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I can't even really read this past entry but the snap out of it at the end was palpable. I can't go along with it, it's mostly just utter drivel. Sitting on the couch with the puppy feeling crappy and looking at the sink piled high with dishes, then finding myself appreciating how beautiful my daughter's magenta plastic bowl looks next to the yellow forsythia flowers on the windowsill. It's both sickening, hopeless, a deadend... and paradise, Happily Ever After. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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"To lay inert and only dreaming of a perfect love is easy. It is an anesthetization from which we might never recover but for ruthlessly snagging something valuable, yet outside our awareness. For the naive and wounded, the miracle of the psyche's ways is that even if you are halfhearted, irreverent, didn't mean to, didn't really hope to, don't want to, feel unworthy to, aren't ready for it, you will accidentally stumble upon treasure anyway. Then it is your soul's work not to overlook what has been brought up, to recognize treasure as treasure no matter how unusual its form, and to consider carefully what to do next." -Women Who Run With Wolves

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Contemplating contrast a lot lately. Is joy in the contrast itself? 

There was a girl I was friends with in my art class senior year who made everything pastel and it annoyed the fuck out of me. "It needs more black," I'd preach at her until it became a joke and my art got darker and hers got lighter in reaction.  

"Do you know what day it is today?" asked Christopher Robin.

"I haven't got a fucking clue." replied Pooh. "

Funny, cause wholesome expectations about Pooh then, the F word. 

No contrast, no choice. Do Buddhists mean "desire" as preference? "I will make a dogma, that you must make the preference to NOT have preferences." xDxDxD HA! Buddhists saying have no desire is just like Pooh dropping the f bomb. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Following my last post, I think I understand Osho a bit better now. xD

Discovered yin yoga recently, or rather was able to make it my own or work for me. The pigeon stretch in particular along with more balanced training, and strengthening is magically allowing me to run like I want to again. I also have to enter a pretty deep state of meditation to do it. Meditation improves yoga, yoga improves meditation and running trumps them all in a way because I get to think up whatever shit I want in a mindful and slightly altered state and the freedom of that is the Osho/fuck-you-all-Pooh-bear of mindfulness practices and I am all in for that. 

"The desire to force love to live on in its most positive form only is what causes love ultimately to fall over dead, and for good."

"Rational psyche goes fishing for something deep and not only lands it but is so shocked it can barely stand it." -Women Who Run With Wolves

I accidentally wrote ispiration on my dream board. I'm not doing much with it, lately it's devolved into me writing down all the words they put on those motivational posters only I can't spell them properly. 





Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Why do I feel as if there is a conflict between intuition and making intentions? Why am I afraid of or resistant to making intentions? Do I feel as if I'm giving up my freedom, locking myself in to something? Is it because it feels selfish, that I feel as if there's some sort of God outside I'm supposed to serve and go along with my predestinated purpose whether I like it or not? I resist locking myself into something, but I go along willingly if it's "someone imaginarily bigger and more powerful and outside" myself.

I miss you sometimes, Jesus. I'm closer than ever. Yeah, whatever dude, shut up, I'm writing. 

Do I turn intentions into goals that I use as a yardstick to measure myself against? I want to be along for the ride, with no "responsibility" (no opportunity for self-judgement, cause my inner voice is a cruel heartless bitch) (it takes one to know one, Bitch) and I also want to be in the driver's seat.

What's the difference between imagination and intention? Imagination implies that it could be good or bad, that it's just happening, intention implies that there is someone purposefully behind it, and that there's a future more important than the present. Imagination has a free, wistful but useless feeling to it, intention, a serious, driving forceful one. 

Collapse dualities. Imagining, what I want with no judgement, expectations or time. Can I properly intend that way? Can I use "time" to plan without the weight of it? Well why the fuck not? 

I've been self sabotaging myself over my youtube channel. Even a tiny bit of success is poison to someone who isn't prepared. You think you want what you want for reasons you don't know. You only want external success so you can vibrationally acclimate to it, the "inner journey" ... enlightenment. At that point it won't matter what it looks like. So go, dream that you conquer the whole fucking world, it's your oyster. You are the oyster, never moving never going anywhere and the diver pushing the limits of the human body, risking his life in hope of uncovering great treasure. If there wasn't a quiet harmless irritation to quietly sit with, there'd never be a pearl to dive for. I'm doing this for me, and only for me. "I've had my share of sand kicked in my face
But I've come through" 


Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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I found something in the river one day a few weeks ago that said "Champion" and then a broken piece of an old bottle that said "spring".

