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Does God know itself completely already?

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Today I had a trip by hawaiian psychedelic seeds. And i did not lose my ego or something but had constantly this background feeling of nothingness, and being. 

I could not wrap my head totally around it but I had a brief insight of that being can only be and it is amazingly complicated and will never be understood, how it is or how it comes into being and is. 


Is it true though? Or is it just that I as a human did not understand it, but as nothingness I would totally comprehend it and know myself completely. 

Therefore does god know itself completely or is it even too complicated for god? 

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Nothing can grasp infinity from the outside. So nothing can grasp it completely 

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You can grasp it by becoming it, no other way is possible. Because you already are it. THIS. 

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1 hour ago, Nahm said:

@Schahin Yes. 

Yes god knows itself completely already? 

Good knows how it comes into being knows every being and risky understands itself? 

How can infinity understand and know itself completely when it is infinite and infinite isn't complete but boundless 

Edited by Schahin

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@Schahin Knowing = Being but since God is itself it knows itself through itself.   God is an infinite strange loop.  It must limit itself then become unlimited to eternity.   That's you.  It can't be grasped by the finite Mind.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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A hand cannot grasp itself.

But it is itself.

God knows itself by being everything that is. Isness & knowing collapse into one, as you'd expect if you assume nonduality.

The reason it must be this way is because knowing is finite. So it cannot encapsulate infinity. By definition, infinity is that which cannot be encapsulated because it is endless and all encapsulations are part of the thing they are trying to encapsulate.

It's like you're trying to put all of reality into a cardboard box. But what you're not realizing is that the cardboard box you're using is part of reality itself. So to succeed in putting reality in that cardboard box you'd have to fit your cardboard box inside your cardboard box. Which is obviously impossible.

This is what I call the self-reference problem.

Which is why reality/Truth cannot be grasped with thoughts.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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13 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

A hand cannot grasp itself.

But it is itself.

God knows itself by being everything that is. Isness & knowing collapse into one, as you'd expect if you assume nonduality.

The reason it must be this way is because knowing is finite. So it cannot encapsulate infinity. By definition, infinity is that which cannot be encapsulated because it is endless and all encapsulations are part of the thing they are trying to encapsulate.

It's like you're trying to put all of reality into a cardboard box. But what you're not realizing is that the cardboard box you're using is part of reality itself. So to succeed in putting reality in that cardboard box you'd have to fit your cardboard box inside your cardboard box. Which is obviously impossible.

This is what I call the self-reference problem.

Which is why reality/Truth cannot be grasped with thoughts.

So it looks like Leo, Inliyghtened, and I are all in agreement. Who says Nondualists can’t be consistent with each other? ?

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1 hour ago, Nahm said:

@Schahin Yes. 


9 minutes ago, Synchronicity said:

So it looks like Leo, Inliyghtened, and I are all in agreement. Who says Nondualists can’t be consistent with each other? ?

Sounds good. 

I just had the realization today, that being cannot ever be understood, but maybe the understanding is not based on rationality and human logic. 

Maybe being is understood by simply being and nothing else. 

But seriously human reality on planet earth is so mysterious, so creative and so tight in all of its little details and galaxies and planets and languages, that is just doesn't make sense. 

I mean what is this actually :) the question remains, how does it come into being so perfectly and based on what do things Happen while coming into being. 

I don't think there is no answer, I think it is just highly complicated and whatever we experience must have a reason, but to understand it with human logic is not possible and too complicated. 

There must be an underlying structure or meaning to every experience and occurring reality which comes into being. 


Edited by Schahin

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2 hours ago, Schahin said:

Yes god knows itself completely already? 


Good knows how it comes into being

In the sense you’re asking, how is dualistic.

knows every being and risky understands itself? 


How can infinity understand and know itself completely when it is infinite and infinite isn't complete but boundless 

You’ve got five entities going there, more or less. Skinny what you wrote down to what is actual, “in the room” - now, rather than in a past or future, or in your head. You are yourself, that which is prior to ‘knowing things completely’ (or incompletely). ??

Sure does feel like an apocalypse is coming. 



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