Sahil Pandit

Stretch With Me

43 posts in this topic

@Sahil Pandit yeah I forgot to show that, inner leg or groin, I have one for on the ground. Also didn’t do quad stretch. Don’t worry mate I’m fine, I use stretching for muscle activation. Energy flow, yoga stuff is still fairly new to me 

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@Sahil Pandit I’m in a detox faze actually and the past month I’ve mostly been raw vegan. 80-90% fruit and fasting w/herbs allowing my body to detox the acidosis and get my lymphatic system moving. The kidneys and adrenals aren’t so great but this detox allows for cellular regeneration and detoxifying throughout for an abundance of benefits. I used iridology to verify what I am needing to focus on 

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@Sahil Pandit all right well I’ll have you know it isn’t for the faint hearted, in fact it will test you emotionally physically and spiritually. It’s not all pleasant, there’s some healing crisis and emotional tests, etc. 

Robert Morse on YT and his book “the miracle detox” and also John rose on YT is pretty good. I recommend using the

FB group Robert Morse detox for help if you aren’t willing to get professional support 

here’s a decent 2 part intro to detoxification: 


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15 hours ago, Sahil Pandit said:

@Raphael Make a video response and post it here. That way we can see your body movements and tell ya what to work on :)

I want to keep some privacy on this forum even though someone who knows me can still recognize me with all the information I shared here.

Anyway, I think I can learn by doing some research and watching some tutorials. If you have some links or simple advice for beginners, I will be pleased to hear them :)

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I do pre-meditative exercises like Goolf Ghoornan, Ardha Titali Asana, and Kawa Chalasana. They are part of my yoga session. I find them very useful!




(You can find them on Swami Satyananda's book 'A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya').


Edited by Kidorikko

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On 10/19/2019 at 4:10 PM, Sahil Pandit said:


Excellent man! 

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@Sahil Pandit just watched your other vid too, awesome. Can create such a deep relationship with the body practicing the flow movements with the breath, it’s basically a dance. I used to spend thousands of hours accumulating “how to” for workouts and what not, so robotic (purpose driven) until I learned to let go of thought. now there’s freedom to explore new patterns 

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1 hour ago, Sahil Pandit said:

@DrewNows thanks. Can you post a core workout today?

Probably 3-4 years ago I used to do this intense ab workout every other day for over a year. Since I had been about 20 lbs Heavier with less than 10% body fat it had given me pretty big abs but my waist wasn’t very narrow. These days I do a few ab exercises here and there in the gym but most of my lifting, running, fasting, even body weight stuff seem to be very co-productive for core strength as long as I’m utilizing the core. I’m dry fasting today so maybe I’ll do a few things on another day to share. Personally I’d check out some 6 min workouts with athleanx or something or be creative 

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@Sahil Pandit here’s a quick video on practicing proper form to focus on ab muscle activation. Using something like a foam roller behind your legs to activate hamstrings prevents hip flexors from taking over the exercise. Also I realized afterward I could have kept my chin tucked in


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3 minutes ago, Sahil Pandit said:

@DrewNows Thanks for the tip! I'll try this tomorrow. 


I like to do it pre ab work. Reps: 12-12(6 turning to each side)-12 

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