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23 hours ago, Angelite said:


Tell me why does it invites evil spirits? This whole drugs ceremonies

@Shadowraixoh, you haven't answered my question..

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3 hours ago, Angelite said:

@Shadowraixoh, you haven't answered my question..

I did answer it.

I said it doesn't inherently. You don't even need to do ceremonies to take them though. The ceremony is mostly just there as a way to help the tripper have a positive experience. Setting the mood beforehand is a good thing to do. 


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9 hours ago, Shadowraix said:

I did answer it.

I said it doesn't inherently. You don't even need to do ceremonies to take them though. The ceremony is mostly just there as a way to help the tripper have a positive experience. Setting the mood beforehand is a good thing to do. 

My first impression of psychedelic is that it attracts evil spirits. 

That you turn to other than God for guidance. I remember how others in this forum described it back then. It is not God.

Some of it scares me of their safety. [There are kids who got curious about it.] You don't play with the devils. But i quickly realized that Allah protects whomever He wills & let others be with the devils however He wills. Haha

But now I think it simply intensifies your nervous system. You don't wanna messed it up. 

Edited by Angelite

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@Angelite God is everything, literally everything.

And God is the Nothing from which everything springs and returns.

Chemicals are the imagination of God, just as everything else is, just as your identity AND your true Self are.

You can experience this directly, and you should, belief alone will not get you there.

But you will only experience it as "evil spirits" if you don't drop all dogma first, you personally will become "the great satan" before your very mirror-gazing eyes if you do not shed you pre-conceptions before taking the psychedelic leap of faith.

Edited by mikelyons
let's not confuse a satan for The Absolute

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6 hours ago, Angelite said:

My first impression of psychedelic is that it attracts evil spirits. 

That you turn to other than God for guidance. I remember how others in this forum described it back then. It is not God.

Some of it scares me of their safety. [There are kids who got curious about it.] You don't play with the devils. But i quickly realized that Allah protects whomever He wills & let others be with the devils however He wills. Haha

But now I think it simply intensifies your nervous system. You don't wanna messed it up. 

Again, you are looking at psychedelics from an extremely contracted view. You simply won't get it unless you know what they are like. This an area you should leave alone on casting conclusions if you refuse to gain experience in it. 

A lot of your statements hinge on a flimsy notion of separation. Internal VS external, God VS not God. Drugs VS not drugs. 

Psychedelics for the most part are safe. Just use them responsibly and you'll be fine. That's coming from somebody who has done irresponsible dosages of lsd and came out fine. 

Edited by Shadowraix

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On 10/11/2019 at 10:15 AM, Shadowraix said:


A lot of your statements hinge on a flimsy notion of separation. Internal VS external, God VS not God. Drugs VS not drugs. 


Am I you then? Can you make me sleep now? 

Is drugs the same as my tea? Tea doesn't make me high. Is it the same? 

Can I lift your hand now? 

Who's lying? 

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1 hour ago, Angelite said:

@Shadowraix ok

What do you get out of it?


My life is radically different because of my psychedelic usage. It was the catalyst out of the chains of rationalism and atheism. I had a great deal of consciousness expansion just from one experience. After that I became motivated to work on myself, eat and be healthier. I can handle rough experiences, calm myself down and go out of my comfort zone much easier. I can empathize with people better even if they do something I don't like. My love reaches further, I am more social and confident. Probably many other things I can't think of right now. My life is many degrees better because of my past usage. And I can maintain this without drug use. It's been 2 years as I haven't felt any need to do them. 

58 minutes ago, Angelite said:

Am I you then? Can you make me sleep now? 

Is drugs the same as my tea? Tea doesn't make me high. Is it the same? 

Can I lift your hand now? 

Who's lying? 

Yes and no. When you lift your hand that is me lifting your hand. You are still perceiving me as a separate being which is another notion of separation. If you maintain that the answer is no. If you dissolve that though, the answer is yes. 

When the ego dissolves, you and reality = same thing. The boundary between you and God become no more. 

Watch how your perception shifts with these words. 

Chair > Room > House > Country > Planet > Galaxy > Universe > Reality 

Do you see the games of the mind here? You can break down a house into many separate things but then unify it under house. You can also unify you and me under planet or above. Whatever we do, the universe is doing that. Under the universe unity, we are one and whatever you do I do and vice versa.

