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Battle Plan

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Will be on SSRI's for a year, therapist told me to fuck off when I told her about pick-up and getting a girlfriend, still have suicidal thoughts from time to time. Main focus is business through life-purpose or investing. Was planning on doing 3 hour do nothing sits via Leo, and some emotional body teal swan work. Lower self gets triggered alot with concerns with power. Any other resources to fix mental health?

Edited by JevinR

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Hello.  Everything I write below is from one amateur to another.  Please don't take me to be an expert, therapist, or teacher.

Slow down.  You are saying a lot in that post, and it's in a bit of a rush so hard to un-pick.

1) I can entirely understand why a woman would respond negatively to pick-up.  I won't pretend that some of the stuff that is discussed regarding 'inner game' isn't of value, but pick-up is not a healthy perspective on the world, and women shouldn't react well it it frankly.  I think Leo has a video about this.  (I will also add that the stereotypes of women that pick-up communities discuss are incredibly narrow).

2) SSRI's.  Fair enough, you're on SSRI's - they're the most common anti-depressant variety, and as about 1/3 of us experience depression, I wouldn't worrk about it (your post makes it sound like you're quite aggressively unhappy about the idea).  I've been on them a couple of times.  My experience is that they give me a plateau of how low I can go: so they don't make me 'happy', but they stop me feeling like utter filth, which helps me sort myself out.  I found the first week a little tricky: had both highs and lows.  I hope you're doing ok?

3) Suicidal thoughts.  I don't want to tell you how to approach those, because that would be very presumtuous.  Just that you are not the only one, and the thing about ALL thoughts is that they pass - suicidal ones too.  They may come back, but they also go away.  Always wait 20 minutes, ok?

4) The best resource I can suggest to fix mental health is to take the widest approach possible.  You've already gone to your doctor, otherwise you wouldn't be on SSRI's.  Great!  You're here, on this forum.  Great!  What else?  I'm a big supporter of psychotherapy, both individual, and group, and of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy).  Also, just reading self-help material.  Understanding, understanding, understanding - that's the key!

I'm going to be honest, and I hope you'll take it in the sense of friendship that it is offered: you sound like you are in a great rush.  That is entirely understandable: you are at a point in life which you don't want to be, and you want to get out of it as fast as you can.  But right now, putting this sort of extreme pressure on yourself (girlfriend, business, 3-hr meditations [which are RIDICULOUSLY hard!], emotional body-work, avoiding 'low-self') ... well, I hope that laying it out like that shows how ambitious your thinking is.  Once again, you want to be somewhere else, and I understand and encourage your ambition, but change also takes time and patience, and your first priority has to be your health. 

So if I would recommend one thing, it would be to slow down.  You know the idea that 'there is no finish line'?  We constantly forget that.  Our entire lives are based around the idea that there IS, in fact, a finish line - and it leads to all sorts of chaos and pain.  But the beautiful thing about life is that we over-estimate what we can do in one day, and under-estimate what we can do over longer periods of time.  Please, please don't chastise yourself for not being perfect right now.  Instead, pick one area - only one! - which you think is the most important thing for you, right this moment, to start dealing with.  Then sit down, and gently - as if you were writing to a close friend or family member - write down what you think the sensible next step is.

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Hi, I wanted to share this tip for you. I tried a visualization called grounding try to find it on youtube and then let me know. I tried it and its great I feel sooo confident well I am writing this because I tried it a couple of minutes ago and it seem it works it will KILL ALL THE NEGATIVE THINKING !!!!!But don`t take me too serious I just tried it once.

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You people need to watch game of thrones, analize some conversations with Tyron da dwarf.

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Women usually don't react well when you talk about PUA stuff,and they shouldn't of course because it's not a healthy mindset to begin with.

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Hi @JevinR

Don't know if you are aware of the fact that you always seem to fight.. At least it's what shines through the statements you made which I read (I hope I'm not to personal)..

So, if I'm right.. it's obvious that you get tired.. Everyone would..

What if you just slow down, surrender, love yourself and do things you enjoy..? I mean without any other purpose exept to enjoy the moment?

I can remember times of my live when I didn't even know what I would like.. If it's your case too, I would recommend you to try out the lowest idea that comes to your mind.. It's like a training, if you begin to notice the inner voice it will get consistently louder until you feel good and exactly know what's good for you..

Hope it helps somehow and wish you the best..


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