
what does it take to heal or overcome a situation?

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do i want to heal? yes because im ready and no because i cant be healed

why do you believe you cant be healed?

because i have tried everything?

can i absolutly be sure ive tried everything?

yes because ive done my best

is it true ive done my best to heal?

how many times have you tried to heal?

at least 15 times

what are they can you mention them below?

meditation-4 months everyday average of 30min

eating healthy food- maybe a week multiple times

going raw- for multiple  of days

acupuncture-multiple times

going vegan-2-3 years sometimes eating cheese here and there


4 day water fast

seeing naturopath-only once and didn't follow the diet plan

 juice fast- 8 days-

when I say I've tried thing what do I really mean?

I've attempted it

as you can see my mindset is really poor and i havent doing anything seriously at all, im at stage blue of the spiral dynamics and believe i shouldnt heal and should just suffer lol its silly but at this stage you think you are suffering for the greater good and god will save you.

what should i do?

what does it take to heal?

i have contemplated what i think it would take to heal

awareness of the situation - awareness of yourself like mindset - meditation
acceptance of the circumstance
eating the right food ( for all situation eating the right food will help)
to have had enough of the situation-to make a conscious choice to change for good  
enough knowledge the situation and how to handle it
the right habits
the right environment
 the right mindset*( your belief system)

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What are you trying to heal? 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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The only way you can move past this is to actually go in there and assess each and every little thing that happened to you that still hurts you. You need to nurture the little you inside there and show him the way into the light. Healing is actually the process of getting out of the hole we're in due to our traumas. Focus only on self love. Don't worry about the little details. In every moment assess whether or not you're acting in the most loving way.

Try to change your self talk or inner dialogue. Any thoughts or feelings of self loathing that you have, have been programmed in there by your experiences and relationships with other people. Why would you think those things about yourself? I mean really? When you're not cheering yourself on inside your mind then you're going in the wrong direction.

I found positive affirmations really helpful for this. I put them up on the mirror, and listened to them in headphones whenever I could. Otherwise the mind just rattles on with painful memories that reaffirm those negative thoughts. You have to reprogram it. 

Edited by tastefullyoverdone

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You can do everything to your body, water fasts for several days, meditate to eternity, but you need to change your lifestyle to suit your needs to truly live your life! Then you forget there was something to heal. Like - what would you do in your life if money wasn't an issue? What you really love doing? Then just start living this way. If you don't know what it is - try to find it.

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You have literally only served to torture yourself by starting multiple different Lifestyles and ending before they've even had a chance to manifest even the slightest bit of results.

I meditated daily for a decade before getting an answer to some questions i wanted answers to.

I've also eating a ridiculously strict diet that made it to where I had to pack all my meals every single day I was not allowed to eat out or anything I did that for 10 years

and because you've tried everything you can think of does not mean everything's been tried there's a reason there are experts in fields concerning the body.


And I highly recommend you commit to a lifestyle change for a couple of years because if you screwed your body up just take how old you are and reverse that and that's how long you're going to need to become the opposite of what you are.

Not literally but it should give you an idea because let's say you're 30 and you've not cared about your body for 30 years well do you really think in three months you're going to fix 30 years of abuse? Not very logical.

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2 hours ago, MAYA EL said:

I meditated daily for a decade before getting an answer to some questions i wanted answers to.

I've also eating a ridiculously strict diet that made it to where I had to pack all my meals every single day I was not allowed to eat out or anything I did that for 10 years

holy shit thats impressive.

the longest ive meditated was for about 4 months straight.

thats som real motivation right there and you make good point.

the question i ask,  how do you get yourself out of the catch 22 situation?

i need to rethink my expectations about what its really going to take. 




what im trying to heal is my health in general

thanks for the response everyone

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2 hours ago, daniel695 said:

holy shit thats impressive.

the longest ive meditated was for about 4 months straight.

thats som real motivation right there and you make good point.

the question i ask,  how do you get yourself out of the catch 22 situation?

i need to rethink my expectations about what its really going to take. 




what im trying to heal is my health in general

thanks for the response everyone

Well I crushed T5 T6 T7 and had a BPI in C6 C7 and was paralyzed in both arms so bad that it took 30 minutes to brush my teeth and about 45 minutes to put my shoes on in the morning and that's going from being able to incline dumbbell press the 100's for 12 reps without a spoter and Hammer curling a full size plate while twisting the wrist up and down with each rep keeping the plate directly in front of you and it took 2 yrs to fully recover but I did no surgeries no walking apparatuses I don't use a cane and I don't even have a limp . So yes I know about rejuvenating the body and unfortunately the key for me at least won't do you any good if I tell you but if you want to know I'll tell you

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