
quitting or at least in the way that i go about it now

18 posts in this topic

quitting all personal development based content as well. has told me truth, but i must now discover it on my own.

Its been a good ride, but its too much mental masturbation and too little action. 

I would have nothing wrong with once a week being reminded of the higher picture of what's going on, but that's not the case here, im literally watching Leo on a day to day basis, being spoon-fed all this amazing stuff, and i didn't develop the work ethic nor the attentiveness to acquire this knowledge on my own. The way it currently stands, i can't read a book properly without just going online and looking up a summary for it cuz i don't want to go through the process of reading it. 

I fundamentally haven't seen Leos theory play out in real life, i do however understand it logically. 

I hope you can see the blunder im making.. so im gonna stop it dead in its tracks. and quit cold turkey. 

ill be coming back once i acquire an awakening or two and once i get my personal life handled. (fitness, work ethic, school, dating) 

Leo you fucking god, i can't wait to come back in a years time and binge watch all your videos.

Edited by Mezanti

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Good luck dude, don't recommend that u neglect all theory though (e.g. high quality books) - a few each year is always good to illuminate new ways of thinking & new angles to solve your problems. 

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Good luck man. Godspeed. You'll find your place and the results you need. Just trust 

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Worth making sure that you are maintaining a balance, he has a specific video about the role of balance in personal development work ...@Mezanti

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@mikelyons at this point i have too much theory, too many notes, i binge watch leos videos, thinking that its going to get me results somehow. i virtually know the theory off by hard. but its time i go and apply this theory

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There is no blunder here!

Just a journey. 

What is the real reason for leaving the forum? I don't doubt your sincerity but I can't see the real reason. 

I try to ask myself two things when I want to run away from something

1. What is the real fear? 

2. What demands am.i making of how my experience should be and how others should be?

I'm just speaking from experience. That's all.

Sometimes leaving can be for the best as long as the real reasons are acknowledged.

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3 minutes ago, Mezanti said:

@mikelyons at this point i have too much theory, too many notes, i binge watch leos videos, thinking that its going to get me results somehow. i virtually know the theory off by hard. but its time i go and apply this theory

I missed this. So the issue is poor discipline and some obsessive tendencies? Fucking join the club man! That's what needs fixing. Leaving the forum won't change anything. I bet these tendencies and traits will just follow you around until addressed. Google the term AA Geographical. I think it applies here. Or look at this.

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@Bill W True! 

1. The real fear is that, i will stay lurking around on the forum and watching leos videos like i have been doing for 5-6 years and not getting any real results.

2. I want my experience to be that of getting results, not really concerned with others at the moment with the exception ( girls should be all over me) this is because one area im struggling with in my life is dating lol. 

Im sure that this taking sides (the action side vs the theory side) is unhealthy, but at this point i think i know well over enough theory for my own good. i at some point have to live the theory. 

examples of this:

Understanding awakening vs experiencing awakening. I've read the book of not knowing, many books off of leos book list in the category of spirituality. yet i have no experience of non duality, certainly reading more and watching more isn't gonna trigger it, i have to take action. Do a lot of self inquiry, krya yoga, meditation and even more psychedelics than the few trips ive had. 

Dating theory vs dating experience : this is self explanatory

embodying love and empathy: its hard for me to be empathetic and loving with out wanting things back in return. in my opinion a good way to do this is to actually give a lot. and embody in actuality, the selfless life. 

recognition of my mechanicalness: ive watched the 3 part series on self deception and leos awareness video and read the Psychology of mans possible evolution. But if i don't take the time to recognise this "theory" in my actual life. it will remain just theory. 


i could go on but i don't want to bore you. 

what im saying is that i want utter boredom, no leo, no youtube. no friends, maybe books. what this will do is cause me to look inwards. rather than always latching on to something externally just to distract me. 

i might be wrong. i might come back on here a week later and whine about the bitchy life i have again. who knows.

my guess is that i will have rapid growth in the first few weeks but will have the urge to go and watch videos again. this is probably a manifestation of the "obsessive" in his book mastery- george leonard but who knows, something good might come out of it.

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@Bill W

13 minutes ago, Bill W said:

I missed this. So the issue is poor discipline and some obsessive tendencies? Fucking join the club man! That's what needs fixing. Leaving the forum won't change anything. I bet these tendencies and traits will just follow you around until addressed. Google the term AA Geographical. I think it applies here. Or look at this.

wow! thanks for this bill!

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@Mezanti  I feel the same. I have too much theory and mental masturbation about advanced and basic topics but in real life i struggle at the very beginning!

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12 hours ago, Mezanti said:

quitting all personal development based content as well. has told me truth, but i must now discover it on my own.

Its been a good ride, but its too much mental masturbation and too little action. 

I would have nothing wrong with once a week being reminded of the higher picture of what's going on, but that's not the case here, im literally watching Leo on a day to day basis, being spoon-fed all this amazing stuff, and i didn't develop the work ethic nor the attentiveness to acquire this knowledge on my own. The way it currently stands, i can't read a book properly without just going online and looking up a summary for it cuz i don't want to go through the process of reading it. 

I fundamentally haven't seen Leos theory play out in real life, i do however understand it logically. 

I hope you can see the blunder im making.. so im gonna stop it dead in its tracks. and quit cold turkey. 

ill be coming back once i acquire an awakening or two and once i get my personal life handled. (fitness, work ethic, school, dating) 

Leo you fucking god, i can't wait to come back in a years time and binge watch all your videos.

Good for you it's the best decision you've made yet in your walk in my opinion. The lone way is the best way

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Dude just be careful with making people "gods" of sorts because you like their content. I did that too much. Also I totally feel you on the mental masturbation. I started implementing a lot more and OMG it's hard. It's so hard. This isn't something we can just listen to anymore, we really do have to do the work. 

I’m a trauma-informed inspirationalist for artists and creatives. Follow me on Instagram.


I also have a meditation available that teaches you how to connect to your heart:


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If youre binging it all the time and don’t have the patience to read a book I can see why thats a problem. Personally, going off what I feel, sometimes I am in the mood for listening to videos and sometimes I go into mini phases(a few days/week/few weeks) of putting videos aside and just implementing the practices. This is just a go-with-the-flow type of thing listening to my inner guide, not a lot of planning, just sometimes I have a desire to take in information and sometimes I turn the targeting computer off and blow up the death star myself. ?

Leo also had mentioned before (I think in the how to do self inquiry video) that if you only watch the videos and dont do the work it will negatively effect you, like not just not give you the benefits but do you harm because of the cognitive dissonance, which is true. Living consciously is taking responsibility when you learn new information to actually apply it.

Edited by TrynaBeTurquoise

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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