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How is an awakened world like?

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If there is a world where everybody is awoken somewhere and sometime in gods infinite mind, is it an amazing world like a utopia where everything is beautiful or is it rather a scary place because everybody knows they are all myself and thus people dont see any meaning in life anymore? 

Edited by Schahin

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It's safe to surrender yourself to your Creator. Complete trust to God. Allah


Edited by Angelite

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Look at the implications of those two.

Your definition of God.

What you let go.

What you surrender.

To whom.

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Yew but awakened i mean really be inthe god consciousness but still experiencing the dual world. 

Would that not be strange to walk around everywhere and know everybody is me and everybody else knows this too, that we are all just me

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19 minutes ago, Schahin said:

Yew but awakened i mean really be inthe god consciousness but still experiencing the dual world. 

Would that not be strange to walk around everywhere and know everybody is me and everybody else knows this too, that we are all just me

It's even stranger to walk around pretending you're not.

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@pluto Yeah that sums it up. Even after Awaken ing you want to still pretend. ?

Have to admitt it really is juicy. ?

Want to play again. 

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3 hours ago, Schahin said:

Would that not be strange to walk around everywhere and know everybody is me and everybody else knows this too, that we are all just me

When you are awake, where are others. Only you are here.?

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6 hours ago, Schahin said:

If there is a world where everybody is awoken somewhere and sometime in gods infinite mind, is it an amazing world like a utopia where everything is beautiful or is it rather a scary place because everybody knows they are all myself and thus people dont see any meaning in life anymore? 

I think most people have had a glimpse of this. . . Have you ever been awe-struck by something beautiful? Perhaps the grandeur of the night sky or the elegant beauty of music - in which "you" temporarily dissolve. Time also dissolves. There is simply the beauty of Now. . . What happens next? The person often "snaps out of it" and returns to being the person. One might think "Whoa, what just happened? It's like I lost myself for a moment. That was weird". How might the experience be perceived by the person? At the personal level, one may find it fascinating and liberating. Such a person might desire to return to such a state. Another person may find it scary. They may perceive it as a loss of myself - that they temporarily lost control. . . Yet, what was the essence of the actual direct experience? What is the essence of that glimpse itself in which me and time temporarily dissolved and there was simply the ISness? . . . Notice how the "scary" part is not the glimpse of the ISness itself - it is the return of the self in which the scary part arises.  One might think that the loss of self is scary, yet try going a couple weeks in a consciousness absent of self and then the self returns. That's no picnic either. 

From a personal perspective, the perceived loss of self may seem scary. From a trans-personal perspective, the perceived return of self may seem scary. When this duality becomes balanced, it sort of cancels each other out and a deep unconditional freedom is revealed - freedom from resisting loss of self and return of self. 

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3 hours ago, Nahm said:

It’s lovely. 

Not Just that, It's Love everywhere. I love you even with drunken fingers❤️

@AngeliteBecome Love, Everything Will become Love because you are not separated from anything. We All Love you, We All are You. 

Drop your favorite drug, egoc mind It's stories and falsity none of it is True. You are God You are Infinite Love. 

Drop Understanding, Cry sometimes at Beauty of Yourself. Recognise US. All of THIS is none other then you. 


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2 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Not Just that, It's Love everywhere. I love you even with drunken fingers❤️

@AngeliteBecome Love, Everything Will become Love because you are not separated from anything. We All Love you, We All are You. 

Drop your favorite drug, egoc mind It's stories and falsity none of it is True. You are God You are Infinite Love. 

Drop Understanding, Cry sometimes at Beauty of Yourself. Recognise US. All of THIS is none other then you. 


Wow well said

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