
ACIM Journal

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Steve Wozniak is a co-founder of Apple and is now suing YouTube, I guess it means suing Google. But the problem is larger than just YouTube, Wozniak said. The problem is that tech companies fail to deal with criminal activities. I think this will lead to a problem-reaction-solution! And the solution is some form of legal surveillance structure on the government level. 


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Fear in A Course in Miracles is a property of third density in the Law of One. And fourth density is love. I have also described it as fear belonging to our planet as an unfinished holon and love as a result of our whole planet forming a single holon. The Great Awakening is then us becoming Gaia, the whole planet earth as a single being. Because otherwise it would be a puny awakening, haha. But the situation is even bigger than that, because Gaia can't pull herself up by her own/our own bootstraps.

What is needed, then, is the pull from an even larger holon, which in our case is our galaxy as a single holon. So it's the Milky Way galaxy as a collective consciousness that pulls Gaia into a single conscious holon. One spiritual practice for this is therefore to deliberately enter a state of psychological depersonalization where the self becomes a detached observer, to allow the galactic consciousness to enter into and awaken Gain within oneself.

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One indication of ego tensions being collective is that one personal problem can cause a lot of worry and then later be replaced by a totally different problem causing the same kind of worry. That's highly suspicious! Because how can the mind so easily switch from worrying about one problem and then later worrying about another unrelated problem?

So there must as I see it be some deeper worry foundation that is unrelated to the actual personal problems. And that foundation becomes connected to different kinds of personal problems. Dealing with personal problems one by one is then like a whack-a-mole game; whack one problem and another pops up. Therefore I will experiment with feeling the deeper foundation of worry and examine if it can be dissolved.


"The ego seeks to "resolve" its problems, not at their source, but where they were not made. 2 And thus it seeks to guarantee there will be no solution. 3 The Holy Spirit wants only to make His resolutions complete and perfect, and so He seeks and finds the source of problems where it is, and there undoes it." - ACIM T-17.III.6;1-3


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Here is a new video by Jim Newman with the extreme kind of nonduality teaching that Tony Parsons has. I find it useful in combination with other teachings. This time I got the realizations that all objects are the same! A diamond ring and a candy bar and a flower, those are the same as a car. It's a nondual perspective.


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Here I found a short video with an excellent explanation of what the ego is by Shunyamurti:

The ego is a colonization of external forces, Shunyamurti said. Similar to what ACIM says. I see the ego as a necessary development, but yes, it's external conditioning by society as a larger ego structure. Our society has a false foundation and our own ego is a part of that whole falseness.

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The ego believes that things can go wrong. And that's necessary or the ego will become reckless. The ego has a too narrow concern that needs to be modulated through fear.

Impermanence to the ego, even in spiritual terms, means things can be and are being destroyed. A Course in Miracles says that nothing real can be threatened. Does this mean that our world is Maya, a form of Lila manifesting as an illusion? No, the world is real, it's just that the world is always changing because of expanding information. The information is always permanent. The illusion is the appearance of destruction and things going wrong.

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It seems clear that Trump is destroying the U.S. tech industry. I see two rational reasons for that 1) the U.S. has already lost the tech race, and 2) China is allowed to take over the lead in order to catalyze globalization.

Western experts and leaders are too arrogant, naive, self-centered, overconfident, lack long-term thinking and have a tunnel vision view of the world. They believe that the U.S. is way ahead of China in terms of semiconductors. The actual situation is more likely that China is already ahead of the U.S. when it comes to the semiconductor industry.

It's similar to how western experts and leaders in the past probably believed that the U.S. was the leader in electronic consumer products and that Asian countries were nowhere near in terms of being competitors in the consumer electronics markets. Today the U.S. doesn't even manufacture television sets.  History repeating itself.


"Zenith was the last well-known American made television brand, until it sold off shares to LG, a Korean company in 1995. LG owned 100 percent of Zenith by 1999, eventually putting 1,200 workers at Zenith’s Melrose Park facility out of a job." - The Detroit News, Oct 22, 2014


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U.S. politicians are waking up to reality, alas likely too late, so although it may seem that Trump is making it harder for the U.S. semiconductor industry to make it independent, that's probably only a surface explanation.


"The answer, put forth by Cornyn, a Republican, and co-sponsored by Sen. Mark Warner, a Democrat, was the “Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors for America Act,” or the CHIPS For America Act. A version of the act passed the Senate last week ...

Companies based inside the United States make up nearly half the global market share for these microchips, said Cornyn, before noting that the US, which once held a quarter of the chip manufacturing facilities, now only contains 12 percent of global manufacturing," - Breaking Defense, Jul 28, 2020

One expert said that efficient research and development of microchips is dependent on having massive manufacturing facilities. And that makes sense. Armchair research and development and the so-called fabless semiconductor industry lack actual real experience and expertise of microchip manufacturing.

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In terms of software development it may be that the U.S. is still way ahead of China. I doubt it, but at least in terms of revenue the U.S. software industry is by far the biggest in the world. But future software development will I believe be done by artificial intelligence (AI)! The video I posted earlier showed how an AI developed a Pac Man game by only watching the game being played. Very crude game yet very impressive, because the progress of information technology is exponential meaning accelerating.

So we can expect that already within a few years from now, more and more actual software will be developed by AI. So the key to software preeminence in the future is AI development. And when it comes to AI development the U.S. might be the leader on paper although I suspect that the actual situation may be that China is already the leader in AI development. For example it's not certain that all Chinese AI research is published officially, or even most of their research.

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In the past, only scientists in white lab coats could operate computers. Today even little kids can use a tablet. The same will happen with software development. Today trained programmers and other experts are needed to develop software. In the future, little kids will develop software just by playing with AI devices.