Take that as high as you go and that's what people here describe God. Separation is a construction out of oneness. A lot of this work is about deconstruction. 

Separation still has a part in all of this. Paradoxically oneness includes separation and is why we can see it, but to not be trapped by it, you gotta see the bigger picture too. 

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5 hours ago, Shadowraix said:

My life is radically different because of my psychedelic usage. It was the catalyst out of the chains of rationalism and atheism. I had a great deal of consciousness expansion just from one experience. After that I became motivated to work on myself, eat and be healthier. I can handle rough experiences, calm myself down and go out of my comfort zone much easier. I can empathize with people better even if they do something I don't like. My love reaches further, I am more social and confident. Probably many other things I can't think of right now. My life is many degrees better because of my past usage. And I can maintain this without drug use. It's been 2 years as I haven't felt any need to do them. 

Yes and no. When you lift your hand that is me lifting your hand. You are still perceiving me as a separate being which is another notion of separation. If you maintain that the answer is no. If you dissolve that though, the answer is yes. 

When the ego dissolves, you and reality = same thing. The boundary between you and God become no more. 

That's a different kind of use.

The problem is with claiming you are God. 

I mean it literally, God can control every single beings & all it's creations simultaneously. You can't do that to me now. Neither did any creations. 

Btw I just read this



Watch how your perception shifts with these words. 

Chair > Room > House > Country > Planet > Galaxy > Universe > Reality 

Do you see the games of the mind here? You can break down a house into many separate things but then unify it under house. You can also unify you and me under planet or above. Whatever we do, the universe is doing that. Under the universe unity, we are one and whatever you do I do and vice versa.

Take that as high as you go and that's what people here describe God. Separation is a construction out of oneness. A lot of this work is about deconstruction. 

Separation still has a part in all of this. Paradoxically oneness includes separation and is why we can see it, but to not be trapped by it, you gotta see the bigger picture too. 

That's lame...

I wanna know the details. What kind of chair it is, how many, every chair feels different. Used differently. Every rooms are different. Unless you know everything about each 'thing' in minute details simultaneously with everything else (the bigger picture), only then,

it's God. 

The implication is huge. I can see where this is going. There will be many Pharaohs~

When they don't control a single thing. In Actuality. (In the relative, every thing under your own control will be held responsible on you)


But look! You are presenting another beliefs to me!


Why can't I say that Allah is the creator of all creations? Of everything. You & me & everything in between. This is like the biggest perspective ever. Beyond nations and the universe. For me it's the matter of realizing what i've known. Which I have realized a lot. (Though relatively little, compared to God's creations) Keep it comin, it won't be contradictory with my Truth. Only magnified.

Allah is not you. It only appears so to those without knowledge. In other words, to non believer. It is a revealed knowledge. You wouldn't know it except through the prophets. All the previous prophets. Find the roots. Everything has its roots including "spirituality" . 


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@Angelite There is no problem with claiming you are God unless you have a perceived separation between you and God ? many people have misinterpreted the you are God statements. 

The details of the chair are irrelevant to the point I am trying to make. 

Who is the one that is controlling? You are still making your claims on a sense of separation. You seem stuck on this egoic identification. 

Yes God is the creator of creation and is simultaneously creation itself. The case in point I am making is there is nothing but God. God is all there is. To say something isn't God is hinging on flimsy dualism.

Yes this means God has deluded itself to not knowing itself to experience itself. 

Yes I am presenting beliefs, beliefs that point to actual insights. Unfortunately language is extremely limited. These can be realized with or without psychedelics. 

Anyways I've beaten to death about any kind of perspective I can contribute to this thread, so this will be my final post. (feel free to give your reply ill still read it) 

Hope if anything this was a good discussion for you. 

Edited by Shadowraix

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Actually I see the limitation of where you're comin from. Of your perspective. (I don't think it's an assumption on my part either. ) 

To said it simply:

Between every hearts (re:creations) there is Allah. It doesn't make the creations Allah. Though behind every creations, there is Allah. A Creator Who created them. Who Controls everything. Between you(finite) and your actions , there is Allah. 

The only freedom that was given to you is your intention. Everything may or may not act according to your intentions. 

I hope this can be easily fathomed.


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