Leo Gura

Questions About Living Life? - Ask Here

112 posts in this topic

  • Is momentary isolation necessary (or recommended) for rapid growth while self-actualizing?

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  • What should I handle in my life before having a family of my own? 
  • How do I reconcile having a family with doing the consciousness work?

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Are spiritual powers a distraction or a great way to help yourself and others around you?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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How do I self-actualize if I'm living in an under-developed 3rd world country?

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How do you go from a person who wants to self improve, but does not have momentum on the path for whatever reason, to a person who is motivated and firmly on the path to improving them-self day after day. How do you bridge that gap? 

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How can someone working a 9-5 use the time outside of the job most effectively?

How can you begin to breakdown the barrier between spirituality/consciousness work and every day work life? Or, how can you bring spirituality more into your normal daily routine.

What are the best habits to cultivate in your 20s?

What is the essence of creating a great vision for your life? Or, what is the essence of a powerful vision?

What kind of mindset should one have in their 20s? How should a 25 year old be framing and thinking about their life?

How do you work through/deal with psychological addictions to food, i.e. eating less healthy food when stressed/ feeling depressed. 

What are some of the best things to spend your money on, and also some of the worst?




Edited by Space

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How to respond to feeling inadequate? Dealing with mistakes. 

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How important is intention in day to day activities and also with the long term Vision.

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.


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  • How can I tap into infinite creative intelligence and get answers? 
  • How to go META and get a big picture understanding of my life (why I am the way I am) and of the world (why the world is the way it is)? 
  • How to know if someone is as evolved as they seem / claim to be? 
  • What is time? If it's an illusion, why does it persist?
  • What is creativity? 
  • How can I be sure that what I am doing is actually good for the world? (For ex: Is it sufficient to ask: Does it support life?) 
  • What are the highest goals humanity should strive for? What is the greatest good that can be achieved by, say, the end of this century? 
  • What are the universal spiritual laws? (For ex: Every action has its consequences) 
  • How do personal values evolve over time? 
  • What are some models to map my personal evolution? (Other than SD and Cook-Greuter) 
  • How to integrate logic and intuition in everyday life? 
  • How to integrate masculinity and femininity? 
  • What are the deeper dimensions of effectiveness? How to become more effective at bringing change within myself and the World?
  • How to reconcile non duality with life purpose? 
Edited by Himanshu

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  1.  How to balance "following the flow" VS "planning every hour of your day" in living life ?
    I.e should you force yourself to meditate every day at 9 PM or should you follow your intuition at the time and maybe meditate 1hour one day and nothing the other (if that's how you feel like) ?
  2.  How to distinguish "truthful intuition" VS "rationalizations/self-deceptive narratives" ?
    I.e feeling like not meditating today, is it truthful or a rationalization to be lazy / protect your current self-image to be changed by the meditation ?
  3.  How to balance "outward information" VS "inside personal insight" in understanding life and making decisions  ?
    I.e being to much relying on Leo, people on the forum, books, youtube videos to get the big life transforming insights ;)
    VS having the insights yourself.

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Edited by Milos Uzelac
Inadequate for this subforum and topic moving it to Serious Emotional Problems

"Keep your eye on the ball. " - Michael Brooks 

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  • How to face ego problems from parents, lover and friends?
  • How to be rich? 


The examples that you stated here is nice to know for me:

  • How do I self-actualize if I'm living in an under-developed 3rd world country?

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  • Only humans can be enlightened/awaken? Why not a cat? Is necessary some intellect to appreciate it after all?
  • If everything is One, then only thinking is getting in the way of perceiving One-ness? The natural way the brain works has made up duality?
  • Can awakening occur from perceiving information but not processing them at all? Just raw data through sensory doors without meaning?
  • If survival is so important, why non-dual perception can be so beneficial for all of us?


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How can I know what the best balance is for me, between extreme radical spirituality in life, and living practically in the "the world"? (is this the objective of the life purpose course?)

How can I know when my desires are coming from my devil side?
How can I know when to fight devilry in others and when to let it be/slide/burn?

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On 5/10/2019 at 0:41 AM, Leo Gura said:

What should I be focused on developing in my early 20s?


On 5/10/2019 at 0:41 AM, Leo Gura said:

I seem to be stuck in a rut. How do I motivate myself to start doing the work?


- Can true  happiness be achieved? Or is it just a fairytale?

- I tend to loose myself and get distracted.  How can i learn theory and stay grounded in reality at the same time?

- How can i overcome over thinking?

On 5/10/2019 at 0:41 AM, Leo Gura said:

Can I ignore enlightenment entirely and just focus on success? What will be the result of that?

- How can i actually find what my true values are? How do i discover who i am and what i really want in life?

- Does fulfillment require hard work and discipline, or has it  nothing to do with that?

- How can i push forward despite confusion? 


- Can i communicate with god to receive help? Is prayer a real thing?

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