And more and more physical products will become information technology. Actually the reality of the situation is even more radical than that. We don't really know where the acceleration of technological progress is taking us, but as a part of evolution as a whole, technology "indistinguishable from magic" will I think inevitably happen.


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Technological progress will also level the playing field for countries around the world. And due to the accelerating progress both in terms of capacity and price/performance, the third world countries of today will become "first world" countries.

In a sense, the current U.S. - China "cold war" is already like an archaic relic from the past. Technological progress will spring up from below and swipe away the current world system together with the situation where countries are fighting each other like little children at Spiral Dynamics stage Red.

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Wow, Gautam Sachdeva said in a recent satsang that karma is related to the sense of personal doership. He said that the word karma means action. And when the sense of personal doership drops then the experience of karma changes. That made me think that karma IS memories contained by a sense of personal doership. So karma is a mistaken perspective gathered as personal memories and as past lifetimes.

Even without the belief in reincarnation, there is genetic inheritance, epigentic inheritance and even cultural inheritance. And all of that is contaminated by the sense of being a separate doer and that others are separate doers. Freedom from karma then means cleaning that whole heap of personal memories and inherited sense of separation.

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Leo posted this new video about Spiral Dynamics stage Purple. I haven't looked into that stage much. It's interesting how the stages alternate between being collective and individual. Purple is the first collective stage I think.


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I was thinking of how the developed world is at stage Orange/Green in Spiral Dynamics but I think of the whole planet as still being at stage Beige. And that we need to move into stage Purple as a planetary civilization. It's a new holon level where earth becomes a whole, and today we are still at stage Beige from that perspective. And Leo said something related to this his new video. He even used the term Gaia although it was in relation to libertarianism I think it was.

Edited by Anderz

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How to enter planetary stage Purple? We can think of it as all of humanity as a huge tribe. And all members in the tribe being in peaceful relationship with each other. Then it become clear how huge that developmental leap is even though it's just stage Purple.

In practice I think it can be achieved by personally having the intention to enter planetary stage Purple and then that will connect us with the other people who have the same intent, and our behavior, actions and choices will reflect that state so that the planetary stage Purple starts to develop.

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Shunyamurti said in his recent satsang that it's the ego structures that will dissolve rather than the earth evolving. That's an interesting difference. So moving into planetary stage Purple is then first about removing the ego structures, including our personal egos.

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Yikes, Trump battling the Chinese giants Huawei and Tencent might only be half of the story. At least in the long run. Because I now found a Chinese company called JD that I think will become huge, maybe even internationally. Alibaba, the Chinese version of Amazon, is bigger but JD could become huge too.


"Alibaba (NYSE:BABA) and (NASDAQ:JD) are the two largest e-commerce companies in China. Alibaba controls 59% of that market, according to eMarketer, while JD holds a 17% share.

Both companies went public in the U.S. five years ago. Alibaba's stock nearly tripled since its market debut, while JD's stock rose over 70%. Let's see why Alibaba outperformed its main rival by such a wide margin, and whether that trend will continue.

Alibaba and JD seem similar, but the two companies have different business models.

Alibaba's e-commerce marketplaces are paid listing platforms for third-party sellers. It doesn't take on any inventories and fulfills orders through third-party logistics services. JD is a direct retailer that takes on inventories and fulfills orders with its own warehouses and logistics.

Alibaba only retains listing fees and commissions as revenue, while JD reports product sales as revenue. As a result, JD is actually China's largest retailer by annual sales -- but it operates at much lower margins than Alibaba" - The Motley Fool, Dec 11, 2019


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It may seem that A Course in Miracles is in conflict with the ego since it bashes the ego all the time. However, ACIM says that conflict is always between illusions.


"See how the conflict of illusions disappears when it is brought to truth! 2 For it seems real only as long as it is seen as war between conflicting truths; the conqueror to be the truer, the more real, and the vanquisher of the illusion that was less real, made an illusion by defeat. 3 Thus, conflict is the choice between illusions, one to be crowned as real, the other vanquished and despised." - ACIM T-23.I.9:1-3

So ACIM is about removing the ego, which means correcting a mistaken perspective. It's similar to what Shunyamurti talked about how it's about removing the ego.

Therefore I will start treating my own ego as being all conflict in myself. And use mindfulness practice to just observe the conflicts in myself. The idea is to bring the deeper layers of inner conflict into conscious awareness so that healing can happen.

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In this or some of his other videos about mindfulness and meditation Leo mentioned that the level of awareness can be increased to an enormous level! Like thousands of times more awareness than ordinary consciousness, or even more. What if Leo is correct? That's superhuman levels of consciousness.


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I have been following the Wolfram Physics Project for a while. Very interesting although it gets extremely complicated and the math they use is way over my head. So I'm thinking if it's possible to use my model to come up with something much simpler. Almost like a minimal toy model which may be accurate yet only a very surface top level description of physics at the most fundamental level.

My idea is that physical reality is expanding information structured as holons. And even though holons quickly get more complex at each level, the separate bits of information are the fundamental holons. And the next level above that is waves! The waves are simple sine waves made up of the separate bits of information.

I got the idea of reality being made of only waves from physicist Stephen Hawking:


"Maybe that is our mistake: maybe there are no particle positions and velocities, but only waves. It is just that we try to fit the waves to our preconceived ideas of positions and velocities. The resulting mismatch is the cause of the apparent unpredictability." - [my emphasis] A Brief History of Time, Ch. 12

Larger holons, such as particles, are combinations of waves. This video shows simple combinations of waves:


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