery and Solplisism is unsolvable ?


following the context of the previous question, and If my body is the gross product of my own mind, how is it possible that other minds can also have their own gross body mind's inside my dream?


Also @Matt8800, what do you think?

and please, do not dumb down your answers, I am ready to be called a fool or to have my questions best answered as possible





Edited by oMarcos

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How does a massively multiplayer online game work?

You think humans are capable of creating that but God is too limited to do it? Lol

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura But just because nothingness is all there is, that implies that duality is random? Like, why exists a Leo Gura? How did you created your body out of nothing, you told on a video that you understood how you did it. - "Permanent atoms" duality and non duality following each other forever. 

And I know that all of this things can't be explained logically, but I assume that there are a lot of things totally Missed inspite of every and any direct experience anyone can have.


And I think you answered yes to both my questions, which makes this total crazy stuff, even more than I could assume to begin with...

Edited by oMarcos

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Duality is not random. It is an Infinitely Intelligent design to maximize Love.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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When you have reached liberation, you realize that here is only one reality and that you are. And you as the ultimate reality can manifest yourself in an infinity of other appearent realities that rise simultaneously. From the perspective of a character / ego mind, your question is limited as is the character / ego, and can only have a limited and half-true answer. From the perspective of a liberated one ,then you do not ask this question anymore because you know that ,no matter how many characters / ego mind you will be born or die, you will always remain their creator and you know this is True .You are the creator of your dream, you are the infinite possibilities of the scenarios in which the dream takes place, you are the infinite totality of the characters who experience the dream, you are the seer who sees this dream and you are Nothing of all this. You are the reality that divides itself into creation in infinite forms and which at the same time cannot be divided into any form.?

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@oMarcos your conflating your finite consciousness to infinite consciousness or Infinite Mind.   Infinite Mind has divided itself into partitions that you don't have access to as Marcos - By design.  But through mysticism you can transport to the Infinite Mind if even for a few hrs and become directly conscious that you as Infinite mind are imagining or dreaming up this whole thing and that simultaneously you are playing all the parts.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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