Insight from this morning spirituality = entertainment. That's how intention/imagination come in. You don't just want to sit back and watch just anything you want to create it. And yet doing that involves a lot of sitting back and watching. Do you know what an insight is? It's just something you accepted that wouldn't accept before. 

I watched the start of this yesterday. Growing up in a rural stage blue community, with strong gender roles and an aversion to obsession/attention to beauty, pretensions and success, watching him is a total mindfuck. His champion jacket was a clue for me. He's also shamelessly flaunting living his dream life in the video. 

Yesterday while I was running I noticed that presence/pure observation comes when you see something new, especially a natural scene, you don't know what to expect, you have no prejudgments or reactions, you just feel it purely and take it in. That's why going on a vacation can be so powerful. 

Yet the illusion is, that you've ever really seen or been anywhere before. That you ever know a person or a place. Enlightenment is the feeling of returning home to a place you've never been before. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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12 hours ago, mandyjw said:

Osho/fuck-you-all-Pooh-bear of mindfulness


12 hours ago, mandyjw said:

I accidentally wrote ispiration


57 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

What's the difference between imagination and intention?

ISpiration!!! xD


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Feeling like you forgot your lines? You're writing your own script, and since you haven't become conscious of that yet, you haven't sat down to write the next lines yet. You can never remember something that was or something that was supposed to be, so you can never forget it. You can only create it anew. No forgetting, no remembering, no prewritten script, only resonance and alignment. Overprepare, and go with the flow. Prepave, intend, and then wing it. Everything is already set in order, you set it in order, confidence is having that skeleton of the structure, as your breathe life into it and it fleshes out before your eyes.

I was reading the skeleton woman chapter from the Women Who Run With Wolves book, and my daughter had been upstairs raiding the holiday decorations and took my bat skeleton I have for Halloween and brought him into the room I was reading in and then proceeded to feed him a chocolate Easter egg. @Nahm saying how we made "a scapebat" for coronavirus, "of course" because bats are creatures that fly on feeling rather than sight came to mind. 


51 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

Yet the illusion is, that you've ever really seen or been anywhere before. That you ever know a person or a place. Enlightenment is the feeling of returning home to a place you've never been before. 


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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"Entertain comes from the juxtaposition of French entre which comes from Latin Inter both words meaning 'together, or among', and Latin tenere, which means 'to hold'. So, literally, entertain means to 'hold or support together'."

Entertaining angels. Me and my husband used to listen to this song a lot in the car before we were married. 

One to another
Do you remember me
I feel so small
Are you listening tonight

So temporary
Things that I have seen
I ran so far
Will you take me back again

Entertaining angels
By the light of my t.v. screen
24-7 you wait for me

Entertaining angels
By the time I fall to my knees
Host of heaven, sing over me

One to another
The feelings in between
I won't let go
Of all you taught me - alright

Close as a brother
The way we used to be
I'll hold my breath
And wait for you to breathe

Entertaining angels
By the light of my t.v. screen
24-7 you wait for me

Entertaining angels
While the night becomes history
Host of heaven, sing over me

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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tension. ... The noun tension has its Latin roots in tendere, which means to stretch, and tension occurs when something is stretched either physically or emotionally. 

This “tender” came from the French “tendre,” meaning “to hold out,” i.e., to hand money or an official paper to a clerk. That French “tendre” is rooted in our old friend the Latin “tendere” (“to stretch”), and, further back, the trusty Indo-European “ten.”

From Latin tendere, present active infinitive of tendō (“I stretch, stretch out, distend, extend”), from Proto-Italic *tendō, from Proto-Indo-European *ten- (“to stretch, draw”).

Latin tenere, which means 'to hold'


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Angles, angels, points of reference, Indra's net

A piece of black string that I had taken from my mom's sewing table to fix something had fallen off the spool. It's antique, had a wooden spool and I didn't want to just throw it away and also didn't want to take the time to wrap it back around the spool so it stayed in the laundry room until my washing machine got clogged and in the chaos of fixing it and the string got kicked on the floor. I was looking at it, the contrast of the black string on the white linoleum, the string was tangled and made loops, a pattern which both repeated itself and was unique.

