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Talking To People About Enlightment/no Self

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I have been contemplating something and that is that when a person is ready to hear the truth of no self. I see that most people are unaware of this and that ego has full force and it would be nice to raise awareness and make these people aware, but then again, I am unsure of who is ready to hear it. I want to find the right people. I do not want to be hurt, beat up and labeled crazy and have people not doing anything with the information- my ego is being defensive - and when think about this it is really quite scary. 

Any suggestions for who I can tell this concept of enlightenment and no self to without it being a strategic blunder? :) 



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Yeah, I agere. I think I my ego might be exaggerating regarding the consequences of sharing enlightment with otters. But then again I might also be lying to myself when I say that my ego is overexaggerating. It may be true that there is in fact painful consequences of sharing this information. 


I guess all I can do is to try really :) 

What happened when you told people about enlightment if you have ever done so? 

Would love to hear your story 



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The real question is why do you feel the need to tell people? I'm not saying you're wrong for this, I'm just saying explore within yourself why you have that urge. 

A lot of the time it's because you want to validate those beliefs to yourself, it always feels better when you can convince someone else of what you believe, if you talk to any religious person this is always the case. 

But from my personal experience of having this urge to tell everyone I know when I first learned about this stuff, people will only learn about when they're ready. This could mean they accumulate lots of stuff but are still not happy so look for meaning elsewhere, it could be they're going through hard times and start to question things, it could be they're trying to improve themselves and stumble upon it. Whatever is they have to get to it themselves and their journey is a necessary component of this. 

After I read power of now, I was blown away and I bought 5 copies and gave them out to 5 friends, only one of them read it and understood to some degree what it was about. So majority of people will not get it. What I think is the best way to get people involved is not talk about it but you be the example, when they see how you live with consciousness they'll end up asking you (or being jelous), and at that point you can share 

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Enlightment is in itself a belief and I have an ourge to share it. And if I share it with others it will be a belief and the truth is that if I decide to do so, it will becone a belief system within the person I am sharing the information about enlightment with. And that is a starting point on the journey. But this starting point is not the Ultimate purpose behind why I want to share so badly.

That is to make the person I am sharing this information get a direct experience of truth and as a concequence make them realize that all thoughts are a fiction and that there is no I in reality and make them destroy their models all togethers. 

But that will then again take some work om myself before I can do that. I have to be an example first and they need to be ready for doing the spiritual work. 

I agree with you on that one :)



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