
Too Much Coffee

16 posts in this topic

 What's the maximum amount of coffee i should drink every day?

I work a lot lately , and i need coffee all the time but i don't want to be unhealthy.

Edited by SaynotoKlaus

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Ca. 3 months ago I stopped all coffee intake altogether.

I drank 4-5 (big) cups daily.

After some time of body adjustment, my energy is now higher than when I drank the coffee. And the body feels more at ease.

Coffee seemingly makes the body more alert and more energetic, but lots of the energy is being dispersed. 


There are other threads on coffee on this forum already. You could use the search.


Kind regards, 


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8 hours ago, Isle of View said:

Ca. 3 months ago I stopped all coffee intake altogether.

I drank 4-5 (big) cups daily.

After some time of body adjustment, my energy is now higher than when I drank the coffee. And the body feels more at ease.

Coffee seemingly makes the body more alert and more energetic, but lots of the energy is being dispersed. 


There are other threads on coffee on this forum already. You could use the search.


Kind regards, 


Exactly what I experienced. You dont NEED coffee at all. Caffeine is actually the enemy when it comes to quality of sleep 

and constant levels of mental fitness. I am not missing those random coffee crashes during the day. 

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27 minutes ago, Franz said:

I am not missing those random coffee crashes during the day. 


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The max daily allowed amount of caffeine is 600 mg. There are  about 100 mg in one metric cup of coffee, depending what kind of coffee ofc. So that would be like 6 metric cups xD. Note, some people are more tolerant to caffeine and some are not, so the amount can vary. I can drink tons of coffee every day, and barely feel the effects and some people easily go nuts over one espresso. 

Anyway, If you feel dizzy, crashed, sleepy and weak during the day, consider checking your food intake, to be more specific, your macro/micro nutrient intake. If you are eating junk food, not drinking enough liquids, ect  .... that may very well be the problem.

"If you immediately know the candle-light is fire then the meal was cooked along time ago"

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On 5/21/2016 at 11:36 PM, Franz said:

Exactly what I experienced. You dont NEED coffee at all. Caffeine is actually the enemy when it comes to quality of sleep 

and constant levels of mental fitness. I am not missing those random coffee crashes during the day. 


Caffeine is actually the enemy when the intake is over. I used to have coffee twice all the day and now I have turned to an organic style. I am using organic coffee beans ( ) for the past 3 weeks and sometimes make it bulletproof as a part of my dieting. 

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Many resources say that drinking a couple cups of decaffeinated coffee daily can have positive effects on your health. So, the coffee itself isn't the problem. It is the caffeine, which can cause dehydration, heart palpitations, and irregular sleep patterns. My recommendation is to enjoy decaffeinated coffee in moderation.

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On ‎24‎.‎6‎.‎2016 at 11:51 PM, Emerald Wilkins said:

Many resources say that drinking a couple cups of decaffeinated coffee daily can have positive effects on your health. So, the coffee itself isn't the problem. It is the caffeine, which can cause dehydration, heart palpitations, and irregular sleep patterns. My recommendation is to enjoy decaffeinated coffee in moderation.

i think they use bullshit ingredients in those decaffeine coffees. Regular coffee is shit in itself and decaf is probably even worse

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2 hours ago, Richard Alpert said:

i think they use bullshit ingredients in those decaffeine coffees. Regular coffee is shit in itself and decaf is probably even worse

I wondered about this too. They soak the coffee beans in hot water use either methylene chloride or ethyl acetate to remove the caffeine. But there is either "indirect decaffeination" where the beans never touch the solvents and thus don't contain any of the chemicals in the final brew. There's a kind of extraction and filtering process that's too complicated to explain here. Or "direct decaffeination" where they might. But otherwise, according to the Mayo clinic and several other resources, both decaf and regular coffee contain anti-oxidants and have been shown to have other health benefits. We tend to think of coffee as unhealthy, but it isn't as bad as people have come to think. In the past, the demographic that was drinking coffee was often doing so in tandem with smoking cigarettes and poor diet. Currently, a lot of millennials that drink coffee don't smoke, and so recent research has indicated that many of the health problems that were thought to have come from coffee came largely from the other behaviors of coffee drinkers. So, coffee isn't so bad as long as the caffeine is done in moderation.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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Take "coffee", add decaf or Organic to the label and you have yourself a top seller!

It is not the coffee thats the problem, it is the beliefs associated with it that f#cks you up.


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Fuck, caffeine is my hardest addiction to rid myself of.  I've gotten up to drinking almost a gram a day (or 1000mgs) of caffeine.  The shit is the devil.  I just love the mental boost I get from it.  Problem is once tolerance develops I'm basically running at 80 % even with the caffeine.  If I could go back in time I'd never use caffeine.  I regret going down that rabbit hole so much. 

Edited by Heart of Space

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If you like coffee, do strong tea (do it properly) for a week its amazing replacement for active substance in coffee. Then just go back to coffee and drink max 3-4 cup in morning to max 12:00. 

Get magnesium suplement or other source of it, most ppl are deficient in that, check other electrolytes (blood is not good indicator).

You can also try tea thing and stop after 1 week it should be easy (but dont forget about mag.)

If you had any problem with sleep/getting up/ energy/ concentration it should get better in about month, if you get good diet etc.

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Coffee's great for health, if taken in moderation. 

I use caffeine only on workout days to give me the extra kick. At other times I stick to decaf. Tastes as great. I'm also a fast oxidizer and will crash too fast or build a resistance to it. This cycling has been working great. You can't even tell the difference.

However, this recent Ben Greenfield podcast talked about how Voltaire, the famous French philosopher drank like 60 cups a day. That's crazy. The guest on the show also talked about how we can actually benefit a lot more from drinking more coffee. A great episode, I recommend listening to it.

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I will agree with all of the anti-caffeine stuff, despite my own use... lol.... my answers to some of the questions

@SaynotoKlaus My personal research is: 1 cup/ day females, 1.5 cups/ day males

@Emerald Wilkins Water decaffeinated is apparently better for your health than the chemical version if you go that route.

And randomly to @Siim Land Chicory blend teas have a similar taste when you are looking for an alternative, and coconut oil in your coffee apparently increases your mental function in addition to the physical kick....

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