A single piece of string created the illusion of unique yet also repetitive shapes of loops which, when looking at the empty space in between, had their own appearance of individuality. By forgetting that they were formed from one string, and looking at the empty space between as if it had substance of its own one could compare the shapes of some of the loops to that of others.

As my brain started to compare, it had to choose and weigh criteria, was I judging/comparing the loops superiority, by size? Symmetry? Aesthetics? Any combination of these?ézier_curve

"String art has its origins in the 'curve stitch' activities invented by Mary Everest Boole at the end of the 19th century to make mathematical ideas more accessible to children.xD

My subconscious is such a patient kindergarten teacher.

Just noticed more dream board vandalism. He has left it alone for a along time. I wrote the words on the left, my husband on the right. 






My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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6 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

He has left it alone for a along time.


o.O WTF, little Miss Speller?

"Fascia is the biological fabric that holds us together—the connective-tissue network. This collagenous network of gel and fiber is made up in part by an “extra-cellular matrix,” manufactured inside a connective-tissue cell and then extruded out into intercellular space. The fiber-gel matrix remains an immediate part of the environment of every cell, similar to how cellulose helps provide structure to plant cells. (Remember, we are more like a plant than a machine.)

"The benefits of thinking of the body as a whole organism, instead of in parts, are profound. When we truly comprehend and feel this in our own bodies and see it in our students, we can move and teach with more integrity. That said, as yoga becomes physiotherapized, or made into a practice resembling physical therapy that helps people restore movement and function (a necessary and positive process in general), asana are often reduced to which muscles are stretched—think “Downward Dog is good for your hamstrings.” In reality, while tight hamstrings may be a common experience, your edge in this pose may be deep in your calves or butt, or along the fronts of your shoulders. It depends on your patterns—the way you were grown and what you took on."

"Relax your voice box, then your tongue, then your jaw. Let your head dangle. Let yourself be stupid for a moment, then re-establish the length in your cervical spine without the tension."

" Many bodyworkers, at some point in their practice, have experienced phenomena that may be interpreted as representing a release of memory traces when working on dysfunctional tissues. This feeling may have been accompanied by some type of sensory experience, for the therapist and/or the patient. In some cases, early traumatic experiences may be recalled. When this happens, the potency of the memory may be erased or eased, along with restoration of tissue function. Hence the questions: can memories be held in the fascia? And: are these memories accessible during manual fascial work? Modern research has proposed a variety of different interpretations as to how memory might be stored in soft tissues, possibly involving other forms of information storage not exclusively processed neurologically"



My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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"Fascia is a specialized system of the body that has an appearance similar to a spider's web or a sweater. Fascia is very densely woven, covering and interpenetrating every muscle, bone, nerve, artery and vein, as well as, all of our internal organs including the heart, lungs, brain and spinal cord. The most interesting aspect of the fascial system is that it is not just a system of separate coverings. It is actually one continuous structure that exists from head to toe without interruption. In this way you can begin to see that each part of the entire body is connected to every other part by the fascia, like the yarn in a sweater."



My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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fascinate (v.)

1590s, "bewitch, enchant," from Middle French fasciner (14c.), from Latin fascinatus, past participle of fascinare "bewitch, enchant, fascinate," from fascinus "a charm, enchantment, spell, witchcraft," which is of uncertain origin. Earliest used of witches and of serpents, who were said to be able to cast a spell by a look that rendered one unable to move or resist. Sense of "delight, attract and hold the attention of" is first recorded 1815.

To fascinate is to bring under a spell, as by the power of the eye; to enchant and to charm are to bring under a spell by some more subtle and mysterious power. [Century Dictionary]

Possibly from Greek baskanos "slander, envy, malice," later "witchcraft, sorcerery," with form influenced by Latin fari "speak" (see fame (n.)), but others say the resemblance of the Latin and Greek words is accidental. The Greek word might be from a Thracian equivalent of Greek phaskein "to say;" compare enchant, and German besprechen "to charm," from sprechen "to speak." Watkins suggests the Latin word is perhaps from PIE *bhasko- "band, bundle" via a connecting sense of "amulet in the form of a phallus" (compare Latin fascinum "human penis; artificial phallus; dildo"). Related: Fascinated; fascinating.

