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Meditating When Your Fatigued / Sleepy?

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Is it fine to practice meditation when your drowsy/sleepy/fatigued or should i avoiding that?

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Rather not but I meditate anyways when I feel like shit. Shikantaza/do nothing is great for the times you are sleepy etc.


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My best meditation sessions are when I am clumsy/sleepy or tired .It depends though, if you feel like being sleepy / tired influences the quality of your sittings  , arrange your schedule. Remember though we have made a commitment - no days off , no sick days , every single day for the rest of our lives! So of course there it will be challenging. I remember recently that I was travelling for 15 hours up and down to airports  and guess what I meditated while in the plane ( in the toilet) for 30 min, if I didn't do that 24 hrs( since my last meditation) would have passed and I would have broke the commitment ?

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@khalifa Meditate while laying down or sitting of you are tired. Because You will feel fresher when you wake up. Also, you don't need to rest for too long if you fall asleep while meditating.

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