Leo Gura

Questions About Living Life? - Ask Here

112 posts in this topic

What is happiness from a human perspective? 

How do I help people around me to live high consciously? 

6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I seem to be stuck in a rut. How do I motivate myself to start doing the work?

How do I break learned helplessness and get out of addiction to negativity? 


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Is the standard view of mental illnesses correct? What is actually going on when someone is said to have schizophrenia, bipolar, psychosis etc...?

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What is busyness? Why is it so present in our current society? And how to deal with a busy life?


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Can I pursue enlightenment and success?



Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.


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How do you deal with motivational ruts? You have your long term and short term goals, you have a life purpose, you understand about ego backlash. Despite this all you want to do is sit on the couch and eat pizza. 

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You do what's emotionally most difficult. There's no way out of it. You either do it or you don't. There are no theories that can get you off the couch. Sure somethings can motivate you and get you to take action short term, but what you have to understand is motivation is temporary and many times motivation will grow to be repetitive. So its you that has to stick your head down like a bitch and follow through on the tasks you set up for yourself.

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Shouldn't I work only on things inside the groundless context of my life ?

Why is that important that I become aware that I crawled out of my own vagina ?

Can you be fully aware & conscious and still embrace devilry ? If you shouldn't. Why ? 

Can we use the mind/thoughts to reshape physical reality ?

Do we have any power "mind-matter" or is that an illusion ?

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How to be less influneced by the unconsciousness of others ?
How to be consistent in a given field ?
What not to do to succeed in life ?
What not to do to achieve enlightenment ? 

What is a reaonsonable amount time to meditate each day ?
How long should a retreat last ?
What are alternatives to retreats ?

What about pleasure ? How to pursue it healthily ?
What about meditative pleasures such as jhanas ? How neccessary are they for life ? For instance when people want to maximize pleasure ?
How to build a more conscious social circle ?

How to stay consistent for years ? For instance body building, reading, creating etc. without relying on passion alone. 
How to be better at survival ?
How to spot devils ?
Which meditation practices are more of a dead-end ?

What is an alternative way to build habits, instead of cue, routine, reward ?
Is there a process which would facilitate enlightenment any tool ? brain machine, teacher, guru, group, exercise, book, combination of practices, brain wave and states etc. (Besides psychedelics) 
How important is concentration for life and increasing it as a mindfulness skill ?

Why cant I achieve my goals  how to train resistence and persistence  ?
Why do I sabotage myself if that would lessen my chances for survival ?
Is saboatging oneself due to unconsciouness ?
What is the difference between unconsciouness and habit forces ? 

What works for cleansing chakras or producing kriya experiences ? is it shamanic breathing and kriya yoga alone ? Mindfulness also worked once. 
How important are cleansing practice how long should they be done, or should they be done in short and intense burst. For instance 2h on a weekend or on retreat ?

How to lessen the effects of psychdelic backsliding ? 
How could you impact politics without having a major in political science ?
What is behind jealousy, anger, fear, etc. What are their opposites ? For instance anger comes from the eng word to agress which means moving forward towards a goal. 

What about third tier according to ken wibler ? Are they neccsassry for survival ? Do they exist ? How would they impact my life ?
How to not burn out while pursuing career and enlightenment ? (or LP)
Why does intuiton warn me and I cant detect what it wants to warn me about ?

Hope this is not to much or seems to weird or personal.


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The examples you gave are great.

Would love to hear your thoughts on "What is required to succeed in business?"

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How to have faith that what you do (life purpose) will produce results in the future and that you are not just chasing butterflies? 

How to make difficult, life-changing decisions and why is the status quo pulling us back so hard when we try to do that? (e.g. career trasition) 

How to stop living on autopilot? 



Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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  • How do I teach myself to be creative?
  • How do I discover my creative talents and passion?
11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:
  • What should I be focused on developing in my early 20s?
  • What is required to succeed in business?
  • How do I become successful?
  • I seem to be stuck in a rut. How do I motivate myself to be engaged with life?

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Should I have children? or would this be a distraction?
How can I / should I find a partner who is high-consciousness? 

How can I become more aware of how I am perceived and/or change it?

Should I pray? What does prayer do?
Does taking a vow of poverty help or hurt the ability to awaken mankind?

How can I get the spiritual lessons from the metaphors of the big religions?
How can I deal with non-depression suicidality, the rational desire to not exist that is present even with positive/stable emotional state?

What is the best way to introduce someone to this work? Is it worth trying or should I leave them alone? (friends, girlfriends, parents)

What should I do for my parents as they age and eventually die?

What should I do if I can't / how can I find a therapist conscious enough to help me?

Why do none of my potential life purposes appeal to me? Why are only my toxic values appealing?
How can I avoid losing my friends and loved ones as my life becomes more radical and Truth based.

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How to grow your own food?

How to fight corruption?

How to balance between helping others and not interfering with their path?

Edited by Superfluo

Been on the healing journey for 5 committed years: traumas, deep wounds, negative beliefs, emotional blockages, internal fragmentation, blocked chakras, tight muscles, deep tensions, dysfunctional relationship dynamics. --> Check out my posts for info on how to heal:



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How to be assertive?

how does one go about living assertively enforcing their will on others, being a commander and setting boundaries. 

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Why is there still some kind of fear when facing the enormity of the Absolute, when you know (in your mind) a whole lot of things about it, in a sense you are prepared or you know what you are up against to and you are willing to go towards this and you even may have several quite contrasted experiences (of course you don't "know" exactly until you become it, otherwise it would be much more "easier") but how come it feels so difficult to surrender when you actually want it?


Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

∞∞∞∞ Rumi ∞∞∞∞

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How do I give up low consciousness things, such as dumb non informative YouTube videos and junk tv? What are the benefits of doing this? 

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  • How do you know you're on the right path? When should you decide to quit?
  • How does one know a college degree is not for you? Is it just the nature of universities in general to suck out the joy learning?
  • How do we know what is best for us?
  • How do we narrow down the most important things in life?
  • How do we find perfect balance in our lives?
  • At what point should one accept missing information/skills and just get to work?
  • What is the most efficient way to figure out your blind spots? How do you know which parts of yourself to work on?
  • How do you deal with dysfunctional people? Should you call them out on their dysfunctions, particularly when their behavior is inflicting harm to those around them?
18 hours ago, Leo Gura said:
  • How do I balance between pursuing a career vs pursuing enlightenment?
  • What is the role of technology in self-actualization?

I would like to know your answer to these questions.

17 hours ago, Marc Schinkel said:
  • How do I evaluate my spiritual progress?
  • How do I decide whether to stick with a spiritual practice for longer, or try something new?
  • How do I differentiate between the victim mindset and being realistic about  a situation/limitation?
  • How do I decide if something is worthwhile for me to pursue?
  • How do I prioritize areas of my life to work on?
  • What are the biggest false assumptions I probably have about life?

I like these.

Edited by Commodent
One of the questions was too personal

I am myself, heaven and hell.

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  • How to structure my days and weeks to have a nice balance between personal development, a full-time job, and some rest time?
  • How to be better organized?
  • How to set an intention?
  • How to be more result-oriented?
Edited by Raphael

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Do we produce weaker and weaker generation due to comfort level? Were we are going from here? - we make all the efforts to avoid pain, but pain equals growth (at least to some extent) 

Does it make sense? 


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How to overcome the feeling that I can never truly transform? It feels like I can never actually change myself, I seem to always slip back to old patterns despite making massive changes in short time frames.

"Only that which can change can continue."

-James P. Carse

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