If [baskanos] and fascinum are indeed related, they would point to a meaning 'curse, spell' in a loanword from an unknown third language. [de Vaan]


fascinate, entertain,

fascia, fascinate

entertain, intertwine 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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My son is watching a video about how the human body works like a computer, or vice versa. xD

The butterflies/falling in love feeling is the exact same thing as anxiety/fear, just with different stories attached. 


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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On 4/2/2020 at 7:39 AM, mandyjw said:

I canceled my daughter's checkup, which was unfortunately scheduled for next week. I thought it would be traumatic for her to be locked at home, banned from daycare and seeing grandparents and friends and then having one outing to go get her 4 year old series of shots, let alone the risk of us picking up the virus there. They said they are separating patients but I know that it's bullshit that it isn't risky. I also realize how much scheduling trouble they are going to be having. My kids have gotten sick at least 2 or 3 times just from visiting the office. I canceled and felt awful, and asked my husband why. He had a good explanation, but the main thing I got was that I don't need to explain myself, just ask for what I want. I explain myself because I want forgiveness, I look to other people to say "you're ok". Care killed the cat. I seek connection. I seek forgiveness. I seek connection through words and thought where it can't be found. I seek forgiveness for something I never did. I seek approval and praise for something I never did and never will do. 

I just got a letter in the mail from my daughter's pediatrician that I missed my appointment, EVEN THOUGH I FUCKING CALLED A WEEK IN ADVANCE TO CANCEL, and that if it will go on my record and I could possibly get disallowed from going there. I gave them a weeks notice that I was canceling. 

My wiser self knows it's a Law of Attraction, fuck you Love letter. Pooh Bear telling you to go fuck yourself, universal joke. 

HOLD THE PHONE wiser self, stop being a backseat driver Jesus, I didn't ask you to take the wheel just yet, I'm too busy honking the horn at the asshole in front of me. 

How does that feel?

Through gritted teeth, "Gooood." 


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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enlightenment on a spring!  

JESUS, I could have saved myself a lot of time if I had found you sooner. 

Oh but Jesus isn't made of plastic, are you being ridiculous? No, I'm deadly fucking serious! Nonduality. 

The church led me astray, "plastic Jesus is not Jesus." John Lennon led me astray "Money can't buy you love." Leo led me astray. "You have to take this work seriously." 

FOOD is LOVE! Donald Trump is my spirit animal! The insights, the realizations! 

OMG the reviews on this. I was going to do some shadow work, but I guess this is it, so many years of repressing laughter at Jesus jokes. 

Is humor avoidance? Or is humor the deepest insight itself? 


Who's laughing? O.o

Contrast, contrast, contrast, contrast. 


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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55 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

Who's laughing? 



yes!!! :x Your humor is showing :) 

55 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

Is humor avoidance? Or is humor the deepest insight itself? 

Laughter IS indeed!!! freedom from the knooooownnnnn

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@DrewNows xD


Why do I find those two movies, Napoleon Dynamite and Borat, absolutely hysterical? 

Laughter releases tension, so all the social standards, political correctness standards and care of what people think, all the built up energy of that, starts to get released. Actor, comedian ends up as a model, so you can project yourself onto them without assuming the threat or fear. For me, someone who can't call to cancel an appointment during a pandemic without excessive guilt and care of what people think, Sasha Baron Cohen is a god. 

Someone who does not overly care what people think or gets triggered by something and stuck on that trigger, (I am a devout Christian so bobble head Jesus must not amuse me, because if it does, I go to hell or actually rather... judge myself harshly later) won't find it funny. Every trigger has fear at its root. 

However, if I was not raised in a Christian home, I consider myself an atheist and think bobble head Jesus is funny from the start, my fear is actually of religion itself, I'm afraid of the effects of "insanity" of religious people and the effects of non-rational behavior on my society. 

Fear is love, when it's looked at, seen, felt directly without resistance. Resistance itself is the creation/perception of fear. 

Donald Trump vs Sasha Baron Cohen one is conscious that he's acting, there for entertainment and the other isn't. But both are just entertainers. 

The tension is palpable, the humor is the release. Sort of like hitting the right cord, plucking a guitar string, the note resonates if the timing is right. 



Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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7. Jesus said, "Lucky is the lion that the human will eat, so that the lion becomes human. And foul is the human that the lion will eat, and the lion still will become human."

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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