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Expressing Passion with Family and Others

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How do you guys handle being around others (in this case, Family) where it feels like they don't fully have the same interest, passion, enthusiasm, are desire to share in the passion you have?

I feel often that when I want to talk about these things with others that I feel they listen, but only in a "sort of" way and don't really want to talk about the things I want to be involved in.  I feel a little like I'm not being genuine to myself, and that I have to "force" or "push" to make them talk about it, which I seems a little rash and not the best way to being them around.  

This reminds me of how Rupert Spira handles his relationship with his son.  He apparently has never even talked about spiritual concepts to his son since his son didn't ask.

On the other hand, in Leo's life purpose course he talks about how expressing passion with others will pass on to them.  How that, if they're not supportive, then questioning the relationship is in order.

Have you guys come across these issues?

How do you feel/think is the best way to handle them?

How have you handled them in the past and how has it turned out?


"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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Did you tell them about it because you always tell them about everything? Telling your family may have just been a habit that you have when something new happens in your life. Are there any people who you might know that you suspect may already be receptive to the information? Follow your intuition when it comes to talking about with others. Maybe prepare a feeler sentence and see what they say before diving in.

Absolutely no one in my family understands what I'm doing. Dropping them was like taking the pins out of the doll in the Robaxacet commercial. The last time I saw my step mother she told me that she thinks I'm losing touch with reality and that I really scare them when I talk about how God is actually within us. I have little, or no, contact with my family. I feel like I can only be the person they think I am and I don't want to be anyone but my truest self at all times. Being around them meant being subjugated to their low consciousness anxieties and hearing the latest hardships of everyone. I refuse to pick up any more fearful antics after I've worked so hard to turn my mind towards progress and positivity! As I pulled out each pin, my mind got clearer and clearer to focus on my own pursuits.

I remember hearing a quote a long time ago that said "If you're not losing friends, you're not growing up."

I made a list of the qualities I wanted in a real friend. Then I went through all the people I thought were my friends and held them up to my list. Only two people made the cut. I've spent the last year of my life teaching most of the people in my life not to contact me. There is a small group left who are those that I can share my journey with. One is working on self actualization. I don't want to take what I can get anymore and I know it may take some time to curate all the right people for my dream team. Until then, God is love and the more you learn to appreciate your power in solitude the sweeter it gets.

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8 hours ago, Matt23 said:

This reminds me of how Rupert Spira handles his relationship with his son.  He apparently has never even talked about spiritual concepts to his son since his son didn't ask.



9 hours ago, Matt23 said:

I feel often that when I want to talk about these things with others that I feel they listen, but only in a "sort of" way and don't really want to talk about the things I want to be involved in.  I feel a little like I'm not being genuine to myself, and that I have to "force" or "push" to make them talk about it, which I seems a little rash and not the best way to being them around.  


There's a quote I really like from Jack Kornfield

"My family hates me when I am a Buddhist. But they love me when I am a Buddha."

one day this will all be memories

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Thanks for the input. 

Both replies make sense to me.  Both hard in their own way.  

@tastefullyoverdone that's really courageous.  I tried doing that a year or so ago.  But I ended up crashing.  I find it's hard to sometimes tell what's an authentic and healthy impulse and what's not.  Fear obviously influences a lot.  


"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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